Chapter 28

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of the amazing characters!

Chapter 28:

Kylo turned to Rey.

"I can't let them be executed," he said with pleading in his voice. "Then we should head out," Rey agreed. "Do you have any idea where they are," Phasma asked. "Yeah, I do actually. It'll only take a couple of hours if we take my shuttle," Kylo said.

The three of them sprang into action while the rest of the resistance was stuck staring at the screen. Rey's heart was pounding in her chest and she knew that the anxiety spilling down the line of the bond was Kylo's but that didn't make it easier to deal with. Phasma seemed to be just as anxious.

"Where the hell do you three think you are going," Leia snapped suddenly. Kylo pinned her with a hard look, "I'm going to save my men from being executed." "Wait, what!? You want to risk Rey by rescuing high ranking members of the First Order," Finn exclaimed. "Yes," Rey said. "No," Kylo said at the same time.

They looked at each other.

"I thought you wanted me to go with you," Rey said. "I do and you are but I want you to promise that if we run into Ozoroth and his ilk that you will focus on getting Nikkinem, Datoo and Maatis out of there. Phasma and I will hold them off," Kylo said.

Rey opened her mouth to protest but Kylo chose that moment to press his lips to hers.

"No arguing otherwise you can stay here," he said. "But we are stronger together," Rey argued. "You can fly the shuttle, Phasma can't," Kylo said. "I would feel better by your side," Rey said. "And I'll fight better knowing you are safe," he said staring down in to her eyes.

Poe cleared his throat causing Rey and Kylo to look in his direction.

"I never said you could leave here," Leia said sternly. "Too bad I don't need your permission to save the lives of men loyal to me. Besides do you really want it to get out that your only son is big bad Kylo Ren," Kylo asked and every pair of eyes in the room landed on her.

Leia let out a sigh.

"Fine, go. I can almost guarantee that this is a trap but you obviously don't care what I think," Leia said. "Nope," Kylo hissed.

Rey slapped his arm.

"Kylo," Rey said. "What? There's nothing she could say or do that would stop me from going to get those three," Kylo said. "Well why the hell didn't you just bring them with you when you fled in the first place," Poe asked in a slightly annoyed voice. "Because we thought they were dead," Phasma answered.

Flash backs of that night hit both Rey and Kylo like a ton of bricks. Rey had been so scared that she was going to lose him and now all she could think about was the fact that this might all be a trap set up by Hux just to get Kylo in his clutches again.

Rey turned to Poe, "I know things are tense between us right now but you are the best Resistance pilot I've ever seen. The only way I see this going off without a hitch is if you come with us."

Poe and Kylo both looked like they were about to pass out.

"What? If Eshreal were here I would have asked her just to avoid how awkward this all is," Rey said.

Kylo briefly smiled down at her and brushed her hair back behind her ear.

You're so cute when you're trying to be helpful, he said in her head.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Finn said. "I'll do it," Poe said shocking everyone in the room.

Rey looked expectantly at Leia who sighed.

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