Final Chapter and Epilogue: New Lifes Born and a Bright Future

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is the final chapter and epilogue to this story and from the previous lemon chapters, you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After (Y/N) married Raven, Summer, Willow, and Kali it turns out that on certain days is that they were rushed to the hospital, after months with Raven (Y/N) is running through the hospital halls to the room Raven's in and he runs in and he sees her holding her and his child in her arms and he smiles, then he walks up to her and she looks at him.............
(Y/N): "Raven!"
Raven: "(Y/N), this is our daughter."
...........he looks at her and he sees her having blonde hair and the moment she opens her eyes her eyes are a liliac color and Raven looks at (Y/N)..........
(Y/N): "She looks like you."
Raven: "I know. And I guess your blonde hair became her color as well."
..........she looks at Raven and she giggles, then she looks at (Y/N) and he tickles her and she giggles, then she grabs his finger instinctively...........
(Y/N): "Have you thought of a name?"
Raven: "I thought of one, but I wanted your opinion. I want to name her Yang."
(Y/N): *he looks at her, then he smiles* "Sure. That name actually fits her."
..........Raven smiles, then they kissed and then (Y/N) looks to see Yang reaching for him and she gives her to him and she giggles as (Y/N) smiles at his little girl............

7 Months Later

..........(Y/N) is running back to the hospital and he goes to find Kali since she's giving birth to his and her child and he is surprised the baby grew faster since she's a Faunus, he enter the room and he sees Kali bouncing her and his baby as he walks up to her and he looks to see its another girl.............
(Y/N): "Oh my gosh."
Kali: *giggles* "That's right, you have another little girl."
...........he sees the girl having black hair like Kali and he saw the cat ears, then the baby opens her eyes and she has the same eye color as Kali as well as her eyes are ember, then she looks at Kali and she giggles, then she looks at (Y/N) and she reaches for him and he holds her as she giggles at him holding her...........
(Y/N): "Have you thought of a name for her?"
Kali: "I was thinking you should name her this time."
(Y/N): "Hm. *looks at her* How about Blake?"
Kali: "Oh that names is perfect. Little Blake (L/N)."
...........then Blake giggles and (Y/N) tickles her and she giggles and (Y/N) sat down where he scoots next to Kali and she giggles at both her mother and father............

9 Months Later

..........then another 9 months is that Willow was rushed to the hospital and (Y/N) is walking through the hospital with Winter as they showed up to the door and (Y/N) bends down to her level............
(Y/N): "Alright Winter, you ready to meet your third little sister?"
Winter: "Yes daddy."
(Y/N): "Alright, now be on your best behavior okay?"
..........she nods and they both walk in to see Willow holding the baby then (Y/N) and Winter walks up to her and Willow looks at them...........
Willow: "Hello (Y/N). Hello Winter."
Winter: "Hi mommy."
(Y/N): "How is she?"
Willow: "She's okay."
..........he looks and he sees her having the same hair color and as she opens her eyes she has the same eye color as Willow and Winter, then Willow hands her to (Y/N) and he cradles her and she giggles at her father and he smiles.............
(Y/N): "Have you thought of a name for her?"
Willow: "Yes, I was thinking of naming her Weiss."
(Y/N): "Yes, that's perfect. *looks at Winter, then bends to her level* Winter, say hi to your little sister Weiss."
...........Winter looks at her and Weiss looks at her and then she reaches for Winter, then she tickles her and she giggles as her sister is tickling her............

9 More Months later

..........after Yang, Blake, and Weiss were born, Summer had a mission to go to and it was gonna last 5 years, but Summer came back early 2 years later and another 9 months she was rushed to the hospital cause her and (Y/N)'s child is gonna be born. (Y/N) arrives and he sees Summer holding their child in her arms as she is crying tears of joy............
(Y/N): "Summer!"
Summer: "(Y/N), you made it."
..........he walks up to her and he looks in the blanket to see the baby being a girl and she has Summer's black hair with red tips and when she opens her eyes her eye color is silver, the baby giggles. Then he bends to the baby and she looks at him and she does a big smile and (Y/N) chuckles as he pokes her and she giggles, then she instinctively grabs it and giggles. Then Summer handed her to him and he held her and she giggles non-stop.............
Summer: "What do you think we should name her (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "I was thinking of naming her, Ruby."
Summer: "Yes, that name is perfect."
...........he smiles and then he sees Ruby reaching for him as she giggles and he smiles.............

3rd P.O.V
7 Years Later

...........then after 7 years they stayed together and they became a loving family, Raven is in the kitchen with Summer as they prepared for breakfast as Willow is setting the plates as Kali is helping her out. Then in the other room Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are playing and Winter is watching them play, then as they do Raven walks in............
Raven: "Could you girls go wake up your father please?"
Ruby: "Okay!"
Yang: "Is daddy really still asleep?"
Weiss: "Come on Yang let's sneak on him."
............they run up and Raven watches them and she smiles, but then they walk in, then they sneak and they see him sleeping and they giggled and then they jumped in the bed and jumped on him and he tickles them and they laugh............
(Y/N): "Thought you can sneak up on me huh?"
Ruby: "Daddy, stop that tickles."
(Y/N): "Why you girls sneak on daddy like that?"
Blake: "We were told to wake you up for breakfast."
(Y/N): "Alright. I'm on my way."
..........they run out and (Y/N) gets up, he stretches and then he looks at a family picture of him and his wives and kids. He smiles, then he gets up and he hears cooing and he heads to a baby crib in his room............
(Y/N): "Good morning Quill."
..........he reaches in and picks up his 7 month old daughter Quill, she is the second daughter of (Y/N) and Raven as they stayed together. And then he walks down stairs with Quill and they walk into the kitchen and a Quill gets greeted by everyone and as the girls run in and he places Quill in a baby chair and he rubs her head as she giggles, then (Y/N) sits down and everyone else comes and they ate breakfast and then they went to the park for a family time, then (Y/N) looks at his daughters and he pulls out four necklaces that looks like his, but one is red with Ruby's symbol, one is white with Weiss's symbol, one is black with Blake's symbol, and one is yellow with Yang's symbol. He then breathes in and out and he looks at the girls............
(Y/N): "Hey girls, can you come here?"
............they ran to him and he kneeled to his level...........
(Y/N): "I want you girls to have something, these were created the moment you four were born and I thought you deserve to have them. Now these *puts Ruby's necklace on her* are family artifacts *puts Weiss's necklace on her* so don't loose them * puts Blake's on her* and don't give it up to anyone. *puts Yang's on her* You girls are one of my greatest achievements and I never been proud in my life, you girls are gonna be next in the (L/N) Legacy."
RWBY: "Wow."
..........(Y/N) opens his arms wide and they hug him as he hugs them back, then they continued playing in the park and he looks at Winter hanging out with Willow as she is wearing a blue necklace with her symbol on it, then he takes out Quills that is a crimson color with her symbol and then he goes to Quill and he gives it to her and she looks at it confused and she looks at (Y/N) who is smiling and she giggles and he kisses her forehead, and now (Y/N) has a bright future now with his four wives and his six kids."

The End

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this story. If you enjoyed this let me know and I just wanted to announce that at some times I will upload bonus chapters of this story and I will do an explanation of the necklaces that was mentioned in this chapter, and I know how much you all wanted this book, so here it is for all of you and I'm really proud to make this book,

Now with all that said, see y'all next time.)

One Guy, Four Girls: Summer, Raven, Willow, and Kali x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now