Chapter 8

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In the Mikaelson Manor

The whole Mikaelson family has searched all night, but they weren't able to find any clues on Darienne's whereabouts. Not a single hint has been found on the crime scene or its vicinity.

Even they, as Original vampires, haven't been able to locate her. They are utterly clueless. Elijah hasn't been very fond of Darienne's friend, Ambrose, but he has thought it appropriate to inform him about the current predicament which leads to the current situation: an enraged, panicked Ambrose in the midst of an almost as shaken up vampire family putting their heads together to think about their next moves.

"How could you have possibly let that happen?! Why didn't you protect her?! You of all people?! ", Ambrose yells in rage. He is more than furious, because he knows that Darienne isn't in good hands.

"What do you possibly think of us? What should we have done? Would you like it more if my sister had also been taken by them, so that we would know even less than now?!"

Klaus isn't exactly pleased by the human's tone. He probably has no clue that he could easily be snapped in half by any of the Original family and Klaus surely was reaching his limit. Of course, everybody is worried. He himself would have to admit that he didn't particularly dislike Darienne. It has been quite refreshing to see her standing up against him, giving her opinion freely, even if it can with great certainty be labelled dumb and thoughtless, at least strength-wise. Even if he finds it quite entertaining with Darienne, he couldn't tolerate Ambrose's behaviour. It annoys him endlessly.

Elijah can't seem to understand why everyone keeps on bickering if a life is still at risk. He is certain that for Klaus and especially Kol, a human's life doesn't hold any meaning, because according to them, death becomes meaningless as a vampire, life loses its preciousness, a human's fragile life no less. But for Elijah, life has been and still is rather valuable, precisely because of its fragility. Even if most humans don't live to their fullest, he admires the few who do. He admires those who travel, study everything they deem interesting, love and laugh, rather give than take from those around them to make them happy. For him, Darienne is one of the few who try, someone who makes others happy by their mere presence.  That's why he tries his best to find Darienne by reminding those around him what's exactly of importance. Even if Elijah hasn't known Darienne for long, he could feel himself getting more attached to the mysterious woman by each second, but also anxious for her safety.

"Now, now, no need to be tense. Let us rather put our minds together than discuss about irreversible details. Let's focus on the matter at hand. Let's focus on bringing Ms. Darienne to safety. "

Elijah's words let everyone snap out of their own thoughts with new confidence and focus for what they've actually gathered together.

"You're right... let's get this over with already. We will have more than enough time to argue later on, don't we? ", Ambrose agrees and spares a glance towards each Original.

The Originals tense up at Ambrose's words. Is it possible that he knows of the supernatural? They turn to look at each other, silently communicating what to do now after their common suspicion, but neither of them knows how to act.

Ambrose is also the cause for Elijah's mind to wander even further. Has he been wrong to assume that Darienne doesn't possess any knowledge of the supernatural world?

Before any of the vampires could even decide on how to react, Ambrose is the one who speaks up again. "Yes, don't be indecisive. It doesn't suit you at all, does it? It somehow destroys the image of the invincible Originals if you ask me, but I know you don't... Sooo..."

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