💙Author's Note 💙

191 2 4

I'm normally not fond of writing Author's Notes as single chapters, but I was too happy not to.

I normally don't check the ranking of my story very often, but I checked it last week and today (actually a couple of minutes ago xD) and I just couldn't believe it.

This story is ranked #10 in "Klaus" and #19 in "Elijah"


I don't know how that happened, but thank you so much! This really means a lot to me! 💙

If you have anything that you'll find out of place (plot-wise, character-wise,...) or just confusing in general, feel free to leave comment or message me and I'll try to clear things up/ correct them!

Thank you again for reading and voting! 💙


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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