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If you had told Katie Holt month ago that she was going to help save earth from Sendak, nearly die thanks to a Altean powered machine that sucked the quintessence out of you and then end up getting captured when the next unknown galra threat arrived she probably would've assumed you ate some of Coran's cooking.

But there she was, being dragged down the hall of some galra ship.

Her hands were bound behind her, feet chained so she could only move them so much.
To her, though, the worst thing was the gag.
Galra weren't exactly keen on being cursed out by a human half their size.

It wasn't even really a gag, more like a muzzle.
A piece of metal that clamped down onto the bottom of her chin and bridge of her nose, holding her jaw in place while a piece of metal was stuck between her teeth that jabbed at the inside of her mouth anytime she tried to talk.
Her mouth tasted like nothing but metal and blood.

Pidge didn't know where she was going or who she was being taken to see, all she knew was that she was in trouble.

The poor girl didn't even understand how she got on the ship.

One moment she was in Green, cloaked and attacking a hostile galra fleet. The next she was on the floor of one of their ships with blasters being pointed at her from all angles while she was restrained.

Her head was spinning, confusion still overtaking her brain.

Kosmo hadn't teleported her onto the ship, that was for sure.

When you teleported with the wolf it felt safe, grounded and secure. You knew exactly where you were going and that Kosmo was in control.
Her latest teleport hadn't been anything like that.

It felt erratic and unsure of its end point. Pidge felt as if the air had been ripped from her lungs and the second it took her to teleport from one place to the other felt like a million years of pure agony.

You'd expect to feel tired after that, but Pidge felt fired up. Like she'd taken a shot of an Altean energy serum Coran showed her.

The Paladin wanted to fight.

She wanted to rip off her restraints and beat the galra leading her to a bloody pulp and latch the damn muzzle onto the other so they wouldn't call from help.

It was concerning how violent she wanted to be.

Violent or not, though, she kept dreaming of her escape and how many of these damned galra she'd take down in revenge for me borderline trauma she was experiencing.
Her bloody fantasy was cut off when she was tossed into a room, quite literally, tossed.

Pidge skidded across the floor, hunching her shoulder so her head didn't hit the floor just like Keith had taught her.

When her body did stop, it was near two sets of feet and when she looked up Pidge swore her heart stopped.

Zethrid and Ezor.

Her brain was spinning, going into overtime.


They'd died!

Pidge watched their damn ship explode!

No survivors were found yet those two were standing in front of her with two wicked grins.

"Aw! She's happy to see us!" Ezor gleamed, reaching down and yanking Pidge's hair so she was looking the two halfbreeds in the eyes.
Her face was starch white, eyes wide and already filled with panic while she began to hyperventilate.

She was thrashing, trying desperately to break away and run but Zethrid grabbed her.

"You aren't going anywhere, small one. Lotor wants to see you." She cackled.

It was then that Pidge knew something was very, very wrong.

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