Chapter 9

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The atmosphere in the Mikaelson Manor is still tense. All of the Originals are weary of Ambrose. He could lie to them. He could not have been truthful from the start, but they didn't doubt the bond that he and Darienne share. Even if nobody of the Original family seems to trust him, they are sure that his wish to find Darienne is genuine, because what reason should he have to reveal his pricey knowledge to those exact people who are without a doubt able to make his life a living hell.

Whereas Klaus and Kol don't hesitate to show their disagreement, Elijah and Rebekah at least try to let it go for now. Whether Ambrose knowing their secret will lead to problems could still be debated later on.

In the heat of the moment nobody thought about using a witch to do a locator spell. It was this worry which prevented them from thinking and acting clearly and rationally. They were quite glad that Ambrose had thought about it, even if no-one would ever like to admit that.

"Thank you for cooperating with us. We need your help in finding someone dear to us. We are not sure who has taken her and where she could be", Elijah addresses the warlock he personally summoned. He has been sure to call on one he could fully trust and this sorcerer owed him and was more than willing to help for Elijah had once saved his wife and child.

"No problem, Elijah. I'm glad to be able to help you and your family as you have aided mine. I'm almost ready to begin. All I need is something to use for the locator spell: An item of clothing, her blood, the blood of one of her family members, anything which has been in her possession."

Nervousness raised again in Rebekah and Elijah. What could be used for the spell? Darienne didn't possess much and she certainly hasn't left any of her belongings in the manor.

Their gazes wander to Ambrose. He knows her best. If he doesn't have anything of Darienne's, they won't have a chance of finding her.

Ambrose, feeling the vampire's eyes on him, sighs and reaches in the pocket of his jacket. But the item he has pulled out of it, surprises everyone present in the room.

It is a small vial with a crimson liquid and there is no doubt that it's Darienne's blood Ambrose has in his possession.

Elijah is not the only one who is wondering what else Ambrose is hiding from them or maybe even from Darienne.

Why would he carry her blood with him and how has he gotten it in the first place? Darienne wouldn't just give it to him without a proper explanation. She was far too curious for that. So has she been harmed by the one she has been calling family?

The more steps they have been taking to rescue Darienne, the more mysterious the whole situation becomes.

"Oh, don't give me this judging stare! I'm just doing my job here! Look, what would you have done if I didn't carry her blood with me, huh? How I got it or why exactly I've got it is irrelevant", Ambrose speaks up annoyed as he passes the vial to the warlock who immediately stars his work.

Elijah hasn't been liking the secrecy Ambrose is still maintaining, but for Darienne's sake he doesn't want to act imprudent. If he himself has put high effort into keeping it together, he can't imagine what a strain it must be for Klaus's will power. This shows him that even he has grown a soft spot for the woman who so easily slipped into their lives.

"My deepest apologies, it's true that without you, we wouldn't have come so far, but you have to understand while keeping secrets, you will never be able to win our trust. And I think, there's no reminder necessary that my family and I don't deal with traitors very well."

Klaus who is keeping himself from lashing out walks up beside his brother and throws a glare towards Darienne's friend as he adds: "You should do well to remember who we are!"

The response they are getting is no more than a huff, which clearly riles Klaus up and tests the upper limits of his patience which is wearing very thin. He has never been one who is being controlled and not in charge of a situation.

It's not the boy's disrespect that makes Klaus's blood boil in the end, but his next comment which oozes with ignorance.

Ambrose has lifted his head, slightly turned to the left as he grins up at the most aggressive out of the Originals: "You wouldn't hurt me. Darienne wouldn't forgive you for it. And I think I'm not mistaken if I say that all of you are quite attached to her, even if you may not know the full extent of it yet."

All heads snap to his as he's finished with his words and before anyone has time to react, Klaus's eyes flash golden, his fangs and black veins emerge as he has finally enough of the boys antics. Only Elijah's tight grip on his shoulder prevents him from attacking straight forward.

"I may be helping in finding Darienne, but don't you ever mistake it with attachment. I would gladly rip you apart. You mean nothing to me! I don't care what happens to you or to her!", Klaus growls menacingly.

Kol can't hold back his laughter any longer. He doesn't care what happens to the human girl, but he must say that he is starting to like Ambrose. For him, the whole situation is more than hilarious, but nonetheless true. Ambrose has been right in saying that nobody would harm him or in other words Rebekah and Elijah wouldn't let any harm befall him, because it would hurt the other precious human that everyone tries so hard to get to safety.

Klaus anger is now not only on the ignorant boy, but also on Kol as he takes threatening steps in his direction.

The tension in the room is palpable, but before the situation can escalate and form into a war between Originals with dagger threats or even white oak stakes, another voice pipes up.

"Eh, I don't want to interrupt any family matters, but I have found the location of the person you're looking for."

I'm not 100% happy with this chapter, but I wanted to upload it anyway. (It's not thouroughly edited as of yet, so there may have been more mistakes than usual)

I hope that you are as excited as I for the rescue and Darienne's condition afterwards, because it's not written yet and I want to make it as thrilling as possible xD

Have a nice day and see you in the next chapter~


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