Chapter 15: Everything Is Crashing Down

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At Buckingham Palace, Ratigan was replacing the official guards with his henchmen dressed identical to the official one. Hiram had a henchman with a rifle pointed to his back as he walked down the corridor. Marinette had her tied behind her back and a cloth tied over her mouth. Ratigan had a hand around her waist, lifting her off the ground slightly. She and her father exchanged worried glances as they drew nearer to a specific room in the Palace.

"This is all my fault... and now I'm about to lose everything" Marinette thought to herself as tears threatened to fall from her eyes, trying to remind strong when everything was falling apart.

Suddenly they stopped outside a door in the Palace. All of them could hear humming from the other side. Marinette and Hiram looked at each with fear in their eyes. She could feel the tears almost falling out of her eyes. Her heart was breaking into a thousand pieces.

"The first time I'm about to see my mother in twenty one years and now it's most likely going to be the last time" Marinette thought to herself as she glanced up at Ratigan, a demonic grin plastered across his lips.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when one of the henchmen knocked on the door. Suddenly Marinette felt the rope around her wrists loosen and the cloth over her mouth. A confused expression formed on her face as she glanced up Ratigan.

"Act normally and I won't blast your father's head off" Whispered Ratigan into Marinette's ear as a wide smile grew on his lips, Marinette glanced at her father then towards the door knowing she didn't have a choice anymore.

She took a deep breath in and slowly walked towards the door. Praising the door open Marinette walked inside, leaving the door slightly ajar. Her eyes landed on the queen sitting in front of a vanity. Marinette could feel the tears forming in her eyes. Knowing everything she was about to do would come crashing down.

"Mother" Marinette breathed out as she stepped into the room a little, almost breaking down in tears.

Slowly the Queen turned her head to face the door. Shock covered her face as tears brimmed on the edge of her eyes. Steadily the Queen stood up and walked over towards her daughter. Not seeing her in twenty one years.

"Marinette" Said the Queen as she gently slid a hand down the side of Marinette's face, a look of disbelief clouded her eyes as a couple of tears fell from both of their eyes.

Swiftly they both embraced each other tightly. Letting the tears fall more from their eyes. How Marinette wish this wasn't to be the first and last time she'd see her Mother. She hurried her head into her mother's shoulder and cried harder, embracing her mother tighter. Suddenly there was another knock at the door. Marinette knew once that door opened her world was going to be shattered.

Slowly the door creaked open, revealing Hiram, Ratigan and a few of his henchmen. The Queen gasped in horror and pulled Marinette closer to her.

"Professor Ratigan... guards seize this despicable creature" Shouted the Queen as she pointed a finger at Ratigan, holding Marinette as close as she could.

All the guards started chuckling as they slowly advanced on the Queen and Marinette. Both of them backed away from fear and concern. Marinette was starting to space out as she tried to find a way out of this.

"You can't just stand here and do nothing Marinette... come on think what can I do?" Marinette thought to herself as her eyes darted around the room, her heart racing in her chest.

Suddenly her eyes landed on a revolver sitting on the edge of the desk. Marinette's eyes were darting from the revolver to the guard henchmen. Her head saying to go for it and her heart telling her to avoid it. She new her father's life would be at a high stake risk if she decided to try and take the guards. But then could she save the whole three of them by taking that risk. Swiftly Marinette lunged towards the revolver, pointing it at the guards and taking fire.

Hitting each of the henchmen, not killing them but disabling them from making any further attacks. Her eyes blazing with fire, adrenaline coursing through her body. Finally Marinette aimed the gun at Ratigan, her mind blinded by rage.

"This ends now" Said Marinette as she narrowed her eyes and pulled the trigger.

Silence fell over the room. A click echoed in the surroundings. Marinette pulled the trigger again and another click echoed in the room. Her eyes grew wide as a smirk grew on Ratigan's lips. Marinette kept pulling the trigger over and over again. Click after click after click and no bullets fired. Swiftly she flipped the gun to the side to pop the bullet barrel out. Her eyes wide as the bullet barrel was empty.

"But I'm sure I accounted for everyone including Ratigan... unless one bullet was missing" Marinette thought as she looked up at Ratigan, her eyes slowly starting to fill with horror.

"One bullet too short my dear" Said Ratigan as he started to edge his way closer to Marinette, she edged her way closer to him which lead to both of them meeting in the middle.

Ratigan towered over Marinette but her eyes still remained strong. Glaring up at him she didn't say a word. Forcefully he grabbed her chin and tilted her head to look into his eyes.

"That was a rather... unfortunate move" Said Ratigan as a demonic grin grew on his lips, eyes piercing right though Marinette's soul.

"It was worth the risk" Growled Marinette as she glared up at Ratigan, remaining strong as she felt the fear and anxiety grow inside her.

"Wait... my other guns... I left them on... but I can't use them now... I need to wait for a better opportunity" Marinette thought to herself as she continued to remind strong, still glaring up at Ratigan.

Suddenly Marinette felt a shock course through her body. Swiftly she was flung to the other side of the room, hitting against a wall almost knocking her out. Slowly she started rubbing her cheek as a red mark started to appear. Rapidly more guards started to appear at the doors and started surrounding each member of the royal family.

"Looks like the kingdom now has a new ruler" Chuckled Ratigan as he glanced around at each of the members of the royal family, each one of them had a horrified expression covering there faces as they stared in shock at him.

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