Chapter 2

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I'm walking for almost thirty minutes now and I haven't seen a town yet. I nervously play with my necklace. How far from civilization am I? Another possibility would be that the stranger was lying... but why? What would he gain from it? Quickly dismissing my thoughts, I start walking again. After a while, I hear someone running up to me while calling my name and I freeze. Could it be? Could it really be him? Slowly I turn around. It's too dark to see him, but his voice, I'm sure! It's Ambrose!

"Ambrose! Ambrose, you're here!", I squealed happily as I wrapped my arms around his figure, enjoying the embrace as he wraps his arms around me. "Yes, Enna, I'm here. Everything's alright!", he tries to calm me down using his usual nickname for me. I was more than relieved to know that I'm not alone, that there's someone I know with me. I step away from my childhood friend and look up at him: "Ambrose? Do you know what's going on? Where are we? Why are we here?"

"I'm not sure. I have a suspicion and I'll tell you, but first, I need to be one hundred percent certain", his thoughtful expression turns into a grin: "Wouldn't want to scare the Darienne Quincy, would we?"

Sure, I am happy that Ambrose is here, but I'll never miss these annoying comments.... okay, maybe a little bit. "Very funny, Ambrose! I'm freaking out here! I'm celebrating my birthday and the next second, I'm in the middle of nowhere in some freaky forest with creepy strangers. Come on, tell me!" He shakes his head: "Nope, like I said, I'll tell you, but not now.... Wait... What did you say? Creepy strangers? Who was with you? What did they look like?" Ambrose's behaviour changed. Why did he suddenly sound so panicked? "Handsome, blond, curly hair, British accent, charming at first, but creepy and weird in the end... It was kind of strange. Why do you ask? Do you know him?", I question tilting my head to the side. "No, ugh, but I may have heard of him. Don't worry though". I've known him long enough to see when he's lying: strained smile, no eye contact. I wanted to ask him again, tell him to elaborate, but I decide against it. He'll tell me in the future.

Accepting defeat, at least for now, I start to walk again, with Ambrose hot on my tail. "Where are we going?", my best friend asks. "What do you think? I don't want to be here the whole night. Let's go and find this town!" Ambrose chuckles, but follows after me: "Hey, by the way. I've still got your purse. Remember, you left it at my place and I brought it with me. I've actually planned on giving it to you on your birthday party, but I totally forgot, so here you go".

"Thanks", with a grin I take my purse from him.

During the rest of our little walk, we remain silent, just walking next to each other.

We actually managed to find a town by the name of 'Mystic Falls' and we rented a motel for the night

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We actually managed to find a town by the name of 'Mystic Falls' and we rented a motel for the night. It certainly wasn't the cleanest, but it was the best we could wish for at this moment. The morning came too quickly and we were up again, wandering through the streets, exploring the town. Our first stop was the town's library. We did some research on the town's history and any news we could gather. The town itself is quite lovely. I'd really love to see those underground tunnels, I've read about. The fact that Mystic Falls had been a settlement for Vikings excites me even more. If it wasn't for the many deaths and accidents, one would probably, actually want to live here.

Ambrose and I spent the whole morning on researching and exploring. I'm sure, Ambrose searched for any information on his 'theory'. We're currently on our way to the 'Mystic Grill', a bar or restaurant of some sorts to gather energy to find new clues in the afternoon.

I open the door and step through it, closely followed by Ambrose. I didn't think that there would be this many people in the Mystic Grill, but I suppose that it's the number one location to hang out with friends: Some people, mostly teenagers, are playing pool or darts whereas some adults are sitting and drinking at the bar or at other tables in the far back. I look around, but nobody catches my eye. Who should? I'm a stranger here. I don't know anyone, but as I turn away to walk to the bar, I catch a glimpse of blonde locks. Could he be the one from yesterday? Maybe if Ambrose saw him, he would talk to me about his idea on what's happening. A try can't hurt, right?

I march determined toward Mr. Mysterious. I can feel Ambrose's confused gaze on me before he catches up and quickly follows after me. "Enna, don't!"

Ignoring his words, I stand in front of the man I've already encountered once yesterday night, furiously glaring down at him. Not until he stopped his conversation did I notice that there has been sitting someone opposite him. My gaze shifts to him as my curiosity increases. I let my gaze wander: A black suit, brown, neat hair, brown eyes, also holding curiosity.

"Darienne, love, good to see you again", he lifts the corners of his mouth into a grin and somehow that made me angry. I didn't know how I got to Mystic Falls, didn't know about my grandmother at home, everything didn't make sense, and he had the audacity to play games?

"I don't know what you're playing, but I've had enough. Yesterday you left me on a road, in a forest, alone and at night. Everything could have happened there?! You've acted strange and I don't understand your behaviour at all. You don't even tell me your name? Has no one taught you manners?", I finish my rant while breathing heavily.

Mr. Mysterious narrows his gaze and not later than that I know that I pissed him off, but before he can say another word, his vis-à-vis stands up and moves between us, successfully breaking our eye contact. I look up to the brown-eyed man who is still eyeing me curiously, but speaks up as he notices my eyes on him: "You have to apologize my brother's behaviour. I'm Elijah Mikaelson", he takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles softly, before releasing it again which leads me to blush a little, "and this is-." Before he could finish his sentence, Elijah is interrupted by his brother: "No need to do the introductions for me, brother. I'm Klaus, Klaus Mikaelson." Still quite taken in by Elijah, I'm not able to break eye contact with him. All I can answer with is a quiet "pleased to meet you". But even without breaking eye contact, I could practically feel Ambrose's displeasure behind me. I'm sure this will be quite problematic.

I was really motivated by the first trailer of "Legacies". It's just legendary ;)

No honestly, I really liked it. Even though I still have to catch up a whole lot on TO, I'm already excited for this new show!


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