Chapter 30:

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Chapter 30:

Kylo never imagined that another Kyber crystal would call to him. Especially not one that seemed to reflected him so well. The deep purple of the crystal symbolized the light and the dark that resided in him but the amber core was all about his physical strength. He'd never felt that his blue lightsaber fit his personality which was part of the reason he'd been willing to bleed it instead of working with a synthetic crystal like most Sith and Dark Jedi.

He had been leaning near the entrance to Crystal Cave when he first felt it, like something calling to his soul. Then he was suddenly putting his blade through his father's heart all over again. The pain of it was almost maddening with Rey's light permeating his soul. Then suddenly the body of the end of his lightsaber was Leia, then Luke and finally Rey.

"No," Kylo screamed and dropped to his knees.

He knew this wasn't real but it felt like it was. He'd had the opportunity to kill his mother and Luke but hadn't been able to do it. And Rey...Gods he could never hurt her. He'd rather take his own life than cause her anymore pain. He pushed the image away. Suddenly Snoke and Hux appeared before him.

"Look at him, he's so weak he can't even handle a few illusions. He thinks they love him. He thinks he has friends. He thinks he is worthy of being loved," Snoke chuckled darkly. "You thought he was worthy of being your apprentice but he can't even pretend to kill his loved ones. I've told you time and again that he is no Darth Vader. He is weak," Hux hissed with a smug look on his face.

Kylo found himself getting angry even though he knew they were both just illusions put in his head by the vergences in the cave. Kylo stood to his full height and punch Hux squarely on the nose, effectively knocking the ginger out. He turned to Snoke next.

"You call me weak but you are nothing. You took advantage of a child because no one else would willingly come to you. You thought that by killing my own father I would kill the light inside of me. The same light you called weakness. But it didn't kill the light, it made it stronger. It made me stronger. I am more powerful that you will ever be, Snoke," Kylo said. "Foolish boy," was all Snoke said before the whole scene faded away.

Next thing he knew he was standing over Snoke's body with Rey, Han, Leia and Luke at his side and he was holding his lightsaber only the blade was purple instead of crimson. He'd never felt happier in his life. He threw his arms around his parents and uncle before he turned to kiss Rey. Suddenly he was once again standing in the temple with Rey looking up at him.

"I don't even remember walking inside," he said with awe in his voice. "I guess the Force decided it was time for you to get a new blade," Rey said with a bright smile. "I guess so."

Kylo held the crystal in his hand. It was warm and almost vibrating with energy. Rey opened her palm to show him the gold crystal with the purple center. He looked around. Gear was working on a double bladed lightsaber with a crystal was that a deep emerald green with a black core. Taliki was working on a lightsaber whip with a crystal that was completely white. Asera was working on a forked lightsaber with a crystal that was orange with a black core. Not that any of them were close to completion, he just recognized the components each of them were using from his time studying lightsabers.

"Did your time in the cave provide you with a design," Kylo asked, pulling Rey closer to him. "Yup," she said with a smile and showed him the lightsaber she wielded in her head. Then she asked, "What about you?" "If it's not broke don't fix it," he said showing her the purple and amber blade that he had defeated Snoke with.

Kylo showed Rey all the different pieces needed to make a lightsaber work. He even told her all of the parts she would absolutely need to make the blade work and which ones she could discount. Rey watched as he picked out his own components. He didn't feel the need to deviate from his original cross guard design and picked a hilt similar to his old one except the color of the metal was closer to silver than the black he was used to.

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