Chapter 9: The Last Straw! Taking Care of the Ex's

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 9 of this story and if you read the title of this story. Then you should know what is going to happen,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"(Y/N) is walking around town hanging out with Qrow, he decided to let the girls have some girl time and him and Qrow hangs out, he was also excited since about a month his child with Willow will be born. Then they are at the docks as they were talking and joking and then (Y/N) sees his necklace glowing (F/C) and he looks at it surprised as it hasn't done what it's doing since his family............
Qrow: "What's happening there?"
(Y/N): "This is an effect, this hasn't been done in a long time."
Qrow: "What does it mean?"
(Y/N): "It means..........someone in my"
..........they look at each other and they ran as fast as they can back to the house, then (Y/N) uses his semblance and he arrives and the moment he does he jumps where he bursts through the door and he looks around to see the entire house ransacked and destroyed and Qrow runs in behind him and he looks around.............
Qrow: "Anyone here."
(Y/N): "They're gone."
Qrow: "Where?"
(Y/N): *eyes widen, then gets angry* "I know who took them. This is the last straw."
Qrow: "(Y/N), you can't.........."
(Y/N): "Just get Ironwood and call Atlas soldiers. I'm gonna save them."
...........he walks out the house and his necklace glows as he decided to follow where it's leading him..............

3rd P.O.V an abandoned warehouse near the docks, the mysterious figures that stalked (Y/N) and his home were Taiyang, Ghira, and Jaques, they kidnapped them. But, they had them tied up where they couldn't move. They tried to break out, but couldn't as Willow couldn't struggle to hurt the baby. Then Taiyang, Ghira, and Jaques approached them..........
Taiyang: "All these months, I was searching for you two and now I found you with these two."
Raven: "Fuck you Tai."
Summer: "We don't need you."
Taiyang: "No, you need 'him' your knight in shining armor."
Kali: "What?"
Ghira: "You think he deserves you four?"
Willow: "He deserves us cause he treated us right unlike you four. We already moved on, you need to as well."
Jaques: "We are having our way rather you like it or not. And that child is a disgrace. *pulls out knife* And I'm gonna take it out and so we can starts our family."
............Willow gets scared and they walk up to them, but then the ceiling glass breaks and (Y/N) appears and looks at them with anger..........
Raven/Summer/Kali/Willow: "(Y/N)!"
Taiyang: "Damn it. Every time you show up."
Jaques: "Leave this instant."
(Y/N): "I ain't going anywhere. I'm taking these four outta here and you three are going down."
Ghira: *growls* "Then we'll have to force it."
...........they get in fighting stance and so does (Y/N) as he positions his hand on the hilt of his weapon, then they rush at him as his weapon converts to sword mode after he took it out and he does a spin kick knocking them back, then he does a double straight kick and does a spin kick strong enough to launch Taiyang into some old manufacturing equipment, he dodges an attack from Ghira and he jumps in the air to stop on the back of his head and crashes it to the ground, he dodges an attack from Jaques and knocks his weapon outta his hand and punched him where a cut appeared on top of his eyebrow, but then Taiyang gets up and tackles (Y/N) into some equipment and (Y/N) elbows him in the back, Ghira grabs him by the throat and slams him into the ground............
..........then Jaques comes around and kicks (Y/N) in the face, then Ghira scratched him with his claws on the face and chest and Taiyang punched him and slams him into the ground, Jaques then stabs his weapon in his abdomen making him scream in pain............
Raven: "NO."
...........they back up and they smirk...........
Taiyang: "Don't pass out on us."
Jaques: "After what you did, I believe he deserves to watch as his child dies in front of him."
Ghira: "And maybe watch him do what we're gonna do to them."
...........they chuckle then they walk towards them, then (Y/N) gets angry where he felt a single surge a power and it turned into a big power as his eyes started glowing:

