Chapter 9:

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of the amazing characters!

Chapter 9:

Rey awoke the next morning with tears in her eyes and anger in her heart. She couldn't remember exactly what she'd dreamed about, but she was sure as shit pissed at Kylo Ren. The whole day she kept the bond closed off as tightly as she could and built a wall around it so that none of her emotions could leek through and vice versa.

She was snippy, quick to insult and prone to fall into a rage over simple things. By the end of the day anyone who wasn't one of her close friends was avoiding her like the plague. Not that she blamed them; she wouldn't want to be around her either.

Later that evening Rey found herself in the training area of the Olara Resistance base. She was dressed in her arm wraps, a light gray tunic over brown leather leggings with her hair up in her three-bun style. She had her quarter staff in her hands and was beating the hell out a practice dummy. Over and over she struck the thing. She had worked up quite a sweat, but it seemed that her frustration just kept building. She figured it was because she really wanted to be punching Kylo in the face.

She stopped moving and was just staring at the dummy trying to picture it being tall dark and menacingly handsome. She was staring so hard that she didn't even notice that she was no longer alone in the training room. She jumped physically as a hand landed on her shoulder. She lowered her staff and turned to find Poe there grinning at her like an idiot.

"And just like that the scariest person in the base is located and subdued," he joked.

Rey gave him an unfriendly look.

"What's wrong Rey? You're usually the friendliest person I know," he asked, leading her over to the benches so that they could sit and talk.

Rey stared at the ground. Even if she could tell Poe about the Force Bond with Kylo, how could she tell him that something happened in a dream involving Kylo that she can't even remember and that was the reason for her foul mood? He would either think she was working with Kylo or crazy. Either way she wouldn't like the outcome and would probably lose one if not all of her new friends.

"I haven't been sleeping very well and I'm always cranky if I don't get enough sleep. I'm sorry if I scared or worried anyone," Rey said sounding genuinely worried. "I know that it's been a rough couple of months for all of us, especially you. In the short time since you've known you were a force user you've been kidnapped by the first order, had to fight Kylo Ren twice, and moved from planet to planet. Trust me, if anyone has a right to be cranky it's you," Poe said, staring her directly in her eyes as his fingers came up to brush a stray strand of her hair back behind her ear.

Rey's breath halted in her chest. The moment had gone from friendly to something else in the space of the blink of an eye. Rey wasn't exactly uncomfortable being all alone with Poe, it just made things seem more real, more serious. Usually they are in a group with Kaydel, Finn and Rose so that the flirting is light hearted and playful, and definitely not as intimate as this.

Before she could pull away or he could move forward, Finn and Rose came pounding in to the room. They both had huge smiles on their faces and were breathing heavy. Rey got the impression that their labored breathing had nothing to do with their running and everything to do with whatever they were doing on the way there.

"Rey! Poe! General Leia wants to see the two of you," Rose yelled. "We've searched the whole base for you two," Finn said with a pleased smile on his face as he saw how close his two best friends were.

Rey stood so fast that her staff fell to the floor with a clatter. Heat crept up into her cheeks. What did Finn think the two of them had been doing before he and Rose showed up? Obviously not what he and Rose had been doing to cause the flush to their skin and puffiness of their lips.

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