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"Jade, I want to ask you something," Michael said. "It's about tour."

I nodded, looking up at him as I cooked dinner for when my family came over that night.

"If your parents approve, would you maybe like to join me on tour again? I leave in a few days and you don't have to stay the whole time but maybe for a f-"

I cut him off by pulling his head close to mine and attaching our lips.

"Yes, I'll go," I giggled.

My parents wouldn't say no. I'd joined him before and my parents were very understanding. Besides, I'm 18 - no longer under their control.

Michael helped me cook dinner and set the table.

"Does this remind you of anything?" he asked.


"Michael, go put on a nicer shirt," a woman with blond hair said as she sat out plates at the table.

I giggled and watched him pout, "Yes, mum."

"I'm excited to finally meet your family," she smiled. "Thank you again for helping me make dinner."

"We all know Michael wouldn't," I giggled.

"Well at least I know now he won't starve as long as he has you."

"That's what women are for," I laughed. "Making food."

"You're worth more than that," Michael smiled, walking into the room and kissing my cheek. "I'm just not good at anything."

"Says the boy who's leaving to tour the world in a few weeks," his mom laughed.


I looked up at Michael and smiled. "Yeah. I do."

He grinned and bent down, kissing my cheek like he did in the memory.

He helped set the table and answered the door when my family showed up.

Lily ran into the room and jumped on me, hugging me tightly.

I fell over and caught myself on the chair.

"Lily! Don't jump on her!" my mom scolded. "She's still recovering!"

I sighed and corrected my posture. "She's fine," I reassured my mom. "I'm doing better than before."

She smiled and walked over, giving me a hug. "How are you? Like as far as remembering things?"

"I've remembered a lot, actually. More than I thought I would have."

She looked over at Michael who was holding Wesley and talking to him. Wesley was giggling hysterically.

"He's helped a lot," I whispered. "I'm glad I'm with him."

"Had it been awkward? I mean, not knowing him?"

I shrugged, "It was at first but now everything's fine... He got me to fall in love with him all over again."

She smiled and hugged me again, kissing my forehead. "You two are an amazing couple. Your father and I were talking about it last night..."

"What did he say?"

"He said he wasn't happy about the baby thing... But he does hope you two get married some day. Neither of us could picture you without him."

I smiled and looked over at him again.

"Mom? Could I go on tour with him again?"

She sighed, "Yeah. You can."

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