Chapter 5:

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of the amazing characters!

Chapter 5:

Rey stood there with her mouth hanging open. Had Supreme Leader Kylo Ren made a pass at her? Kissing her she could see because it had certainly killed her rage the moment he'd done it but offering to take her to his bed was something else entirely. Half of her wanted to go retch in the toilet; the other half was tingly and hot feeling. To say Rey was uncomfortable was an understatement.

She'd never been kissed before. Her first kiss was stolen by her enemy. Rey let out a frustrated sound. She wanted to kill Kylo Ren even more now.

Where did that asshole get off treating her like some play thing? It was bad enough when he was a murderous monster in a mask but Kylo Ren the womanizer was so much worse. What woman in her right mind would willingly sleep with him? Was she a Stormtrooper or an officer of the First Order? Or worse; a civilian?

Rey didn't know why she was so interested in the woman whose voice she'd heard echo through the force from Kylo's end of the bond. She just couldn't wrap her head around it. The thought of women throwing themselves at Kylo Ren was too much after such a traumatic day.

Rey went into the small 'fresher to check out the bruising that had already started in the mirror. Sure, enough there was a large hand print had already bloomed across her skin. She knew by tomorrow she would have a full-fledged black and blue hand print across her throat. She had no clue how she would even explain it to the others. Rey knew there was no way Finn or Poe would ever believe that she'd done it to herself. Not to mention the fact that the hand was almost twice the size of hers and covered almost her entire throat.

She knew from reading the Ancient Jedi Texts that the light side had an ability called Force Healing. It was something her own body did unconsciously, but she couldn't do it on purpose. She'd never been sick or seriously injured. Before she knew about the force she figured she was just lucky or had good genes but now she knew that it was the force that kept her healthy all her life. She just wished Luke would have taught her something about force healing.

She wished there was someone she could talk to about things like this. Finn and Poe would never understand. Leia...Kylo Ren was Leia's son as well as her enemy. There was no way Rey could have such an awkward conversation with the general. She sat heavily on her cot and tried to think of a way around explaining where the bruise came from.

Before she could come up with anything there was a knock on the door of the hut. Rey jumped physically from the sudden sharp sound in the quiet of the jungle.

"Who is it," Rey called. "Finn," came one voice. "And Poe," came another with a series of beeps and whistles that let her know BB-8 was with them too.

Rey sighed and threw on the cloak she wore back on Jakku whenever she was caught in a sandstorm. It was a temporary solution but at the moment she really didn't have a choice. She threw the door open, so her friends could come inside.

"Why'd you run off like that," Finn asked. "I just couldn't watch another group be murdered by that madman," Rey said truthfully. "I know it's hard to watch but I thought our fearless Jedi mistress would be able to stomach anything," Poe tried to say lightheartedly but the look Rey gave him could have frozen over hell. "Jedi aren't supposed to want to kill people, but I can't help but want to wring his neck every time I have to see that smug asshole," Rey said and began pacing in a small circle while the others took seats in her one chair and on her bed.

BB-8 followed Rey's small path around the hut. Rey remember Kylo Ren's words 'The first death is always the hardest'. She was worried that he was right, that if she went and killed Armitage Hux she would fall to the dark side with no aid from Kylo.

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