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⚠️Warning⚠️-there's cussing in this imagine

Your P.O.V

For the past two weeks Brennen hasn't been answering my calls or my text messages. But the last time I saw him he said he was going on vacation with his family. But actually if he was going on vacation he would be posting snaps and posting on Instagram. His social media has been dead for the past two weeks. So maybe I should call his mom and see if they actually went on vacation.
"Hey Mrs. Taylor"-You
"Hey Y/N"-Her
"I was calling to see if you have seen Brennen in the two past weeks because I haven't and what's weird he said he was going on vacation with you and Jessica"-You
"Oh I'm sorry but I haven't seen him lately and we aren't going on vacation"-Her
"Oh ok thanks maybe I'll ask Colby if he knows anything"-You
"Ok just keep me update if you figure anything out"-Her
I started heading over to The Trap House to ask Colby if he knows anything. Once I got there I parked my car outside and enter through the gate since it was unlock. I knocked on the door to see who will answer. Jake answered it.
"Hey Y/N"-Jake
"Hey Jake Is Colby here I need to talk to him about something"-You
"Yeah he is he's in the living room playing fortnite"-Jake
I finally walk into the house and I see him sitting playing fortnite.
"Hey Colby"-You
"Hey Y/N"-Colby
"I was wondering if we could talk in the other room privately it's important"-You
Colby and I walked into the other room to talk.
"So what is this about Y/N"-Colby
"Well it's about Brennen I haven't seen him in the past two weeks and he hasn't been active on social media and he hasn't been answering my texts or calls also like a week ago I went to his apartment and he wasn't there either but also what's weird he told me he was going on vacation with his mom and his sister but he lied to me because I called his mom and she said they aren't going on vacation to anywhere and now I'm starting to get worry about this whole situation"-You
"Uh that's so weird I just thought he was staying off of social media for a while. But if he hasn't been to his apartment for a while that's weird do you think we should head to the station and maybe file a missing person report"-Colby
"Yeah we should do that let's go"-You
(Your phone starts ringing)
"Wait my phone is ringing"-You
"Who is it"-Colby
"Oh my fucking gosh it's Brennen"-You
"No way"-Colby
(Phone call between you and Brennen"
"Hey Y/N-Brennen
"Omg Brennen where have you been I have been worried sick about you"You
"Well you're not going to be so happy about this but I got thrown in jail for two weeks and now I'm in the waiting room at the station and I was wondering if you could pick me up"
"What the fuck Brennen I'm not happy about this I'm mad and very upset about this situation but I will pick you up from the station and hopefully you have a good explanation for this Brennen see you soon"-You
"See you soon"-Brennen
(End of phone call)

Brennen P.O.V

I feel so stupid for getting thrown in jail for the past two weeks and not telling my girlfriend. But when I called her she sound so mad at me. But I really need to figure out how to explain why I was thrown in jail for two weeks.

Your P.O.V

"Well Colby I need to head to the station and pick up Brennen because he was in jail for two weeks so I don't know if you want to come or not"-You
"I think I'm just going to stay here instead but just text me later or have Brennen text me later to explain why he was in jail for two weeks"-Colby
"Ok see you later Colby"-You
"Bye Y/N"-Colby
(Skip the car ride because I'm lazy)
After 30 minuets of driving I finally get to the station. I parked my car and start walking up to the doors. Once I enter I see Brennen sitting there waiting for me. The look he had on his face seem like he was crying or like he was very upset for what he done. Once I got in there he was able to leave the station. Then we got into my car and started talking.
"Why Brennen what was the reason why you were thrown in jail for two weeks for"-You
"Well you're not going to be happy with this but I got thrown in jail for was that I was caught for under age drinking and for having cigarettes also for robbery"-Brennen
"Brennen I don't know how to feel about this because you're a fucking criminal and I'm dating a criminal now and who knows if you might end up in there again because it starts turning into a habit"-You
"So what's going to happen between us now"-Brennen
"You're not going to be happy about this but I think we should take a small break until things clear up"-You
"Please don't this to me we have been with each other for 3 years and now you want to take a small break"-Brennen
"I'm sorry but if I was you I would get out of this car and find a way home because at the moment I don't want to see you and also I don't want have you see me have a huge meltdown goodbye Brennen"-You

(a/n-so I'm going to make a part two to this story because I don't want this imagine to be so huge and in this imagine you and Brennen are under 21 instead that's why he got arrested for under age drinking and for cigarettes)

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