Chapter 18:

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of the amazing characters!

Chapter 18:

Kylo hated to leave Rey after having spent so little time with her after getting back but he needed his officers up to speed on what was going on even if he couldn't tell them everything. Kylo was pleased to see that Phasma was waiting outside of the conference room as he approached. She held a datapad in her hands.

"Captain Phasma, I trust my apprentice wasn't too much trouble," Kylo asked. "The girl is tolerable and powerful. I see the usefulness in befriending her," Phasma said. "I hear a 'but' coming," Kylo said standing right outside of the door. "But she is immersed in the light. She will never be like you. She will always fight for what the Resistance has taught her is right. I don't see where this is going," Phasma said and Kylo shook his head.

This would be the first time Phasma heard about the threat that was targeting their galaxy. Kylo had suffered and given up too much to be this close to ruling the galaxy for it to all be taken away. He knew it would take the combined might of the Resistance and the First Order to defeat them.

"You will soon," Kylo said, taking the datapad from Phasma.

They walked into the conference room together. Kylo was pleased to see that almost 40% of the senior officers of the First Order were missing. It would seem that IGBC was smart enough to get their people out of there before Kylo could make it back and start removing heads. Kylo took his seat at the head of the table in a chair that looked more like a throne that any of the office chairs that the Officers were seated in.

Phasma sat to his right while Hux and Thalia were already seated to his left. Kylo could tell that they were pleased to be sitting this close to the head of the table. It wouldn't be long before their spots were filled by someone else. Kylo had thought Hux would put up more of a fight when he told Hux that Phasma was taking the seat to the right and Hux would be sitting on the left but the ginger seemed to be fine as long as Thalia was next to him. Kylo stood and immediately the room fell silent and all eyes were on him.

"Look to your left. Now look to your right. Those empty chairs represent the people who controlled the First Order and our funding. I freed us of those very people with the help of Queen Thalia Tartos and the manufacturing planet Jasmenerth. The First Order now generates its own credits, manufactures its own weapons and is now free to rule the Galaxy as we see fit," Kylo said and everyone in the room gave loud, joyous cheers.

Everyone except Hux and Thalia who had been with Kylo when the man known as Ozoroth spoke on freeing the First Order and Phasma who was pessimistic on the best occasions. Kylo let them enjoy their new found freedom for a moment longer. Kylo felt a surge of pride at knowing under his leadership such joy could be had by his subordinates.

"With that being said, I want you to all be aware of the fact that now that we are free there is a new threat that has their eye on the First Order," Kylo said and once again the room fell to silence. Chief Officer Hunana asked, "What threat is left that could even hope to touch us? The Resistance is in hiding. The Jedi Order is dead. The Republic is dead."

There were murmurs of agreement throughout the remaining 20 officers.

"True as that may be there are more powers in the galaxy and beyond that have nothing to do with the Republic, the Resistance or the Jedi. Our galaxy isn't the only one out there and information doesn't just stop because it hit the last known regions of our galaxy. It was proven when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Arkania and almost succeeded in declaring war on the entire civilized Galaxy. It seems that we may have another invasion on our hands," Kylo paused.

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