Chapter 8:

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of the amazing characters!

Chapter 8:

After his conversation with Rey, Kylo almost felt bad about not telling her that he knew what system the Resistance was hiding in. It seemed to him that they had taken a step in the right direction, with neither of them insulting, attacking or antagonizing the other. Though, a step toward what, he did not know. Luke wanted them to love each other. Kylo didn't know if it were possible and if it were possible he didn't know how loving someone so steeped in light would affect him.

He sat at his desk and replayed the whole thing over in his head. He still couldn't figure out what Luke was up to. He also didn't know how he felt about Rey admitting that she cared for him. Though in what capacity he did not know, it still seemed so unlikely to him. He had tortured her friends, he had taken her prisoner, stolen information directly from her mind, and killed countless members of the Resistance on Crait. As well as trying to kill her. Why would she feel anything for him?

Maybe she felt like he did. Whenever Rey invaded his dreams, or the bond allowed them to see each other, he couldn't get her out of his head for days. His whole being would cry out with the need to see her, talk to her even if they were fighting and hurling insults at each other. But once it became clear that the force wasn't going to allow them to see each other Kylo could go about his daily life as though the scavenger didn't exist. He could go for days without thinking about her and didn't feel anything about it. Of course, he also had Megum and Kalissa to ease his loneliness.

Realistically Kylo knew that there had to be willing men within the Resistance that would service her, like the traitor or that pilot. Maybe one of them would even love her. Thinking about that made him want to kill them both and any other man who wanted to put their hands on her. How irrational of Kylo to want to kill someone for desiring a woman who didn't even belong to him, a woman he would probably never have? That probably pissed him off more than anything else; that anything involving her could affect his emotions so much.

He was about to get up from his desk when his communicator signaled an incoming call. He would be surprised if it were his mother, but his logical side said that it had to be either Thalia or his scouts reporting in another wasted 18 hours of searching. He pressed the little blue button and a miniature version of Thalia appeared over his desk.

"So, you are serious about this," she asked, indignantly.

There was no pretense that this was about business. Kylo was already regretting having ever taken this woman to his bed. If word got out that one of his subjects felt comfortable enough in their relationship that she would speak to him in such a manner, he would have several more coups on his hands.

"You would do well to remember who you are speaking to Thalia. Just because you shared my bed for a month does not automatically give you the right to speak to me like we are equals," he snapped. "But, why Kylo? I thought things were going well between us," Thalia asked, her lower lip trembling.

Kylo Ren laughed in her face. She was trying to appeal to his humanity by crying. Didn't she know tears never worked on him. If Rey's tears had done nothing to him, why would Thalia's?

"I grew bored of you," Kylo lied easily.

Thalia looked aghast, as though no man had ever dared to implicate such a thing.

Kylo smirked to himself. In so many ways she was just like him. He was used to getting his way and having people tripping over themselves to make sure he was satisfied. Thalia was a woman who was used to getting her way and having people, especially men, fawn all over her. Too bad her ambitions made her way too dangerous.

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