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I crashed my car 2 weeks after Michael left. I had a rough day at work and was sad. It was raining out and I swerved and hit the light post. I hadn't died yet but I vaguely heard 'she won't make it' as I was rushed into a hospital.



"Mikey?" Liz's soft voice echoed through the tour bus.

I looked up to see her distraught and worry-ridden expression.

"Yeah?" I asked cautiously.

The other three boys all looked up.

"What's wrong, mum?" Luke asked.

"There was a car crash..." she whispered, starting to cry. Luke stood and hugged his breaking down mother, comforting her in a small sense. "Jade..."

That was the only word in needed to hear for my whole world to crumble apart.

The 1D boys understood that this was an emergency and quickly found a replacement opening act and the five of us - Liz included - flew back to Australia.

I was distraught and hadn't slept since the news was delivered.

I let Luke fall asleep practically on top if me in the long drive to the hospital.

"Michael? We're here," Ashton said, pulling an ear bud out of my ear and motioning his thumb towards the same hospital she was admitted to after the first car crash.

I was shaking as I walked to the front desk where Liz got her room number. I sprinted to the elevator and quickly went to the third floor and then to her room.

She was lying in the hospital bed, skin as pale as snow. Her lips were parted and her breathing seemed normal. I shakily sat down in the chair next to her. I didn't know how to react. I was so overwhelmed with emotions.

Then I lost it.

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