Chapter 5

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I didn't do much after I left Rebekah. I went to the motel and had a talk with Ambrose. Of course he was still a little pissed because I didn't come with him, when he told me to, but well, I'm my own person and I don't need to be watched like a little child... And nonetheless... What could have happened? The grill's a public place and both of the Mikaelsons didn't look like they couldn't handle it if something went out of hand, so why worry?

On the one hand, I don't approve of Ambrose's possessiveness, but on the other hand, it shows that he cares and I really appreciate that. I lost everyone I ever cared about. My whole family erased after a terrible accident a few years ago. My father, my mother and my little brother...

Everyone died... the only family I have left are Ambrose and my grandmother and I know for sure that if either of them died, I couldn't handle it. I don't like thinking about it, because I couldn't prevent it, but I've seen them dying nonetheless. I saw the flames in our home, the red and orange flames consuming everything in their path. I wasn't gone long, maybe an hour at most, but when I returned, I saw an inferno in front of me and I'm certain I'll never forget it... it will follow me for my whole life....

But on to lighter subjects! I'm currently still at the motel, but I'm getting ready to leave to go and meet Rebekah at her house before we leave to go shopping, bonding and talking about us, our hopes and dreams.

As I walk closer to Rebekah's home, I admire the architecture again. Even the masonry looks like it's a living piece of history. No longer than a few seconds after ringing the doorbell, the door is opened by a slightly smiling Rebekah who welcomes me into her home.

I'm absolutely stunned by the interior design of the mansion: white rooms highly illuminated because of big windows and most of all large rooms with almost no barricades between them.

I'm at a loss for words. "Rebekah, I don't know what to say... It's utterly fascinating. "

She takes my hand in hers as she replies:"I know, I know. You have enough time to be gobsmacked later, but first after I've shown you my room."

Rebekah drags me up some stairs to show me the upper floor where her room and her brothers' rooms are situated.

The ceiling, the furniture, the decorations... I'd love to live in a place like this... You can clearly see that the room we're currently in, is Rebekah's as there are lots of accessories and make-up on top of little tables or drawers. Although the room is definitely feminine and to a certain degree modern, it also mirrors the general style of the whole manor: vintage, but classical.

Rebekah happily presents her favourite pieces of clothing to me and of course where to buy them. Most of her clothes are simple, but also elegant, trousers, dresses or blouses alike. A lot of these pieces are very pricey due to them being designer items, but Rebekah also shows me clothes that I'll be able to buy.

"By the way, I really like your necklace. Where did you get it from?", Rebekah asks me.

"It was a gift from my grandmother... She said it was magical and that she wanted me to have it...",I reply shortly. I didn't want to talk further about the necklace or my grandmother, because I missed her dearly. Of course, I want answers on why I am here, but it's a lot worse not to know about my only family at home.

I can see that Rebekah wants to ask more, but she decides against it and lets our conversation take another turn.

That's how we end up talking about our favourite hairstyles. While I prefer practical one's like braids where you don't have to worry about the destruction of one's hairdo, Rebekah doesn't want to commit herself to just one. According to her, and I quote, "I can't just choose one. Hairstyles depend on the occasion for the most part" which leads me to chuckle.

Rebekah and I decide that it's time to go if we want to try something on in stores before it's too late and we don't have enough time. We make our way out of her room, in the direction of the exit. As we take another turn to walk down a corridor, I take a look at my surroundings again and I don't even notice Rebekah talking to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't listen! I was-how did you put it-gobsmacked", I tell her grinning slightly.

"Why are you laughing? Don't you make fun of me", Rebekah says a bit miffed. I've already noticed that Rebekah is in fact a bit sensible, even if she tries to hide it behind quick-wittedness or rudeness.

"No, I wouldn't! I just find it quite strange that you're speaking British, because normally, nobody tells me that I'm looking gobsmacked, they rather tell me that I'm looking dumbfounded", I joke.

"Did you live in Britain once?", I ask curiously.

Rebekah hesitates. It seems that she is reluctant to tell me about it, so I quickly add that she doesn't have to tell me anything she doesn't want to. Rebekah is clearly taken aback by this, but her frown turns into a smile as she begins to explain, her eyes looking into the distance: "No, it's alright. I don't talk about it often for it lies in the past. I lived in England with two of my brothers, but that was long ago..."

As we both didn't know what to say anymore, Rebekah just silently drags me behind herself, down another corridor, but she abruptly comes to a halt which leads me to run into her and to stagger back. I'm really confused. Why did we stop?

I look around Rebekah to be able to steal a glance who or what is located in front of us.

"Kol, what are you doing here?", Rebekah glares at the boy.

"I just thought I'd pass by and let you introduce us. You didn't say that we'll have company today".

Kol steps around Rebekah and positions himself in front of me, but before he can utter a single word, I hear a male voice that I recognize.

"Don't torment our guest, Kol! Leave them be."

No, I didn't understand anything at all. What is he doing here?


So, Chapter 5 is up  ^^

This chapter is mostly about Rebekah's and Darienne's bonding again and a few peeks into Darienne's past.

I think that I'll have lots of fun writing Kol's lines, because he's just very trouble-seeking and a bit reckless

I'll probably leave the Original family like that. That means I won't include Finn or Freya in the story... probably. But as it is not (in the slightest) fully written yet, I don't know for sure. Maybe the perfect option will present itself and I can't just leave them out, who knows xD

I'd really like to know your opinion on this story, so don't hesitate to leave a comment ^^


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