Chapter 7

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She knocked me out! That woman knocked me out. It's like 'bam' and then you're gone.

I groan as I sit up. My head hurts and I don't know where I am... Again... I just hope this will not happen regularly now.

The room I'm currently in isn't very bright or room-y at all. It feels more like a basement or cellar: concrete walls, concrete floor, not many windows... in fact only one, a very small one that happens to be situated up high on one wall.

I'm not able to see out of it, so I'm not able to do anything at all.

That's not what I wanted! I don't want these complications... I don't need that much drama in my life and I'm sick of it... Sick of all the open questions nobody wants to answer, sick of my whole life.

That's when I remember: The woman wanted to have my necklace, but why hasn't she taken it then? It's still where I left it, still around my neck... I don't understand. What's her purpose with me then?

I've checked every inch of this forsaken room, but I haven't found a way out. The door is locked and there's nothing to break it down. The window is too high up and there's nothing for me to reach it with.

To say that I'm desperate would be the understatement of the year and it doesn't help in the slightest that I hear the hinges of the door squeak after hearing the lock click. I know that it won't be my 'savior', because that's just hopeful thinking, because if I'm honest with myself who would save me... Who would truly want to save me?

Ambrose, yes... But he doesn't even know where I am or what has happened to me... Rebekah... O god, Rebekah ! She's dead! She's dead because of me... It's all my fault... Oh no...

Her brothers will surely search for her, but do they care enough to look for me, will they even forgive me for causing her death?

"You know nobody will come for you, right? You're alone and nobody will be able to help you, even if they find you. We're persistent and persuasive, you know?", my captor tells me.

"We? Who are you? What do you even want with me? You said that you'd like my necklace... Then why don't just simply take it and leave me alone?! "

"You don't know what power you and that necklace hold, do you?", my opposite hisses, "so ignorant... My sister and I have many names, but we're normally referred to as the 'blueblood coven'. And your necklace, that's the thing... We can't just take it... Unfortunately. You have to give it to us willingly or so... Not willingly per se, but you know... ", she grins diabolically, "you have to take it off or allow us to take it of verbally. That's the catch here. And let me tell you, we've got methods to break you until you cave to our wishes if you don't... Let's say cooperate."

Meanwhile in the Mikaelson Manor

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Meanwhile in the Mikaelson Manor

Rebekah is enraged. One minute she is walking with one of the few humans she can actually tolerate and in the next second, her neck is snapped by someone and she wakes up again on the pavement, alone without her attacker or Darienne in her sight.

Be Careful What You Wish For (Elijah Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now