Chapter 6

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Elijah shifts his gaze from Kol to me. He, himself seems confused to see me here, so to clear things up, I'll voice my thoughts again.

"Elijah, what exactly are you doing here?"

He looks like he doesn't understand my question like it's normal for him to be here and that I'm the one out of ordinary. Slowly, my mind puts the pieces together: "Do you- do you by any chance live here?"

Elijah opens his mouth to answer my question, but Rebekah chimes in and doesn't let him. "Of course, he does! Darienne, I want you to meet my brothers Kol and Elijah, but you already seem to know Elijah?"

I'm sure that I'm standing here like a fish out of water. How didn't I see it sooner? Rebekah's relationship with the mysterious Mikaelsons... That means that Klaus must be somewhere around here, too and I definitely don't look forward to see him. But speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Brothers, sister. What's this about?", Klaus asks, but when he sees me, his lips form a little smirk, "Darienne, love, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit? "

Rebekah's gaze wanders from Klaus to me: "So you know Niklaus, too? You know two of my brothers already?"

"Niklaus?", I huff, "I wouldn't exactly say that I know them... I've met them at the Grill... We didn't talk much or anything like that", I say quietly, "why didn't you tell me that these are your brothers? That you are a Mikaelson?"

Rebekah wants to explain, but I don't let her, I interrupt her with a sigh: "You know what? It doesn't matter now. I came here to spend the day with you and won't let that be ruined by any of your brothers", I shift my gaze on to the male Mikaelsons as I speak the last few words, "but it still would have been good to have a warning beforehand", I smile genuinely at Rebekah.

I decide to just put the shocking news back for a bit. I can think and/or worry about it later on. Now I'll just enjoy the day like planned.

It's Kol who pulls me out of my thoughts: "Rebekah, do you and especially your... friend... want to join us for a drink? I think it would be quite exciting."

Rebekah quickly wants to decline the offer, but I am faster and accept it. It's killing two birds with one stone. I get to hang with Rebekah and I get to know her family and maybe if I get to know them better, I'll come a step closer in discovering the secret behind all this.

The atmosphere in the study is more than tense

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The atmosphere in the study is more than tense. While Klaus is sitting more or less calm in his armchair, Kol keeps grinning and glancing at me from time to time, while Elijah's eyes don't leave Kol's figure for any moment. Rebekah, too, didn't seem very content with us sitting here and drinking ice tea. I refused each time one of the Mikaelson brothers offered me anything alcoholic which earned me a few comments from Kol. But it's nothing that I couldn't handle.

Not to torment the family, especially Rebekah any longer, I clear my throat and all eyes land on me: "Thanks for your hospitality, but I think Rebekah and I will be leaving you now. We still want to go shopping after all!"

Rebekah's facial features show surprise. Did she think that I'll forget it or that I wouldn't want to go with her anymore? No, why should I? We planned it together, so we'll go through with it.

Even while sitting in the study together, the Mikaelsons didn't let anything slip. I thought that they maybe, maybe even unconsciously, might say something that will help me put my confusion for this situation and for this family aside, but nothing, not a single clue fell from their lips.

As nobody seems to object, I grab Rebekah's hand and she obediently follows behind me.

Rebekah is surprisingly silent after we've left her home, but after a few minutes of, if I may say so, awkward quietness, Rebekah speaks up: "Why didn't you leave? Why did you still decide to go shopping with me? I thought you only came because of information on the house and such... "

I turn my head to be able to look at her as I answer: "Hey, I promised you that we'll spend time together. Yeah, I didn't use the phrase 'I promise', but I don't have to use it to be credible. I don't say things that I don't mean. If I say it, then I'll go through with it, no matter what, as long as it's still compatible with my morals."

Rebekah looks at me with awe, but for me it's nothing surprising. I've been raised that way and I don't plan on changing my line of thoughts anytime soon.

 I've been raised that way and I don't plan on changing my line of thoughts anytime soon

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But nothing could have prepared me for what happens next.

In fact, I've just wanted to go to the mall already, but that doesn't go as planned.

Everything is happening so fast. One moment, Rebekah and I are walking alongside each other and in the next second Rebekah is on the ground, knocked out cold.

"Rebekah? Hey, what's going on? Can you hear me? Rebekah?"

I look around frantically. Maybe I'll find who or what has caused this and if not, maybe someone knows what's wrong with her and can help us.

There's nobody around except a tall woman who's standing a few meters away from us. Even as I call out to her, she doesn't react, doesn't seem to want to help us, help me figure out what has happened. And that's when I finally can't take it anymore and the tears begin to flow.

"Help us! Please! You-you have to do something. I don't know what's wrong with her. Please, don't just stand there... Help, please!"

But the woman doesn't change her behaviour. Slowly, she walks towards us, fierce, superior, like a predator surrounding its prey.

I want to run, leave immediately, because this woman definitely doesn't send out any positive vibes, not at all! But I don't give into my wishes, because I can't leave Rebekah! Who knows what will happen to her. I couldn't live with myself if my cowardice would lead to Rebekah getting hurt. The woman comes closer and closer until she's directly in front of me.

"You ask for help? Ha, silly girl! No-one will help her and certainly no-one will help you. You want to know what's wrong with her, yes? That, I can tell you, but all in due time... everything you need to know right now that your friend, acquaintance or whatever you may call it, is dead, well just temporary, but nonetheless dead and that I want your necklace which you'll going to give me whether you like it or not."

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