Chapter 4

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As I walk out of the Grill, I think again about the two men I left sitting at the table. Klaus seemed more than strange, the way his pupils dilated, I've never seen something like this before. I didn't understand it and because of that, I didn't like the whole situation I found myself in.

Deep down, I know, something just isn't right in this town, but I couldn't seem to grasp what it was. Lost in my thoughts, I make my way to the motel I was currently staying in.

I come across multiple houses, most of them don't seem very special, but one house sticks out like a sore thumb. But it isn't even a house; I'd say it's more of a mansion! From the outside, it looks absolutely stunning, especially architectural wise. As I'm not in a rush, I decide to just enjoy the weather and the view a little bit longer.

"What are you doing there?", someone startles me from behind and I flinch. Again? Am I that focused on my thoughts that I am not aware of my surroundings? I turn around to come face to face with a beautiful, blonde girl. But as I look into her face, her blue eyes show only anger.

"Has the doppelgänger sent you? I swear if she attempts to harm my family, I'll go after her! The same applies to you and I don't make empty threats", the blonde threatens me while taking a step forward.

I'm taken aback by her outburst. I don't have the slightest idea about some kind of doppelgänger. I've heard the term once before in connection with mythology where it describes someone who looks exactly as someone else, a look-alike of some sorts, but I don't know what she's getting at.

"D-Doppelgänger? I'm not sure what you're talking about?", I answer. I'm quite certain if the confusion keeps piling up, I will end up with a massive headache. " I'm not here to hurt anybody. If I'm being honest, I don't even have a clue who you are", I comment sheepishly, "I just came by and had to admire the mansion. The architecture is just beautiful!"

She seems to think about my words for a moment before her expression turns freer and friendlier. She smiles at me while she introduces herself: "I'm Rebekah."

I smile back at her: "My name's Darienne, pleased to meet you." "Do you know if someone actually lives there? If so, I'm sure it's some elderly couple, because who on earth could afford such a residence.", I ask my newly met acquaintance.

She chuckles a bit before she replies: "As a matter of fact. This is my home." Just seconds after Rebekah dropped that bomb on me, my mouth fell open. How could she afford to live there? I doubt that she's all on her own. As much as I wished to live like that, I knew I would never have the opportunity. I wouldn't be able to save that much money and obviously time to clean and maintain the house, even if I manage to complete my education. But to do that need to go home again. I can't stay here, but for now I have to make the best out of it.

I snap out of my thoughts once Rebekah starts talking again: "I live here with my brothers. We've always been together, so Nik had this manor built, for us I to live like a family again. Family above all. It's been just us for almost my whole life, so I don't react well to menaces towards them, as you'd have probably noticed. It's nice to talk about it, you know, even if you don't know me, it's good to know someone listens. Maybe it's even better that we don't know each other... Things like this make me almost feel normal again."

She sounds virtually sad in the end like there's some kind of burden upon her. Comforting people that I barely knew, wasn't exactly my forte, but I couldn't cope with sad people. If someone starts to cry, I'll probably cry with them, so I did my best to lift Rebekah's spirits.

"First of all, you're a beautiful young woman. You don't need to be normal to be happy. In fact, in my opinion, normal doesn't exist. We shouldn't change ourselves just with the goal to be accepted by society or anybody else. With just being yourself, you'll find the truest friends, maybe not many, but loyal ones. I think that if someone doesn't accept you as whom you are, then they're not worth your time. Life's too short to be sad, don't you think? That being said, I really would like to get to know you better. I'm new in town and don't know lots of people... I also think, that it would be good to have someone to talk to. So what do you say?"

Rebekah hesitates. Maybe she still isn't sure whether she can trust me, but in the end she agrees. Since I like her house that much, she has invited me to come over to her tomorrow with the promise of showing me around the house and town. She insists that we'll go shopping afterwards and since I don't have any other clothes with me than the once I am currently wearing, I happily agree.

We say goodbye to each other and go different ways. Rebekah enters her mansion while I continue my way to Ambrose in our motel room. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow and I hope that both, Rebekah and I, will have a nice afternoon.

 I'm already looking forward to tomorrow and I hope that both, Rebekah and I, will have a nice afternoon

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Rebekah was surprised by today's outcome. After school, she was enraged by the doppelgänger and her gang. She seriously wanted to go to school and make friends, but for her it was almost impossible. Nobody seemed to care, because everybody thought of her as an enemy. Nobody wanted to befriend the sister of the cruel hybrid, the supposed noble who betrayed them all and the mischievous original who had too much fun causing trouble. She longed for a friend, but didn't know who to trust as everyone seemed to have ill intentions.

As she saw a feminine figure standing in front of her family's residence, she had enough, but soon she noticed that the young woman didn't know anything, not of her, not of the supernatural and maybe Rebekah needed that: Someone from the outside, someone unbiased to get to know her as her and not as one of the most powerful beings on earth. That's also probably the reason for telling her about her familial situation with her brothers... So after quickly considering whether to give her opposite a chance, she decided to give it a try. Maybe she'll be finally able to make a real friend for once in her life.

I just felt like updating today xD

I wanted to focus on Darienne's relationship with Rebekah in this chapter. It has to start somewhere, right? I was quite unsure whether Rebekah would have reacted that way or not, but I decided to just leave it like that.

And also a huge thank you to fandomwillkillme for all the likes, the comments and the follow. It means a lot to me! 

So lastly,  to everyone reading this, have a nice day! ^^


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