Chapter 18: A Smash In Time

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Ratigan dragged Marinette out to his dirigible with Fidget not too far behind. Swiftly he moved to the front of the dirigible while Fidget moved to the back towards the propeller. Quickly he jumped onto it and started peddling like a mad man. Marinette rested her back against the side of the wooden frame, tightly clutching her side to stop the blood from seeping out. Her head spinning slightly from the blood lose. Tears were forming on the edge of her eyes.

"I'm sorry everyone... I guess my time is soon about to come to an end... at least it was a honour to protect the ones who needed it" Thought Marinette as she tilted her head towards Ratigan, who was clearly concentrating on piloting the dirigible.

Gracefully Marinette ripped the bottom of her dress off and started to securely wrap it around her waist. The sound caught Ratigan's attention. Discreetly he glanced over his shoulder to see what Marinette was doing, a skeptical expression covering his face as his eyes scanned up and down at her. His eyes easily spotted the blood seeping out onto the while dressing, staining it a beautiful crimson red.

Marinette's eyes glanced to the side at Ratigan, a snarl grew on her lips as she burned holes into his skull. Dropping one of her arms down by her side, she caught the guns hidden under her dress. Her eyes shot open slightly as she looked down at her legs.

"My guns... How could I forget I had them on the entire time?... I guess adrenaline does some weird stuff to your body" Thought Marinette as she glanced towards Ratigan, then back towards Fidget hoping neither of them had caught on she had a weapon on her.

Cautiously Marinette picked herself up off the floor, holding onto a rope attached to the balloon above them. Her hair swaying in the wind as they flew over London. The dress flaring in the wind, creating a rippled affect on the ripped hem of the dress. Up in the sky deep dark storm clouds were now starting to form, covering the beautiful radiant night sky. Suddenly in front of the dirigible a Union Jack swiftly rose.

Marinette, Ratigan, and Fidget all looked ahead of them shocked. A wide smile grew on Marinette's lips as she saw who was standing on a match box connected to the Union Jack. Her Father, Her Mother, Jack, Dawson and Basil were all standing there with determination covering their faces.

"They came for me" Muttered Marinette to herself making sure Ratigan or Fidget wouldn't hear her, eyes almost filling with tears.

Ratigan's anger levels started to rise as he glared at the five of them on the make shift aircraft. Suddenly he stormed towards the back of the dirigible, marching towards Fidget. Rapidly Fidget moved out the way as Ratigan took control of the propeller. Making the dirigible fly through the sky like a bullet out of gun. Fidget took control of the steering, weaving on and out of the building of London. Marinette clung onto the rope holding the balloon onto the dirigible.

Gradually Marinette glanced over her shoulder to see that her friends and family were keeping up with the speed Ratigan was going at. Swiftly the makeshift aircraft managed to pull along side the dirigible. Still weaving in and out of the buildings of London, trying to remain on Ratigan's tail. Suddenly they came out into a plain area, without any buildings. The clouds starting to cover the sky above them, lighting lit up the sky far in the distance.

Steadily the makeshift aircraft managed to keep up enough speed to keep along side the dirigible. Recklessly Basil jumped from his aircraft to the dirigible, landing next to Marinette.

"Basil are you crazy?" Shrieked Marinette as she stared at Basil wide eyed, not believing that he had just taken a jump which could have been the end of him.

"Not as crazy as you are" Replied Basil as he grabbed Marinette around her waist and lifted her up onto the edge of the dirigible, Marinette could feel her heart beating out of her chest.

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