Chapter 1

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If my life wasn't hard enough already! My 21st birthday should have been just another calm day, going to college to become a teacher one day, maybe eating cake with my grandmother or Ambrose, my best and only friend. I never put much thought into making friends and I wouldn't call just anyone my friend. Most of my "friends" are acquaintances instead. To me, friendship means a lot. Being there for each other in times of need, being able to put complete trust in each other without questioning the motives. For me, friendship doesn't just mean to hang out. It's more about understanding each other and Ambrose and I surely understood each other. Ever since I can remember, Ambrose was by my side as a friend and a brother, sadly not by blood, but nonetheless I consider him family.

And now, everything is upside down! No family, nobody, not even cake, but a gloomy road next to a thick and obviously dark forest. I haven't even got a jacket with me. I wear nothing aside from a normal shirt, a knee-length skirt and a simple pair of sneakers and a particular necklace that my grandmother had gotten me for my birthday. The band itself is very slim, copper-coloured, just as the pendant which holds a dark red gem in its middle.

I don't exactly remember how I managed to land here. For the last thirty minutes I tried my hardest to recall anything at all, but all I see is a blank space. It couldn't have been a mental blank from drinking, that much I know, because I don't drink, at least not that much. 

 I know that screaming for help on a lonely, dark and if I may say so scary road isn't going to help me, but what should I do instead. Blindly following the road and hoping that someone would have mercy on me and pick me up? No, thanks! As I dig through my pockets, I come across my mobile. I totally forgot that I had it with me. Nervous and stressed I scroll through my contacts until I find the one person I need to call, Ambrose. My finger is hovering above the call button as I hear rustling behind me. Fear seizes hold of me. I don't know about anyone else, but finding out what's lingering in these woods isn't exactly my number one priority. I hear branches crack and simultaneously I hear my blood pressure rising, my heart pumping more blood through my body and I do exactly what my mind is telling me to do: I run.

As I spin on my heel to leave as quickly as possible, I bump into someone which leads me to stumble back and land on the ground. I didn't hear somebody coming up behind me! How could I not acknowledge them? I raise my head even though I know I won't see somebody because of the night hours. My fear intensifies as I begin to tremble, too scared to even move a muscle. I don't want to die! Wasn't there already taken enough from me?

"Are you alright, love?" His voice sounds smooth, a british accent clearly hearable. As he approaches me, I can see his face: light brown, curly hair, blue eyes. All in all, a very handsome man, but a feeling in my gut is telling me that something isn't right here. I just have to hope that he isn't a murderer. What's the possibility, right? "I've never seen you around here before. I'm sure, I would have remembered you. Care to tell me your name, love?"

"My name?", he looks at me expectantly, but I can see that his patience is wearing thin. "I'm Darienne", I figure that it's probably safer for me to not tell him my last name, just to be safe. "And yes... No, actually I'm not alright... Could you show me the way to the next town, please? I'm a bit lost here." I chuckle awkwardly while looking up to him. He could easily tower over me and obviously overpower me easily if he so wished.

"I could do that, love, but I wouldn't benefit now, would I?" The corners of his lips start to raise into a smirk. My anxiety begins to rise again, more quickly than I thought it could. "W-What do you want?" I am more than anxious to hear his reply, but I was mentally too stressed to run.

"Normally I came here with the intention to find some kind of midnight snack", his gaze falls behind me, like he's looking at someone or something deep in the woods before it shifts to me again, "but this payment will have to wait for a little. But I'll be sure to collect it from you soon, alright love?"

I am still too shocked to reply, so I don't object as he turns away from me. "You will have to follow the road", he speaks up again while swiftly shifting his gaze on the horizon. He steps back into the woods where he probably came from. I stare at his retreating form confused before I blink a couple of times. What did he see that made him leave? I can't dwell on this subject. I don't have another choice, but to start walking! Sighing, I do exactly that: Walking down the street in hopes of finding out what's going on and how I got here.

Yeah, the first chapter is up! After rewriting it 54864546 times, I like how it turned out xD. I know that there are still some holes regarding Darienne's situation at home, etc., but as the story goes on, her situation and the circumstances will be explained.

What do you think of Chapter One?


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