Chapter 7: On A Grander Scale

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With that said Toby back away slightly, with a puppy dog expression covered his face.

"Are you alright Miss Flaversham?" Asked Basil as he looked over his shoulder towards Marinette, giving her a comforting smile.

Marinette nodded her head and gripped Basil's shoulders, trying to hid away from Toby. Basil averted his gaze back to Toby and strode closer to him.

"Now Toby I want you to find this fiend" Said Basil as he pulled the hat out of his pocket, waving it in front of Toby's nose.

Toby went from a calm placid dog to a dog consumed by anger.

"Yes that's it... got his sense?" Asked Basil as a triumphant expression covered his face, a wide smile plastered across his lips.

Toby started nodding like it was the last time he would. Quickly Basil pulled out a lead and attached it to Toby's collar.

"Toby... Seek" Said Basil as he pointed towards the rather large doorway, a stern expression covered his face.

Like lighting Toby took off towards the doorway, dragging Basil along behind him. Swiftly Basil wrapped an arm around Marinette's waist, pulling her close as they both were flying behind Toby. A light blush covered her cheeks as she gripped onto Basil for dear life. Dawson was running as best as he could behind them.

After a while they were out in the street of London. Light from the oil lamps giving a soft glow on the city. The sky covered in deep menacing clouds like a blanket over London. Basil, Dawson and Marinette were sitting on Toby's back looking all around at the world.

"I never really took much notice of the world around before" Thought Marinette as her eyes continued to look all around, her skin illuminated in the faint light.

Suddenly Toby let out a howl which echoed in the streets. Swiftly he took off charging down the streets of the misty London. Basil had a tight grip on the lead while Marinette wrapped her arms around Basil's waist. She tightly shut her eyes as a deep blush covered her cheeks. Basil glanced down at her with a light coat of pink across his cheeks, a small smile formed on his lips.

"She's a complete mystery to me" Thought Basil as he averted his gaze back ahead of him, the world flying by like lighting.

"The thrill of the hunt hey Dawson" Shouted Basil as he glanced over his shoulder at Dawson who was clinging onto Toby's tail for dear life, an enthusiastic look covered his face.

"Qu... quite" Shouted Dawson as he was thrashed about, trying to stay on for his life.

Toby continued to bolt through the London streets. The mist settling over like a blanket, creating a hazy version of London. A rhythm of pattering feet echoed through the streets. Marinette continued to cling onto Basil's waist and he kept glancing down at her.

"I've never felt this way about anyone before... what's happening to me to feel so safe with him" Thought Marinette as she looked up towards Basil, then gently rested her head against his back.

Suddenly Toby came to a halt. Throwing Dawson forward, colliding with Marinette and Basil. Gracefully Toby raised his head so his nose was against a ledge. Marinette looked up at the building in front of them, a human toy store. Swiftly Basil hopped off Toby's nose and onto the ledge, next was Dawson and finally Marinette. Just as she was about to jump Toby jolted his nose causing Marinette to lose her balance. Quickly she grabbed onto the ledge clinging on for dear life.

Basil and Dawson were obviously to the entire situation as they looked for a way into the toy shop. Steadily Marinette pulled herself up onto the ledge brushing down her dress. Promptly she made her way towards the other side of the ledge, watching Basil looking for a way in. Marinette turned her head slightly to see a hole in one of the glass panes.

"Uhh... Basil" Said Marinette as she pointed a thumb towards the tiny hole, an unimpressed expression spread across her face.

Quickly Basil looked over towards Marinette then at the glass panel she was pointing towards. He came closer and had a better inspection. Basil looked at her with a confused expression covering his face. She sighed and stuck her index finger into the tiny hole, pulling it back to reveal a hidden doorway.

"I believe this is what you're looking for" Said Marinette as she moved her arm in a half circle motion, pointing in towards the doorway.

"Thank you Miss Flaversham" Replied Basil as he climbed through the doorway, then Dawson climbed Thought and finally Marinette as she closed the door behind her.

All three of them looked around in awe. Giant toys placed on shelves all around them. The store was rather dark, the only lights was from the street lamps outside shining through the window. The darkness was threatening, shadows loomed over the shelves.

Marinette was looking all around at the entire store. Amazed by the sights surrounding her.

"And I thought my father had a lot of toys in his store" Thought Marinette as she continued to look lol around the store, quickly her eyes averted towards Basil and Dawson who were slightly ahead of her.

Swiftly she picked up her pace and caught up with the pair of them. She walked along side Basil glancing at him from time to time. Suddenly her eyes caught a glimpse of something moving on an upper shelf. Marinette was so focused on the shelf she didn't realise she was about to walk straight off the one she was on. Suddenly she felt the floor go from under her. Before Marinette could fall Basil wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back onto the shelf.

"You need to watch where you're going" Said Basil as he pulled Marinette closer to him, not wanting any harm to come to her.

She nodded slightly and looked up at the detective. Dawson was looking at the pair of them, a small smile on his lips.

"Them two sure have something special" Thought Dawson as he continued to watch the pair of them, holding each other close.

Meanwhile up on the upper shelf.

"Hey Jack come here... looks who's arrived" Said Fidget as he pointed a wing towards Basil and the others, a devilish small plastered on his face.

Jack quietly walked over to Fidget and peaked over the edge of the ledge. His eyes went wide with shock.

"Marinette" Thought Jack as he continued to watch the group of mice down below them, gradually asking their way closer to the pair of them.

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