Chapter 13: Royalty Comes At A Price

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Suddenly Marinette lunged towards Jack. Pinning him across his shoulder against one of the alcohol barrels. Blood dripping down her face as her eyes grew narrower. A snarl grew on her lips and she jabbed a gun right under Jack's chin. His eyes grew wide with horror as he looked down at his friend.

"Mari... you've been the London Gun Slinger all this time?" Questioned Jack as he looked Marinette dead in the eyes, his mind trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Yes... and for your information the night your father died, you came to me almost straight away... and I was there at home with my father... and if you think I'd kill your father then I don't even know what kind of friend you are" Growled Marinette as she put more force on Jack's shoulder, pinning harder against the alcohol barrel.

"You're lucky I don't send you down to Hell" Snapped Marinette as she jabbed the gun harder under Jack's chin, jolting his head up so he was looking up at the ceiling.

"Marinette" Said a voice from behind all of them, Marinette's eyes shot wide open when she recognised who it belonged to.

Slowly Marinette glanced over her shoulder to see Ratigan standing behind Hiram with a hand on her father's shoulder. Tears were brimming on the edge of her eyes. All kinds of emotions were running through her head.

"Father" Breathed out Marinette as she released her grin on Jack's shoulder, facing Ratigan and her father then slowly walked over to them.

Quickly she wrapped her arms around her father's neck. Embracing him tightly as he embraced her tightly. Tears finally trailed down down Marinette's face leaving stains on her face.

"Oh isn't that fantastic... the princess of mousedom has been here the entire time" Chuckled Ratigan as he tapped two fingers together, a wicked grin grew on his lips as he looked at Marinette and Hiram.

"Princess?" Questioned Marinette as she looked over her shoulder at Ratigan, then back into her father's eyes with disbelief starting to cover her face.

"I'm surprised your Father... or should I say your majesty didn't tell you" Stated Ratigan as he let out a slight chuckle, Marinette was looking at her father shaking her head slightly and starting to lose all reasoning in her mind.

"What do you want out of us?" Growled Marinette as she glared over her shoulder at Ratigan with a snarl imprinted on her lips, her eyes filled with rage.

"You two are just piece in my plan that's all... nothing more then a pawn on a chess board" Replied Ratigan with a smug smile plastered across his lips.

Marinette Snapped, spun around and fired a couple of bullets. Her head was consumed with insanity, her eyes almost glowing red with rage. One bullet barley missed Ratigan's shoulder. An unimpressed expression covered his face and he glared down at Marinette.

"I find it funny that the princess of mousedom... is also one if London's most notorious criminals" Chuckled Ratigan as he grabbed Marinette's chin as he lifted her head up to look him dead in the eyes, all the other mice were laughing and chuckling.

Basil, Dawson, Hiram and Jack were all looking at Marinette. Each one with a different expression and new thoughts. Jack was shocked that his best friend was the London Gun Slinger and the princess of mousedom. Hiram was surprised that his own daughter was one of London's most notorious criminals. Dawson was astound with all the new information that was being said. Basil on the other hand was heart broken and emotionally destroyed on the inside. The one person her thought he could trust... turned out to be the one he couldn't and shouldn't have. Marinette felt her head spinning with all different thoughts, her heart breaking as she glanced over her shoulder to look at Basil.

Ratigan noticed where Marinette's gaze had differed off to. A sly smile spread across his lips. Suddenly he spun Marinette around and pinned her back against his chest. Almost suffocating her with his tight grip.

"Twenty One years old and look what you're now becoming... a demonic mouse" Said Ratigan as he gripped Marinette's chin and almost forced her to look at the people she'd betrayed, tears were brimming on the edge of her eyes.

"I think it's time for you to get ready your highness" Continued Ratigan as he shoved Marinette at her father, then some of Ratigan's henchmen took the pair of them away.

"As for the pair of you... you're welcome to leave you've brought me what I needed" Stated Ratigan as he glanced over his shoulder at Basil and Dawson, he could tell that Basil was somewhat distance from everything.

"With pleasure" Replied Basil as he put his hands in his coat pocket, strolling towards the door they came in by as his heart began to shatter more by the second.

Dawson quickly hurried after Basil, knowing that something was wrong with the detective. Jack watched the pair of them walk out of the lair. Debating in his mind if her shoulder go after them or not. His best friend was going to be used and he felt helpless.

Meanwhile in a small room, Marinette and Hiram were standing there locked in by Ratigan's henchman. Marinette was flicking through some dresses hung up while Hiram was gazing at his daughter. Curious about so many things.

"Why did you never tell me about this daughter?" Asked Hiram as he looked at his daughter, then glancing at some of the attire hung up next to him.

"It's not something I could exactly sit down and talk about... 'oh hey Father I just thought you'd like to know that I'm one of London's most notorious criminals now'... I only kept it secret to keep you safe... and now look everything's falling apart" Said Marinette as she tried to hold the tears back from her eyes, wiping them away with the back of her hand.

"Why did you never tell me you were the King?" Continued Marinette as she finally picked a dress out, then turning around to face her father.

"I wasn't meant to say anything until you turned twenty one... the day of your coronation" Replied Hiram as he looked over at his daughter, knowing it was a bad idea keeping it from her all this time.

Suddenly Marinette quickly wrapped her arms around her father embracing him tightly. Hiram wrapped his arms around his daughter pulling her close.

"I understand Father" Said Marinette as she pulled away from her father, looking at the dress in her hands.

Swiftly Marinette went over to the rack of clothing and went behind them, using them as some curtains to hide herself. Hiram found some clothing and change into it. Looking in the mirror against the wall, waiting for his daughter to come back out. After a while Marinette came out in a strapless white gown reaching the floor. Sliver accents created intricate and delicate designs all over. A pair of white heels to match the dress.

"You look just like your mother" Said Hiram as he gave his daughter a light hug, holding her close trying to keep her safe.

Suddenly the door came flying open. Ratigan stood there with a sly smile plastered across his lips.

"Looks like its time your majesty" Said Ratigan as he gestured towards the door for the pair of them to leave, Hiram and Marinette looked at each other worried and scared before they left the room.

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