(A/N: Transformation music starts here.) they were getting closer all of the sudden the power around the warehouse starts going haywire and lights starts flickering, then everyone is getting confused on what's going on................
Taiyang: "I thought everything was shut down?"
Jaques: "It was."
(Y/N): "You bastards."
............their eyes widen and they turn around and what they saw is (Y/N)'s hair is spiked up where his (H/C) hair is pure white and the blonde part is gold and his (E/C) has been changed to gold and a white glow is around it, but what's more noticeable is that he has aura wings on his back, but the girls are amazed at what they're seeing..............
Taiyang: "What the?"
Jaques: "What is this power that he has?"
(Y/N): "The power I have, is what will be used to defeat you three."
............Ghria takes off his coat and his claws grew and he growls, but then (Y/N) grabs his weapon and the blade glows gold with a white outline and he stared at them..............

(A/N: Battle music starts here.)

.............they rush at him, but then (Y/N) teleported behind them and they turn around inky for Ghira to be kicked back and crashes into a machine, then Taiyang goes for a punch and (Y/N) dodges it then he delivers a punch of his own and Taiyang grabs his gut in pain and he grunts, then as Jaques was gonna stab him, everything around (Y/N) moved slow and he spins around behind Jaques and he stabs Taiyang in the shoulder as he screams in pain. Then (Y/N) delivers a strike on Jaques doing a big cut on his back. Then (Y/N) kicks him where he bumps into Taiyang and they both crash into supply boxes, then Ghria breaks out the machinery with a gash on his shoulder as he bleeds, then (Y/N) looks at him and he summons clones and Ghria looks in disbelief. Then he growls and rushes at (Y/N), but the clones rush at him and he tries to fight them, but they were too fast and he got attacked repeatedly and they disappear and (Y/N) appears behind Ghira and does a slash attack that cuts his chest and he gets kicked back and all three of them stood shoulder to shoulder looking at him..............
Taiyang: "He's too strong, we can't beat him."
Ghira: "Hod does he have this power?"
(Y/N): "This power is given through the ones I want to protect the most. And that's those four that I love."
Jaques: "You are not getting away with this."
(Y/N): "I should be saying that to you three. And now it's time to learn that the hard way."
............(Y/N) then gave off a gold aura and they rush at him and then (Y/N) focuses his aura and he does a prism where it splits into three and they he launched them at the three and it held them. Then he summons two clones and one glows gold as the others white and (Y/N) glows in a mixture color and then they rush at them and does a series of slash like attacks, then the clones turned to the color and they both went into the blade and the blade got bigger and then (Y/N) does a slash where it hits all three of them and then it also cuts the warehouse and everything collapsed..............

(A/N: End the music here.)

............the girls looked as they're worried and then, then someone is walking out the smoke and it's confirmed to be (Y/N) and they are happy, then he cuts the restraints and they hug him and then a groan is heard and Taiyang, Ghira, and Jaques stands up, but they go on one knee, (Y/N) gets in fighting stance. But, then Atlas soldiers appeared and they pointed their guns at Taiyang, Ghira, and Jaques............
Atlas Soldier: "Taiyang Xiao Long! Jaques Schnee! You both are under arrest for assault, attempted rape, and kidnapping."
Jaques: "What, but Ironwood............."
Atlas Soldier: "He's not guarding you anymore, just Willow and them. You three will be coming with us."
............then White Fang soldiers appears and they had their guns on them and Ghira smiles, but it soon fades as they pointed their guns at them...........
White Fang Soldier: "Ghira Belladonna, you're coming with us."
Ghira: "What? You can't arrest me, I'm ordering..........."
White Fang soldier: "You don't give us orders anymore. Sienna Khan now gives us orders and you are under arrest."
Atlas Soldier: "This makes it easy."
...........they both arrested all three of them and (Y/N) goes back to normal and he felt the pain on his body and then he passes out and falls to the ground as Raven, Summer, Kali, and Willow are worried for him as they check on him."

To be continued...........

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

One Guy, Four Girls: Summer, Raven, Willow, and Kali x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now