Chapter 21:Marlene

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(My first time writing in her pov.)

We are all ranting about awkward. I look over at Tris she is typing on her phone then she smiles. I nudge Christina and she nudges Shauna and point at Tris. We stare at her to see how long it takes her to realize we stopped ranting. She looks over at us.

"What." she says

"Why are you smiling at your phone?" I ask and almost on cue Four and the rest of the guys and Four's little sister comes in. Lyndsay runs and jumps in the bed beside Tris.

"Hey." Tris says with a big smile on her face. Then kisses her forehead.

"Four got you something." she says. Tris get really happy then jumps out of the bed and jumps on Four.

"YOU GOT MY FOOD!?" she yells. Four nods and lifts up a bag.

"Mexican?" she asks.

"Yes." he says. Tris jumps down off of Four, takes the bag and runs down stairs.

“I wish Zeke would get me Mexican if I asked for it." Shauna says with her arms crossed. Christina and I agree. Four smirks then leaves the room with Lyndsay.  Zeke, Uriah, and Will hold up bags with smiles on their faces. We get out of the bed and run over to them knocking them over grabbing the bags and run down stairs. 

"Ow." Uriah whines coming down stairs.

"Shhh. I have Mexican. Let me enjoy it." I say. Just as I'm about to take a bite. My food disappears.

“Heyyyyy." I whine and cross my arms.

"You could say thank you." Uriah says.

“I did thank you. Attacking you and taking the food was my thank you. Now give it back before I bite you."

He shakes his head.

"Not good enough."

"Uriahhhhh" he just looks at me then at the plate of food he got me then back at me.

"Don't you dare." I say he grabs my fork and puts some of the food to his mouth.

This little fucker is gonna get it. Maybe not tonight but he will get it.

I just want my food.

"FINE. Just don't eat my food." I say. He smiles.

"Thank you." I mutter. He put my food back in front of me. I smile and began to eat it. 

"Soo." Zeke says.

"SHUSH LET MEH ENJOY MY MEXICAN I'VE BEEN CRAVING IT AND I NOW HAVE IT. I NEED SILENCE." Tris yells and continues eating what looks like a chimichonga. Everyone hushes while we eat. I honestly don't like the quietness of the group.  It's unnatural so I elbow Uriah who's sitting next me and whisper in his ear. He nods then says

"Hey so how's planning spring fling going? He asks.

"Good actually. And speaking of spring fling. We need people to help work the booth. I was wondering if you could get the basketball and football team to help since y'all are in the team." Tris says.

"We already asked the volleyball team to help." Christina says. The boys nod.

When we are done with our food we go and watch a movie in Tris' home theater. We watch 22 Jump Street. After an hour and a half of laughing. Tris says we can stay.

"There are 3 other bedrooms besides my mom and dad's room. My room and brother room and Lyndsay's room.” she says then goes up stairs. Uriah and I exchange looks then take off running. We get to a room and it's huge.  it has a walk in closet. A bathroom connected to it. A king sized bed. The walls are dark blue the fades to a light blue and dark hard wood floors. I walk over to a shirt less Uriah and lay my head on his chest. I rub a finger down his chest to his stomach. I look up at him and smile. He looks down at me and smiles back at me. He leans in a kisses me I kiss back. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He lays me on the bed and things begin to happen.

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