Prologue: The Beginning of Everything

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers, here is the Prologue to this story and everything that's gonna be in this book was a combination of my ideas and the ideas of my friend rwbyfan722 and it's thanks to him, and this story will have different outcomes and story,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"In a world known as Remnant where everywhere is terrorized by creatures called Grimm, fighters called Huntsmen and Huntresses fight for their world to keep it safe, and there is one Huntsman that just got back from a mission. And his name is (Y/N) (L/N), he is the most famous huntsman and a well skilled fighter is walking back to his house after fighting some Grimm to protect a village. Then as he does he breathes in the air of the city and he breathes out...........
(Y/N): "Sure is good to be home."
...........he sees people walking through the streets, then as he continues walking towards his house and then as he does...........
????: "Stop please..........."
..........he hears a woman's voice and she sounds distressed and he goes to where it's coming from and he goes through a connected alleyway and he sees a woman with Black Hair and Red eyes behind pushed against the wall from a guy with blonde hair..........
????: "Stop. I don't love you anymore."
???? 2: "I'm tired of you avoiding me Raven, you're not going anywhere."
????: "You're not having your way with me, you never will."
.........he slaps her in the face and (Y/N) approaches them and he doesn't notice..........
???? 2: "What are you going to do? Your brother's not here, no one is here. So, who's gonna save..........."
..........(Y/N) grabs him and he throws him into the wall and he grunts in pain, then (Y/N) turns to the woman who's named Raven...........
(Y/N): "Are you okay?"
Raven: "Yes, thank you. He just won't leave me alone."
(Y/N): "Well, don't worry. He's never going to............"
...........he was interrupted by the guy turning to look at him and (Y/N) dodged a punch from him and he delivers a punch himself and knees him in the gut. Then he tackles him into the wall and punched him in the gut repeatedly where blood was coming out his mouth and punched him in the face three times where a cut is in his cheek and his nose is broken and bleeding, (Y/N) picks him up and slams him into a giant garbage can; then (Y/N) goes to him and grabs his shirt to look at him.............
(Y/N): "Listen here asshole, if I see you going near her again. I will end you, personally and painfully, so you better stay away."
..........he punched him where his head dents the trash can and he is knocked out, then (Y/N) goes to Raven as she is scared............
(Y/N): "Hey, you're okay now. Come on get up."
..........he helps her up and he takes her to his house and she sits on the couch as (Y/N) prepares something to drink for her, he fixes him a glass and he makes hot chocolate and he gives her a cup...........
Raven: *takes the cup* "Thank you. Thanks for that, I don't know what happened if he never leaves me alone."
(Y/N): "Who was that? Why did he slap you?"
Raven: "It's my good for nothing Ex; Taiyang."
(Y/N): "Good for nothing? What did he do?"
Raven: "He cheated on me with about 5 women, I broke up with him. But, he wasn't having that; so he looked for me and tried to force me to date him again. My brother Qrow stopped him and he just got back up and attacked Qrow, I was defenseless. *starts to cry* He even tried to rape me."
(Y/N): *nearly chokes on his hot chocolate* "What? Did he?"
Raven: "No, I escaped in time."
(Y/N): "Do you have anywhere to go? Anyone you can go to?"
...........Raven shakes her head and he sees her crying, then he felt really bad for her and he didn't want to leave her so Taiyang can attempt again, so he looks at her and places his hand in her shoulder...........
(Y/N): "How about you stay with me?"
Raven: *Looks at him surprised* "Really? You'd do that for me?"
(Y/N): "Of course. You're free to stay here as long as you want."
..........Raven hugs him and she cries in his shoulder, he hugs her and he smiles............
Raven: "If you already heard, my name is Raven Branwen."
(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Don't worry Raven, I won't let anything happen to you."
...........he takes her to the room she's staying in and they walk in and Raven looks around...........
(Y/N): "It might not be much, but..........."
Raven: "It's okay, I really appreciate this."
...........(Y/N) nods, then he goes to get a spare blanket and pillow and he takes it to Raven's room and he gives them to her and he checks to makes sure that the window is heavily locked and he walks out and he sees Raven sleeping and he smiles, he the turns off the lights and he walks back to his room so he can gets ready for bed, but somehow he had a feeling like some other things is going to happen............

Kali P.O.V

...........on the island of Menagerie, a cat Faunus is walking back to her home to see her Fiancé Ghira, the Cat Faunus's name is Kali, she arrives at her home to see that everything is quiet and she doesn't see her husband in sight, then she hears a noise upstairs and she gets curious as she peeks in the room to see her 'Fiancé' with another woman, she slowly starts crying and she covers her mouth...........
Kali: (Ghira. No, why would you do this? WHY!?!?)
...........she runs out the house in tears as she makes it to the docks and she gets on a boat, she orders the driver to take her to Vale and she sits down crying as she looks to see Ghria at the edge of the docks as the boat takes off. Kali looks at the engagement ring Ghira got her as she takes it off and throws it into the ocean. She cries all night and she just waits until she arrives in Vale, but what she doesn't know is that she'll meet someone in Vale."

To be continued...........

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this Prologue and if you enjoyed this let me know and meeting the other girls will take it slowly in the next chapters and there will be lemons in the chapters,

Now with that said, see y'all next time.)

One Guy, Four Girls: Summer, Raven, Willow, and Kali x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now