Chapter 11

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There's utter silence as the Originals and Ambrose slowly descend the stairs. It's almost too silent as if no-one will be down there, even if the air and the atmosphere are telling another story.

They all are certain that Darienne is held captive here, but none of them knows who is standing against them, how much power those enemies hold or if this is all a ruse to plot against the Original family.

Dim light shines upon them and illuminates the long corridor in front of them, letting the situation seem like a scene of a horror movie, but nothing could stop them now. They've come this far on their mission to rescue Darienne and wouldn't back down.

Rebekah feels relieved to know that her brown-haired friend would be safe again from all the trouble, but Kol's words, his warning, that she could leave them, abandon her because of who or better what they are, is still present in her mind. She doesn't want to lose Darienne.

All of the Mikaelsons; meaning Klaus, Kol and of course Elijah; feel the same. But none of them are sure, how to explain to Darienne what has happened and how they have been able to find her. Even Ambrose is clueless as he also doesn't want to reveal the world of the supernatural to his friend.

Standing in front of the old iron door, no-one is making a move to open it, all too scared not to find someone behind it, or even worse, to find Darienne dead. Not able to wait any longer, Ambrose reaches for the handle and with a loud creak, the door opens, giving all five saviors the chance to take a look inside.

If the situation wasn't this tense, the room which lays in front of them could be described as art; wild and violent, but art nonetheless. Blood stains, older and newer ones cover the ground, making it seem like someone tried abstract art for themselves. If the Originals didn't knew it better, it could have very well been one of Klaus's works.

Rebekah is the first one to spot someone sitting in the corner: back pressed against the wall, knees bent and their head laying upon them. The person resembles a statue, not moving, not making any noise.

Rebekah knows that this is Darienne, that they've finally managed to find her. She just hopes that it's not too late.

As the blonde Original wants to finally enter the room, she doesn't get far.

Elijah and surprisingly Ambrose stop her by gripping her shoulder which of course doesn't sit well with Rebekah: "What are you doing? Why are you stopping me?! This is Darienne! Don't you see the condition she's in?!"

Ambrose is the one to respond:"Of course, I see it! I want to rescue her as much as you do, but we shouldn't act in haste. What if it's a trap, huh? Have you thought about that? If we're dead, neither we nor Darienne will benefit. We have to do this the right way."

Elijah is amazed by the Ambrose's line of thoughts. He couldn't have said it any better himself. Of course, leaving Darienne here, isn't an option, but making the right choice that won't end in somebody doom, needs time and rethinking. His siblings didn't quite possess the gift of patience, but sometimes it was simply necessary. Elijah is pulled out of his thoughts by Rebekah:

"So what do you suppose we do? Wait until her kidnappers come back again? No, thank you!"

Kol also doesn't quite understand the problem here. They've been searching nonstop to find the human girl and now that they've found her, nobody wants to get to her any more? What a waste of time! He didn't come here to stand in front of a threshold, in fact he didn't want to come here at all, because the girl meant nothing to him. Even Nik started to participate in the little discussion that Rebekah, Elijah and Ambrose initiated. All this drama and attention for one human girl that they didn't even know properly.

As nobody pays attention to the youngest Mikaelson as he, "the Worst of the Worst", the wildest Mikaelson, strikes again. It is easy for him to simply wander in the room towards the still unmoving human.

"Hey! Will somebody come here and deal with the human! I think they're not supposed to act this way!"

All heads snap in Kol's direction. The bickering forgotten. Even if Kol's move could be considered reckless, it solved the discussion the rest of them were having.

All trouble forgotten, one after the other slowly make their way to Darienne, to the frozen human on the ground, all bearing in mind that Darienne could be highly traumatized and in a state of shock.

Ultimately, it is Rebekah who closes the last distance by kneeling down.

Slowly, she reaches out to touch her: "Hey Darienne! It's okay! You're safe now!"

Darienne gently lifts her head, glancing at the people in front of her. Ambrose gasps as he sees his friend's face. Her bruises look painful, but her eyes look worse: lifeless, dull.

Ambrose tries reaching for her, but as he moves, Darienne presses herself further into the wall. Rebekah tries the same which results in a similar outcome: Darienne basically trying to blend into the wall behind her.

If it wasn't for their enhanced hearing as vampires, the Originals wouldn't be able to make out Darienne's words, a low whispering which she seems to constantly repeat in a loop.

Eight words, two sentences, the same meaning.

"This is not real. You are not real."

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