Chapter 12: Dance With Fate

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The lights were lowered creating an eerie atmosphere. Faint light illuminated the stage and the orchestra platforms. Silk red curtains swaying slightly ready to be opened. Suddenly the orchestra started to play and the curtains opened. Marinette was standing there with a raised smile on half her face. Eyes shining in the faint light of the pub. Connecting straight with Basil's gaze, giving a slight wink.

The orchestra kicked into a swing like tune, giving Marinette the perfect start to dance. Kicking into a pretty fast and intricate dance. Tapping along with the beat, spinning like a tornado. Jack's and Fidget's jaws almost hit the floor. Stunned with the dance being performed in front of them. Basil's eyes went wide with shock, his mind starting to wonder off.

Suddenly Marinette leaped of the stage and landed on a table close to the front. Continuing to dance on the table. Dazzling the entire pub with her moves. Still tapping to the swinging beat of the music. Jumping from table to table until she finally landed on the table with Basil, Dawson, Jack and Fidget seated. Marinette continued tapping until the orchestra drew to end. Crossing one leg over the other, One hand behind her back and one over her stomach. She gave a bow then threw her hands wide open in the air.

The entire pub erupted in applause. Gracefully Marinette hopped down from the table and flicked a finger under Jack's hat. Giving him a mischievous smile as she looked down at him.

"Now that's what I call a performance" Said Marinette as she glared down at Jack, a sly smile creeping onto her lips as she placed a hand on the back of his chair.

"Whatever" Scoffed Jack as he picked up his drink and took a large swig of the contents, glancing up at Marinette from the side as she sat down at the table.

"We're going down to the lair... don't take long... Ratigan's already on thin ice with you as it is" Continued Jack as he slammed the glass down onto the table, standing up and walking off with Fidget.

Marinette just sat not saying a word. Grabbing her drink and taking a swig of the contents. Drowning out negative thoughts that started to consume her mind.

"You seem to have quite a lot of tension with your acquaintances" Stated Basil looking bluntly ahead of him, not knowing what to think or do anymore.

"It's nothing new... he's always been like that with me since..." Marinette Said as she quickly stopped mid sentence realising what she was about to say, she stared blankly into the bottom of the glass.

"Come on... let's get going" Marinette Said abruptly, standing up from the table and walking towards a door in the wall which had private written on it.

"How could I almost let that slip?... that would have been a big mistake" Thought Marinette as she stared at the floor, continuing to walk towards the door.

"How could I ever trust her... I should have stuck with my suspicion... why did I have to fall fond of her?" Thought Basil as he looked towards Marinette, a dull and lifeless expression covered his face.

Swiftly Marinette opened the door. Revealing a dingy and damp alcohol cellar. She stood to the side and let Basil and Dawson walk ahead slightly. Slamming the door behind her, Marinette stayed a way back letting her mind wander off. Marinette was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Basil and Dawson run over to a bottle. Her heart was breaking inside her chest.

"What have I done?" Thought Marinette as she stayed in the shadows, watching everything that was happening in front of her.

"It's stuck" Said Basil as he tried to pull the cork off the bottle, having no luck but still continued.

"Mr Flaversham" Said Dawson as he knocked on the glass a few times, hoping to grab his attention.

Suddenly the figure in the glass bottle turned over to reveal Fidget dresses in Hiram's clothing. Balloons, streamer, banners were dropping from the ceiling. Basil fell of the bottle in shock as he picked himself up off the ground.

"Surprise!" Shouted all of Ratigan's henchman as the jumped out of their hiding places.

Marinette was hiding in the shadows still, tears brimming on the edge of her eyes. Her heart breaking with each second passed. Suddenly her eyes landed on Ratigan walking out of his lair.

"Ah Basil you've finally arrived" Said Ratigan as he majestically strode over towards Basil and Dawson, a wicked grin plastered across his lips.

"One would hardly recognise you... I hope you brought the girl to me" Continued Ratigan as he lifted Basil's chin up to look him dead in the eyes, his grin turning into a sly smile.

Basil just stared into Ratigan's eyes not saying anything. Slowly Ratigan slipped his hand from under Basil's chin, an unimpressed expression covered his face. He glanced over his shoulder, looking towards Jack.

"Jack... where's London?" Said Ratigan as he turned to fully face him, a stone expression plastered across his face.

"Not my concerns... ever since they killed my father" Jack Replied bluntly looking at a knife gripped tightly in his hands, looking at his reflection as he tilted and turned it.

"You still think they'd kill your father... you father was stabbed not shot... London doesn't use blades remember... that's your weapon of choice" Stated Ratigan as he glared at Jack, agitated that they were still at each other's throats.

"At least someone has faith in me" Said Marinette as she stepped out of the shadows, resting her back against a beer barrel with a leg resting on it as well.

"Look what the cat dragged in... finally back from your little escapade I see" Replied Ratigan as he looked over towards Marinette, a grin plastered across his lips.

"You know I can't stay away long" Said Marinette as she gave him a sly smile, a mischievous expression covered her face.

"Clearly" Interrupted Jack in an agitated tone as he crossed his arms over his chest, a lifeless expression on his face.

"Don't start now you two... I don't need either of you trying to kill each other for the God knows how many time" Snapped Ratigan as he glared back and forth at the pair of them, his chest heaving heavily.

Marinette and Jack just glared at each other. The whole room fell silent. Basil and Dawson were standing there unsure of what to do next.

"You've missed quite a lot in the past few days London... The plan to take over the kingdom is almost complete... we're just missing one small piece... Flaversham's daughter" Stated Ratigan as he stood up tall, bold and strong like he owned the world.

"I'm surprised she wasn't with Basil" Replied Marinette as she looked over towards to Basil and Dawson, her heart shattering into a thousand pieces.

With that said Ratigan strode over to Basil and Dawson, turning his back on Marinette and Jack. Swiftly Jack walked right up to Marinette's face and inch away from her nose.

"What have you done with her?" Growled Jack in a low tone, hoping not to be heard by any of the other mice around them.

"Why am I always your go to when anything ever happens to family and friends of yours?" Questioned Marinette as she crossed her over her chest, feeling the anger boil inside her.

"Because you're the most shiftiest out of everyone here... always wearing a mask... coming and going when you please... you're the one hiding everything about you" Snapped Jack as he lifted his blade high up, slashing down on half or Marinette's face.

She lets out a scream and clutched her face. The mask was sent flying of her face. Clinking across the floor as it came to a stop in front of Ratigan. Everyone looked over towards Jack and Marinette, shocked with the little outburst. Slowly Marinette raised her head up to give Jack a death glare. His eyes grew wide with horror as he stumbled back slightly, dropping the blade onto the floor.

"Marinette" Questioned Jack as he took a couple more steps, not believing it was Marinette all this time being the London Gun Slinger.

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