Chapter 20: A Mystery That Started It All

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Finally all of them arrived back at Buckingham Palace. The rain was still pouring down, creating a rhythmic melody. Everyone was smiling and enjoying themselves, but deep down two of the were feeling depressed. Marinette was standing on a balcony outside, looking out into the distance. With the rain hitting her, making Marinette look like a drowned cat in the rain.

Hiram and the Queen were talking to Jack inside the main building. Occasionally glancing out to look at Marinette, knowing that she was probably regretting so many things. Dawson was speaking to Basil over in the corner of the room.

"You need to tell Marinette how you're feeling Basil" Said Dawson as he placed a hand on Basil's shoulder, a sympathetic expression covering his face.

"How can I?... she's the princess and besides..." Replied Basil as he glanced over his shoulder looking towards the balcony doors, then seeing Jack start to stroll over to the balcony.

"She has feelings for someone else" Continued Basil as he felt his heart chatter in his chest, regretting not telling Marinette what he really thought of her.

"I'm pretty sure you're wrong about that" Said Dawson as he gave Basil a confronting smile, knowing that Marinette also had similar feelings towards Basil.

"Say old chap... his would you feel about becoming my associate?... you've been a massive help on this mystery" Said Basil out of the blue trying to get his mind off Marinette, hoping that Dawson would at least want to help out in the future.

"Why... why yes... that would be an honour" Replied Dawson as he and Basil shook hands, a small smile plastered on each of their faces.

"Well... I best be going... parties aren't really my thing... I'll see you back at Baker Street Dawson" Said Basil as he swiftly turned around and headed for the Palace exit, not even giving Dawson a time to respond.

Slowly Dawson strolled over to Hiram and the Queen, standing next to them as they all looked at Marinette and Jack on the balcony. Meanwhile outside on the balcony in the pouring rain, Marinette was still looking out on London with Jack standing next to her. Jack placed a hand on Marinette's shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

"I messed everything up Jack... I almost got my family killed... I almost got my friends killed... but most of all... I fell in love with someone I shouldn't have" Marinette Said as she tried to hold the tears back, looking down at the path leading to the exit when her eyes landed on Basil walking.

"Who said you shouldn't have fell in love with Basil?" Replied Jack with a slight smirk on his face, crossing his arms as he lent in the edge of the railing of the balcony.

"How... how did... you know?" Stuttered Marinette as she whipped her head around to face Jack, shocked that he knew who she liked.

"It's obvious to everyone... the way you look at Basil... the way you act around him... you two are about the only ones who are completely oblivious to how you feel about each other" Replied Jack as he pointed smugly towards Marinette then down in the direction of Basil.

"I suggest you make up your mind before you lose the only chance you'll get" Added Jack as he swiftly turned around and went back inside, walking over to Hiram, the Queen and Dawson.

Marinette stood there in the pouring rain, debating what to do now. Until realisation finally hit her, she knew what she wanted now.

"Basil Wait!" Shouted Marinette as she reached an arm out over the balcony, swiftly turning around and bolted back into the palace.

Marinette went over to her family and friends just to say goodbye. They all slightly shocked to see her so happy when she was so depressed.

"Father, Mother I'm sorry... but I have to go... I can't lose the one person I love" Said Marinette as she wrapped both her parents in a tight hug, hoping that they would understand.

"Do what you need to do darling" Replied the Queen as she wrapped her daughter in a tighter hug, knowing letting her follow her heart was the right thing to do.

"Just remember to visit from time to time" Added Hiram with a slight chuckle as the three of them pulled away from the embrace, smiling at each other.

"I will don't worry" Said Marinette as she gave them a wide smile, then turning towards Jack and Dawson.

"I'll see you around friend" Continued Marinette as she wrapped Jack in a tight hug, as he gave her an embrace just as tight back.

"And I'll see you at Baker Street Dawson" Finished Marinette as she pulled away from Jack and looked over at Dawson, soon walking over and embracing him lightly.

Rapidly Marinette turned around and shot off towards the exit. Flying down a set of stairs as she reached one of the exits of the palace. Her eyes scanned around for Basil not being able to see him.

"Basil... Basil" Marinette called out with the rain still pouring down, hoping that she would get a response from him.

She kept calling out his name as she rushed closer to the gate of the palace. The rain making her look like a drowned cat. Finally she reached the gate and looked side to side rapidly. Not being able to see Basil at all. Marinette sighed and looked at the ground, letting a couple of tears fall from her eyes. Suddenly she felt a sharp tug on her arm as she was pulled off to the side.

Before Marinette could even scream she felt a pair of lips crash onto hers. Her eyes grew wide with shock when she saw it was Basil. Without hesitation Marinette kissed him back, with a few tears falling down her face. Staining her fur as they traveled down her face. Gracefully she wrapped her arms around Basil's neck, pulling herself closer to him. Basil wrapped one arm around her lower back and the other he held the back of her head. Slowly they both pulled away from the kiss, holding each other close.

"I love you" Both Basil and Marinette Said at the same time as they stood there in the pouring rain, soaked to the bone but neither of them minded it.

The pair gazed into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever. Finally Basil wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. Slowly they both started walking back towards the direction of Baker Street. The rain was such a romantic sight.

From that time on Basil, Dawson and Marinette were a close team. Each one having their strengths and weaknesses but working together made them stronger. Marinette would always see her parents from time to time like she said she would. Jack would sometimes visit Marinette and the others, even tagging along on some of the Mysteries they had. But each one of them would look back on the mystery. The London Gun Slinger one of the most notorious criminals was the Princess Of London. Taking down Ratigan with the help of her friends and family and finding love with the one she never expected...

Basil Of Baker Street... The Famous Mouse Detective.

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