Chapter 11:

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of the amazing characters!

Chapter 11:

2 Weeks Later

Rey sat in her room. Her hands were shaking slightly as she laid her staff across her back. She would have felt better if she'd had her lightsaber too, but there really was no way around that. With nothing else to do she left out to find the other's gathered near the door to the dungeons.

Poe was standing with Chewie and BB-8. Sitting on the floor near the wall were four Jasmenerthian pilots, Thommen Ganes, Khalil Ganes, Tayven Zaston and Maddez Orene with Hux's lying unconscious before them. They were just waiting for Finn and Rose, then they could be off.

"Hey, Rey. You ready to face down that bastard Kylo Ren," Poe asked, grinning.

Rey flinched. She hadn't thought about it much, okay, she had forced herself not to think about it. Instead she'd been busy making friends with all the new comers that she'd almost scared off, getting to know Rose and Kaydel better, and scouting nearby planets with Poe and Finn.

Leia had been busy meeting with new ally leaders and preparing for this exchange. She hadn't had much time to spend with the younger people. Plus, she needed space to deal with the losses of so many friends and Rey could understand that. So, Rey and Poe tried to keep the others from running to her over every little issue and potentially stressing her out.

Rey had also been training up her mental defenses, though it was a lot harder when there was no one to practice with. She also found that not thinking about him kept her from invading his dreams and vice versa. The bond had also been quiet and that had helped her keep a clear mind when it came to whatever she was feeling for him. As long as he was sleeping with other people she couldn't allow her feeling for him to continue to grow romantically.

They needed to work together to defeat this new evil that was coming. Luke might think love could bring balance to the force, but Rey didn't think they had time for Kylo to grow up before the big bad showed up. So, the next time they got to speak privately she was going to ask him to train her and that they leave it at that. She needed to get stronger and reading and practicing by herself could only get her so far.

It hadn't taken long for that realization to sink in and she couldn't just go around announcing that she was Rey of the Resistance and she needed to be trained in the ways of the Force. What would people think? They'd take her as a joke and it could undermine the Resistance and Leia's influence. She couldn't allow that.

"Ready, as I'll ever be. I really just wanna fly an x-wing," she said, excitedly. "Me, too. It'll be nice to be back out there," Poe said. "I heard Leia was negotiating with some shipwrights in the Outer Rim for a new cruiser to go with the ships we are to get from the First Order," Maddez said in her singsong voice. "We may have enough people to operate one soon," Poe said with pride.

He was smiling though Rey knew he wasn't happy about seeing Kylo Ren and not being able to shoot him in the face with the blaster that was now always strapped to his hip, even in the base. Rey looked at the faces of everyone else and figured they felt the same way. At least Leia had ordered everyone to stand down unless the First Order made a move first. Rey hoped that Kylo wouldn't be that stupid and hateful.

"Soon the Resistance will be back up to standards and we can really work on taking that asshole Kylo Ren down," Finn said coming down the hallway leading Rose by the hand. "You got that right buddy," Poe said slapping Finn a high five.

Rey looked around at the group assembled before her and felt good about what they were getting ready to do. She took a deep breath and then smiled. These people were her friends and they were destined to succeed.

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