Chapter 6: A Realization

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 6 of this story and by the time you read the title of this chapter, you should know what's going to happen in this chapter, and with enough requests here is the double chapter publishing,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"It's been a month since Willow moved in and everything has been going well, but through the time Raven, Summer, Kali, and Willow have been feeling some kind of feeling that it made them curious. Like one time Raven was setting up her room and she was placing something on her wall and (Y/N) walks in with the last box of her stuff............
(Y/N): "Raven, this is the last box."
Raven: "Okay thanks."
...........Raven was climbing down the ladder, but then it suddenly shakes and she lost her balance where she falls. But, then (Y/N) reacts where he ran and then she lands in his arms bridal style and she wrapped her arms around his neck and she looks at him.............
(Y/N): "You okay?"
Raven: *blushes* "Yeah. Thank you."
(Y/N): "I knew this ladder was messing up. *places Raven down* I'm getting rid of this thing."
..........he folds the ladder and takes it out the room, but as he did Raven suddenly felt her heart race and she blushes at how he held her when he caught her and that was a moment of realization...........
Raven: (No way. Could I have, fallen in love?)
.........then the time with Summer is different, one time (Y/N) walks out the house and he notices a new ladder he brought on the house and he looks to see Summer placing flowers outside her window............
(Y/N): "Summer?"
Summer: "Hm. *looks at (Y/N)* Oh hey (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "What're you doing?"
Summer: "Just putting the flowers that I got outside my window."
(Y/N): "Well, I could've help."
Summer: "Don't worry, I got.........."
...........then a breaking sound is heard and he looks to see the ladder breaking and Summer shrieks as she stays in a frozen fear on the ladder..........
(Y/N): "Summer. It's okay, don't move."
Summer: "I'm scared. (Y/N) help."
(Y/N): "Okay. Climb down, but slowly. You can do it."
..........Summer nods and she slowly starts climbing down the ladder shaking in fear, but then as she does she hears a crack sound and she stands still, then she goes back climbing. But, then the ladder broke and it's falling back, Summer falls off and (Y/N) jumps in the air and he grabs her and then they land on the ground as Summer is in top of (Y/N) as she is hugging him like her life depended on it.............
(Y/N): "Summer, can't breathe."
...........Summer opens her eyes and she stops hugging him and he breathes hard, then they look at each other in the face and their eyes widen and as they looked at each other in the eyes. Then as Summer is looking at him her heart raced as well and she blushes...........
Summer: "Umm, are you okay?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. You?"
Summer: "I'm fine. Thank you."
..........she gets up and she walks off as (Y/N) gets confused, but he lets it be and he grabs the latter and takes it to the dump. But, Summer peers out the door to see him walk off as she placed her back against the wall as she also realizes...........
Summer: (Wow, I fell in love with (Y/N). He saved my life, and I guess it is undeniable. He is cute.)
...........then the time with Willow is all completely different, Willow is in the kitchen as she is cleaning. Then as she is she is cleaning the cabinets she gets on the ground and she picks up the cleaning stuff, but then as she is walking out the kitchen she doesn't notice the puddle of water on the ground and she slips............
Willow: "Woah."
..........she almost hits the floor until she is caught in the arms of someone and she had her eyes closed as she opened them and looks up to see (Y/N) is the one that caught her. Then as she looks at him eye to eye her hearts starts beating and she saw how he held her and he helps her up...........
(Y/N): "You okay?"
Willow: "Yes. Thank you."
...........she then walks off as she placed her hand on her chest where her heart is and she blushes...........
Willow: (Could this be, love? I guess there is no doubting it.)
..........and finally Kali, she is walking back from the grocery store and she had the bow around her Faunus ears and she is walking to the house, but then as she does she sees those same thugs from before acouple feet from the house as she is standing there scared and they look at her..........
Thug 1: "Hey guys, look who it is."
Thug 2: "Well, well, well it's the Faunus girl."
Thug 3: "Didn't she have ears?"
Thug 1: "She hiding them under that bow. But, let's continue without interruptions."
..........they walk to her and she gets scared, but then (Y/N) appears in front of her and they gets scared and they ran off. Then (Y/N) looks at Kali with a smile and as he does her heart beats fast and she blushes............
(Y/N): "You okay Kali?"
Kali: "Yes, thank you."
(Y/N): "No problem. Here let me get those."
...........then he helps Kali with the groceries and she looks at him and she smiles...........
Kali: (This feeling. I guess it is true, I'm in love with (Y/N). That's the third time he helped me in a situation like that.)
..........all four of them realized that they fell in love with him and then one day they found out and they decided to talk about it, but not actually talk.............
Raven: "What makes you think you're perfect for (Y/N)?"
Willow: "I owe him everything for saving me from Jaques, he invited me to stay and I love him."
Kali: "Well, obviously he hasn't saved you more than once. He saved me three times."
Raven: "Well I met him first and he saved me first."
Willow: "It doesn't matter who's first."
Summer: "GIRLS! *they look at her* Arguing is not going to solve anything, we're friends here. We can't argue over this."
Willow: "She's right, this is getting nowhere."
Kali: "Yeah. I mean I would also make trouble for (Y/N) since he could have a hard time choosing."
Raven: "I mean, what can we do? Share him?"
...........their eyes widen at her idea and so did Raven as she realized what she said...........
Summer: "Raven, that's perfect."
Willow: "Obviously. That is also a simple solution."
Kali: "I like it."
Raven: "Then it's settled. We'll share him."
...........they decided to share him and decided to wait for the right time to confess to (Y/N). Qrow was okay to it since the face that him and (Y/N) are best friends now and surprisingly Qrow stopped drinking a lot thanks to him and the girls decided to wait for the right time."

To be continued...........

(A/N: Well, that is the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

One Guy, Four Girls: Summer, Raven, Willow, and Kali x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now