Chapter 4: Attempt Number Two

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Marinette told Basil the entire story of what happened to her father. Dawson was reading over the newspaper, his eyes reading a section in particular about the royal family. It was going on about Queen Victoria throwing a celebration for her daughter turning twenty one. Basil was smoking on his pipe while listening to Marinette. Taking in all the details she was giving him.

"Now are you sure you've told me everything?" Asked Basil as he lent forward slightly, cupping his hands together while looking at Marinette.

Marinette sighed and glanced out of the window. Basil had a slight confused expression covering his face as he continued to look at her.

"Miss Flaversham" Said Basil as he reached a hand out and placed it on top of Marinette's hand, which was resting on her lap.

"I might as well tell him who it is" Marinette thought as she turned back around to face Basil, gazing down at his hand resting on top of hers.

"I am acquainted with who took my father" Replied Marinette as she continued to stare blankly at Basil's hand resting on hers, her mind racing with all different thoughts and feelings.

"He's a bat with a crippled wing, a peg leg... and goes by the name Fidget" Continued Marinette almost on the verge of tears, knowing who he worked for broke her heart.

"May I ask how do you know Fidget?" Asked Basil now becoming slightly suspicious of her again, because something was now seeming very off with her.

"Why would a young lady like her know someone working for Ratigan" Thought Basil as he smoked his pipe a little, keeping his hand rested on top of Marinette's hand.

"A friend of mine introduced him to me" Replied Marinette as she looked up towards Basil, almost getting lost in his eyes as she looked straight into them.

"I see... Well you've given me a clue which might break this case wide open" Said Basil as he stood up from his high back chair, walking over to the fireplace and starting into the burning flames.

"She has?" Questioned Dawson as he put the newspaper down and walked over to the seating area, standing next to Marinette as they both looked at Basil over by the fireplace.

"You see that bat... or Fidget is one of the lackeys for Professor Ratigan" Said Basil as he raised his hand up and waved in front of the newspaper clippings sitting on the fireplace.

"Who are the others then?" Asked Dawson as he looked up at the newspaper clippings, the flames illuminated each and everyone of them.

"His main two are Jack The Ripper and The London Gun Slinger" Replied Basil as he continued to stare into the flames of the fire, not moving a muscle at all.

Marinette's heart started beating like a steam hammer. Her mind started panicking like there was no tomorrow. She couldn't believe he knew that she and her best friend worked for Ratigan.

"Another question is what would he want with a toy maker?" Asked Basil as he turned around to look at Dawson and Marinette, instantly he could tell Marinette mood had changed.

"Miss Flaversham... could you step outside for a moment while I speak to Dawson in private?" Continued Basil as he smoked his pipe again, a thinking expression covered his face.

Marinette just nodded and stood up from the sofa and walked towards the front door. As she was walking by the window  she glanced out of seeing the rain lightly pouring down. Suddenly the window came crashing inwards which made Marinette scream. Basil and Dawson quickly looked over towards the window to see Marinette and Fidget struggling against each other. Successfully Fidget managed to drag Marinette through the smashed window.

"Quickly Dawson" Said Basil as he and Dawson rushed to the front door, when suddenly they both heard gun shots from outside.

Like lightning Basil and Dawson rushed outside to see Marinette with a gun in each hand, pointing towards Fidget who was clutching his crippled wing.

"You're crazy lady" Stuttered Fidget as he back away slightly, nearing a drainage system gate.

"So are you and that rat Ratigan" Snapped Marinette as he eyes grew narrower, a death glare covered her entire face.

"Now where is my father?" Spat Marinette as she edged her way closer to Fidget, guns aimed at his good wing and one to his head.

Quickly Fidget glanced down at the drainage cover, then back up at Marinette. He started chuckling like a demon possessed.

"See ya later toots" Chuckled Fidget as he jumped down into the drainage cover, his chuckling echoed as he made his way down.

Quickly Marinette rushed over to the drain cover, looking down into the dark abyss.

"No, No, No" Screamed Marinette as she placed both her hands on her head, her eyes wide with disbelief, shaking in their sockets.

Slowly she back up until she hit a wall, sliding down and placing her head on her knees. Steadily Marinette put her guns back in their holders, letting the rain hit against her skin. Tears were streaming down her face. Basil and Dawson watched her, then looking at each other.

"That is rather strange... why would she be carrying guns with her?" Thought Basil as he glanced back over towards her, a sympathetic look covered his face.

Basil gestured Dawson for them to go over towards her. Cautiously they both approached Marinette, Basil knelt down beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Quickly she wiped the tears away, she knew she had to stay strong now.

"I'll ask her some questions when she's calmed down" Thought Basil as he looked at Marinette, seeing her like this almost broke his heart.

"Come on Miss Flaversham... let's get you inside" Said Basil as he helped Marinette to her feet, gently guiding her back into the house with Dawson on the other side of Marinette.

Basil had one hand on her shoulder and the other around her back rubbing her arm on the opposite side. She rested her head against Basil's shoulder feeling safe in his embrace. Dawson glanced at the ground to see some sort of clothing item, quickly he picked it up and went inside with the others. Gracefully Basil guided Marinette to the sofa, sitting down with her, holding her close to his body.

"Why do I feel so safe with him" Thought Marinette as she rested her head against Basil's shoulder, feeling protected in Basil's arms.

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