Chapter 10

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With Darienne

I can't remember for how long they've held me captive in here. I don't know whether it may have been mere hours, days or weeks, but I can convincingly say that it feels like an eternity. Martha and Ann of course haven't stopped messing with my mind, turning my thoughts into nothing, but black void. I've been trying so hard to resist, so hard to stay resilient like the voices in my head have been telling me to, but I just couldn't stay strong any longer.

I've relived the death of my family, the grieve I felt. I've seen scenarios in front of my eyes with everyone I've ever known turning against me. I've seen my greatest fear come to reality: Solitude. I've seen a dark side of me slaughtering guilty and innocent alike, laughing as their lifeless bodies hit the now blood red ground. Their eyes fixed on mine as I ran a sword through their hearts. I was responsible for everyone's death: Rebekah, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, my brother, my parents, my grandmother, Ambrose...

Everyone's dead, a pile of corpses in front of me...

I'll never be able to forget these pictures...

And what's worse, I can't recognize the truth anymore. Am I a ruthless killer? Have I killed my friends and family? Is this one of the burdens I have to carry? One of the sins I'll have to pay for or is it just a false, fabricated scene my captors have put into my head?

I'm no longer able to fight, I don't resist any more. That's why they've even loosened the chains keeping me from breaking free during their torture. They know that I'm no longer willing to escape on my own that I'm maybe not even able to escape on my own.

But they haven't taken my necklace yet, the only thing they desire. Every time they continue their countless methods to bring me to insanity, I want to scream at them to take it already, to take it and leave me in peace, but as I open my mouth, the words won't leave my lips, no matter how hard I try I'm physically not able to give them permission to take that damn necklace.

I've given up hope. The voices that I once heard? Just an illusion! No one will find me, even if they tried their hardest...

In the Mikaelson Manor

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In the Mikaelson Manor

They had been so sure to find her there, but she was nowhere to be found. Elijah has trusted this warlock wholeheartedly and even after proper questioning, the warlock has insisted that this old and abandoned house is in fact the location that the spell has been showing him. Elijah who has been more than happy to have found a trace of Darienne now knows that someone powerful of the supernatural world has to have taken her. It would have to be someone with the help of at least one witch, if the captors weren't witches or warlocks themselves. 

The Original family and Ambrose have searched on for hours, have tried just to find a hunch of Darienne's whereabouts through her scent or other hints her captors left behind and it was early morning when Elijah has thought that he is on the right path towards finding Darienne,having caught her unique scent in the woods, leaving a faint, but steady trail through them.

Before following the trail, Elijah has been calling everyone together, informing them of his discovery.

Ambrose surely is more than happy to at least know that there's a chance to find Darienne, to make sure that she's okay. Klaus's expression is fairly neutral, but even he can't fully hide his eagerness in continuing their search.

And it doesn't take long until they reach a small concrete building which seems to have been abandoned for years already: crumbling plaster, cracks in the exterior walls.

As they come closer, they're all getting tense as if sensing that something or rather someone dangerous is awaiting them. The Original siblings, Kol, Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah, share a glance, before, after the blink of an eye, only Klaus and Elijah are left standing with Ambrose.

Although Ambrose is quite confused and has no clue what the Originals have planned, he follows after them as they slowly make their way towards the house which could rather be described as a ruin than a home or a storehouse.

Elijah doubts that this bunker is registered on someone's name, but being cautious nonetheless doesn't influence them negatively at any rate. He slowly opens the door, passing a foot over the threshold and as he doesn't sense a barrier, Klaus steps in after him, closely followed by Ambrose.

Elijah's eyes travel across the rather old and destroyed room. If he had to guess, he would say with complete certainty that this living room has been used frequently in the 1960s. The now dull colors of green and orange had to have been vibrant and powerful in their best days, mixed with gold ornaments on the walls and on the furniture, showing the nature-bound character of the 60s.

But none of it matters, as the trio makes their way through the cabin, looking for the presences they all can feel surrounding them. But sadly neither them, nor Kol and Rebekah are successful in their search.

Not sure how to carry on, they meet in front of the house, holding some kind of strategic meeting.

"How haven't we found her already?! She has to be here! I can feel it, I know it!", Ambrose grits his teeth.

The Originals can do nothing but agree. They should have found Darienne by now.

"I felt it, too. There are people in this house and solely the fact that we found no-one in there, seems very shady to me. We must have missed something. We have to keep looking, we have to-"

Kol interrupts Rebekah slowly: "Rebekah... We found nobody. We searched everywhere.. It's no use."

Kol's words are like a knife to Ambrose's chest. Not sure how to deal with the huge amount of rage he is feeling while thinking of ending the search, he slams his foot down on the ground,but instead of a dull noise, a light 'clonk' can be heard as if Ambrose hit metal instead of grass. The four siblings snap their heads around and are all staring at Ambrose or more specifically his foot.

Faintly visible, hidden beneath moss and fallen leaves, is a door. Ambrose is the first one to act,flapping the lid open, he allows everyone to gather around the jet-black shaft.

One look is enough for the Originals and Ambrose to know that they have finally found the right  destination and no words are necessary for them to know that their mission to rescue Darienne has entered the last stage.

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