Chapter 3: Saving and Meeting Summer Rose

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 3 of this story and if you read the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Summer P.O.V

"As Raven was rescued by (Y/N), Taiyang was outraged and angry that he couldn't get her back and she never knew where (Y/N) lives, then Tai decided to actually move on to another one of his teammates and friend; Summer Rose. She is a really nice woman and she was the leader of the team, but what she doesn't know is that Taiyang actually changed. What he did to Raven, he started doing to Summer. He took her to the the house that's in the woods, but he kept her there like a slave, she tried to escaped acouple of times. But, he would always stop her. Then Summer is pushed on the ground as she got slapped by Taiyang...........
Taiyang: "What did I say Summer?"
Summer: "Tai, why are you doing this?"
Taiyang: "Cause I lost Raven, and now I'm not loosing you and it's time to claim what I deserve."
...........Summer tries to crawl away, but he pulls her back and she kicks him in the face making his mouth bleed and she crawls faster, but Taiyang pulls her to him and he lays on her...........
Summer: "NO. Stop, please."
Taiyang: "Scream all you want Summer, no one is coming to help you. No one can hear us. It's just us..........."


Taiyang: "What the hell?"
.........then he gets kneed in the face as his nose gets rearranged and it bleeds, then he gets tackled into the wall of the house and Summer looks to see someone she doesn't know beating up Taiyang. She sees him kneeing him in the gut repeatedly..........
????: "Never thought you would see me again didn't you?"
Taiyang: "You son of a..........."
.........Taiyang gets his head slammed into the wall and kicked in the gut, then the guy looks at Summer.............
????: "Summer run for it."
.........she gets up groggily and she runs out the house, but as she gets further she hides behind a tree..........

(Y/N) P.O.V

..........(Y/N) sees Summer running out and he continues beating up Taiyang, then Taiyang actually lifts (Y/N) up and slams him through the kitchen table, but (Y/N) gets on his feet while he got Taiyang in a headlock. Then he slams him into a counter and it broke, then Taiyang goes for a punch, and (Y/N) ducks then he slams his head on the wall and he throws him into the kitchen. Then (Y/N) looks around and he grabs the stove and breaks off the top and throws it at Taiyang hitting him in the face making a cut on his forehead, then he runs at him and kicks him in the gut as Taiyang breathes hard and coughs.............
Taiyang: "Stop. *cough* No more. Please.........*cough* no more."
(Y/N): "You know what Xiao Long, you have done it for the last time. You cheat and hurt your ex, your friend, and you try to force yourself on Summer? Well, guess what? That's not happening, you are gonna stay away from them and never go anywhere or anyway near them. Cause if you do go anywhere near them, you will die next time."
...........(Y/N) stomps on his head and he gets knocked out and he walks out the house..........

Summer P.O.V

..........Summer stands acouple feet from the house and she watches as she hears movement and someone walking out the house, she then gets ready to run, but she sees the guy who broke through the door and he walks out to look around and he starts whispering............
????: "Summer?"
Summer: "Over here."
????: "Where are you?"
............she comes out the bushes and she goes to the guy and he goes to her...........
Summer: "How do you know my name? How'd you know where..........."
????: "Raven and Qrow sent me."
Summer: "They did?"
????: "Yeah. Let's get outta here before Tai gets up."
..........she nods and he grabs her hand and they run as fast as they can away from the house, then Summer looks at his hand and how gently and warm it felt as she kept running to where the guy is taking her. She arrives at a house that's in Vale and he walks in and as she does, she sees Raven and Qrow..........
Raven: "Summer."
Summer: *starts to cry* "Raven."
..........she runs up and hugs her and she hugs back, she cries into her shoulder............
Summer: "Tai.........tried to........"
Raven: "I know, he tried to do the same to me."
Summer: *looks at her shocked* "What?"
Raven: "He was so close to what he was gonna do, but (Y/N) here stopped him."
Summer: *eyes widen, she looks at him* "You're (Y/N) (L/N)?"
(Y/N): "You heard of me?"
Summer: *runs up in front of him* "I heard all about you. You're so cool. It's so nice to meet you."
(Y/N): "It's nice to meet you too Summer."
...........Summer sits down and (Y/N) walks in with some drinks and he gave everyone a drink and then another woman that Summer doesn't know walks in and she see's she is a Faunus..............
Summer: "Oh hello, who're you?"
Kali: "My name is Kali. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Summer: "My name is Summer, it's a pleasure to meet you as well."
Qrow: "Thanks (Y/N), we owe you."
(Y/N): "I do anything for my friends."
...........Summer then looks down sad as she couldn't believe how Taiyang changed to be her friend to what he is now, she felt a hand on her shoulder.............
Raven: "I know Summer, he changed. I don't know why, but he just became greedy."
Summer: "He was my friend and teammate. Why would he do that?"
Qrow: "He just...........I don't know what came over them, he became what he is now. An abusive piece of shit."
(Y/N): "Summer? *she looks at him* Do you have a place to go?"
Summer: "No. I thought I could stay wait Tai, but now I don't."
(Y/N): "Then stay here with me, Raven, Kali, and Qrow. You can stay as long as you want."
Summer: "Re.......really?"
(Y/N): "Of course."
............she lunges at him and hugs him really tight and she cries tears of joy, she felt him hug her back. Then they were setting up the room for Summer as Qrow decided to sleep on the couch and Summer is happy that she is gonna be with Raven and Qrow, even a new friend which is Kali. (Y/N) is gets a blanket and some pillows, then he set them down as Summer gets ready for bed, then she sees (Y/N) checking the window see if it's locked, then he closes the curtains and he turns off the lights.............
Summer: "(Y/N)!"
(Y/N): *looks at her* "Yeah?"
Summer: "Thank you, for helping me. And letting me stay here."
(Y/N): "You're welcome. Any friend of Raven and Qrow is a friend of mine."
..........he closes the door and Summer slowly drifts to sleep as she smiles and cries."
Summer: (If only you showed up then Tai, everything would be amazing.)

To be continued............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

One Guy, Four Girls: Summer, Raven, Willow, and Kali x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now