Chapter 3

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Ambrose tucked on my arm to get my attention. "Enna, let's go."

"Not now Ambrose, I want to know what's going on here. I'll stay, but you can go if you want to." Ambrose eyed me suspiciously. "Come on, Darienne!", Ambrose says again, this time with more pressure in his voice while he attempts to grab my arm to drag me behind him, but before he can even touch me, Elijah steps in between us and grabs his arm tightly: "It seems to me that Ms. Darienne doesn't wish to come with you." Ambrose yanks his arm back with a huff and marches towards the exit doors. I send him an apologetic smile before he shuts the door behind him. I'm sure, he understands that not having answers is driving me insane and maybe I could even meet some new people, develop new acquaintances.

Elijah sits down again on the small bench, but this time he positions himself closer to the edge which allows me to slide in beside him. His brother sends me one more grin, letting it seem as my rant had never happened. "So, love. To what do we owe the pleasure of you staying here with us? Why not leave with your little boyfriend there?" I cringe at that repellent thought.

"Ambrose? No way, I could never see him like that! He's practically family. I've known him since I was a little girl, but even if he was my boyfriend, it wouldn't matter, would it? It's not exactly your business to deal with."

My counterpart let out a humorous laugh. "Tell me, love, what's my business then? Why are you here?", Klaus asks, looking deeply into my eyes. His pupils dilate slightly which confuses me.

I huff again and turn my head, so that I'm able to look out of the window. "I wish I knew. If I knew, I wouldn't be sitting here. I thought maybe I'd find some answers here, but apparently not." My gaze lands on the man next to me who now studies me with an interested gaze. "Is there something on my face?"

He seems taken aback by my question as he replies: "No, not at all. I'm simply curious. You appear to be a complex character." Quite taken aback myself, I don't know whether it was meant to be statement or maybe a compliment, so I decide to leave it like this and to look after Ambrose.

"Thank you for your time, but I'll be going for now. It was a pleasure to meet you, Elijah, Klaus", I nod to them as I stand up. If I'll be here for a while, then I don't have to be rude towards the townsfolk, do I?

Elijah is the one to reply as he shows me a small smile: "The pleasure is ours."

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Elijah was fascinated by this human girl. He saw her yesterday for the first time, but he couldn't catch a glimpse of her face. He had followed Niklaus into the woods. He was sure his brother had some antics up his sleeve. And in the interest of safety of the town's people and maybe even Niklaus's, he followed along. As he stood there surrounded by trees, he saw her, a girl with brown, shoulder-length hair. He had been wary of Niklaus's behaviour. He hadn't been sure if he would hurt the girl, but thankfully, nothing happened. Would he have stepped in if it went too far? He didn't know.

As he saw her again today, he was captivated by her appearance. Determined, but also angry stood she in front of him and his brother. After his brother's greetings, she seemed even more enraged than before.

As she stated her complaints, Elijah was certain that Niklaus would not tolerate her behaviour, so he saw it as his duty to step in to de-escalate the situation. He didn't want Niklaus acting in rage or haste, because neither of them knew, what purpose she and her companion had in Mystic Falls, whether they could by ally or foe.

Her friend seemed cautious as he didn't want Darienne near Elijah or his brother. This friend- Ambrose, what the brown-haired girl had called him- clearly wanted to leave them as soon as possible and even grabbed her arm in the process. Elijah could clearly see and hear that she didn't want to follow Ambrose out of the Grill which led him to intervene once more.

As Klaus mentioned her and Ambrose being possible lovers, Elijah tensed inwardly. He knew, he didn't have any reason to. He didn't know Darienne, but something told him that she would be important to him and his family and it was obvious to him that she was someone special as she couldn't be compelled by Niklaus either. Elijah didn't know the cause for the aborted attempt at compulsion.

He and his family were Originals, the first vampires ever created. They should be able to compel a mere human. Neither he nor Niklaus smelled any vervain on her. Was she a witch then? But if so why hadn't she heard of either of them for the Original family isn't unknown in the supernatural world. 

I hope that you like chapter 3. It isn't as long as the first two, but I thought it's a good place to end the chapter before it turns out too long.

I don't know how regularly I can update in the next weeks, because I'll start working tomorrow and I don't know how much time and/or motivation I'll have, but I try my best to update more or less regularly!


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