Chapter 2: Welcome To Baker Street

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Marinette continued to run through the raining street of London. Soon she lost her bearings and became slightly concerned. Looking at the tall brick walls all around her. The rain soaking her to the bone as she slowly strolled through an alley way trying to find some shelter.

"How could I have lost my way?... then again I don't normally run around in the rain" Marinette mumbled to herself as she crossed her arms over her chest, rubbing her arms looking around trying to find some shelter.

Finally after a while she found an old wellington boot. Quickly Marinette hurried inside and collapsed against the wall of the boot, resting her back against it. Tears streaming down her face as she hugged herself tightly.

"How could I have let this happen?... how could I let my father get taken?" Cried Marinette as she hugged her knees close to her chest, letting the tears stream down her face.

The rain kept pouring down, tapping against the boot creating a broken melody.

"My dear... are you alright?" Asked a mouse from the outside the wellington boot.

Quickly Marinette looked up and towards the opening of the boot. Seeing an oldish mouse with a moustache and an umbrella. He looked like a doctor with his jacket and the stitches on some of the clothing.

"Come my dear, dry your eyes" Said the elder mouse as he walked in the wellington boot, closing his umbrella and grabbing a handkerchief from his pocketing and giving it to Marinette.

"Thank you Sir..." Replied Marinette as she grabbed the handkerchief and wiped the tears away from her eyes, then handing it back to the older mouse.

"Dr David Q Dawson... and who are you my dear?" Said Dawson as he held out a hand towards Marinette to shake it.

"Marinette Flaversham" Replied Marinette as she grabbed Dawson's hand a gave it a little shake, then slowly she picked herself up off the ground.

"My dear what are you doing out here alone?" Asked Dawson as he looked up and down at her, soaking wet from the rain and her clothes and hair clinging to her skin.

"I'm trying to find Basil Of Baker Street Sir" Replied Marinette as she handed Dawson the newspaper cutting which she took out of the newspaper earlier.

Dawson scanned over the newspaper clipping. Starting to become slightly confused as to why she would need a detective in the first place.

"Why do you need a detective?" Asked Dawson as he handed the newspaper clipping back to Marinette.

"My father was kidnapped a few hours ago... and I was trying to find Basil to try and get some help" Replied Marinette as she tried to hold back a couple of tears from falling from her eyes.

"I can't tell him I need the help because it's my boss that's kidnapped my father and I can't go after him alone" Thought Marinette her mind became slightly panicked thinking back to when she would meet Basil.

"Well I don't know any Basil... but I do know where Baker Street is, so I'd be happy to take you there" Said Dawson as he opened his umbrella and held it over his head.

"Thank you Sir" Replied Marinette as she stood next to Dawson under the umbrella, a small smile formed on her lips.

Steadily they both walked out of the wellington boot and into the dark and raining streets of London. After a while they finally arrived at 221 Baker Street. Gently Dawson knocked on the door and waited for a response. Suddenly the door opened to reveal a maid looking mouse with her arms full of different items. From books to clothes, a tea cup and some other bits all in a massive pile blocking her vision.

"Good evening madam, is this the home of Basil Of Baker Street" Said Dawson as he tipped his hat slightly, the holding it down in front of him.

"I'm afraid it is... he's not hear at the moment but you're welcome to come in and wait" Replied the main as she gestured for him to come inside, steeping to the side slightly.

"I don't mean to be a bother it's just the girl" Said Dawson as he gestured to Marinette standing beside him, soaking wet and looking like a drowned cat.

"Oh you poor dear... come in and we'll dry you off" Replied the maid as she shoved everything into Dawson's arms, placing a hand on Marinette's back guiding her inside.

Inside was a tone of scientific equipment set up on a desk, posters lined some of the walls. A high back chair and sofa were sitting near a large fireplace. Many newspaper cuttings and photos were on the fireplace. The main guided Marinette towards the fireplace and sat her down in the high back chair.

"I'll go and make a nice pot of tea for you" Said the maid as she wrapped a blanket over Marinette!s shoulders, giving her a small smile.

"Thank you Mrs..." Replied Marinette not sure on what the maids name was, she looked up hoping she would get her answer.

"Mrs Judson" Said the maid as she gave Marinette another smile, wrapping another blanket over her trying to keep her warm.

"Thank you Mrs Judson" Repeated Marinette as she gave her a cute smile, then Mrs Judson went off into what Marinette assumes the kitchen.

Slowly Marinette stood up from the chair and in front of the fireplace her eyes scanning over everything on it. Dawson placed everything down on a small table by the door. His eyes averted over towards Marinette almost looking mesmerised but the items on the fireplace.

"The villain escaped this time but soon I shall have him" Shouted a voice from outside of the house.

Dawson and Marinette looked at each other confused the to the door which burst open. Marinette went to reach for her guns but then stopped.

"You've got to act like a normal girl... you can't act like the London Gun Slinger around these people" Thought Marinette as a panicked looked covered her face as she looked at the mouse who burst through the door.

He was a rather large, grey mouse. Wearing a Chinese outfit holding a gun in his hands. Dawson looked horrified as the mouse came running in. Running straight pass the pair of them without even looking.

"I say who on earth are you?" Asked Dawson as a confused look covered his face, looking towards the grey mouse.

"Huh... Oh... Basil Of Baker Street my good fellow" Replied the grey mouse as he pulled of his mask, and deflated the costume to reveal a slim tall mouse in a tan colour.

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