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Everyone was running around, trying to find out where Pidge was and who took her.

No one knew what had happened and had absolutely zero leads so that made things difficult.

Not to mention Pidge was usually the one who figured these things out. None of them had thought about what to do if she was the one missing without a trace.

It had already been six days, and six days without Pidge was driving Keith crazy. She was always the one to keep him sane.

He and Pidge had developed a system early into the beginning of their friendship. She knew how to calm him down with a touch and he knew when she was being stubborn and needed to rest.

Keith didn't realize how much he craved her touch. He didn't realize how much her hand on his back or the soft circles she rubbed into the back his hand meant to him.

He never realized how much she meant to him.
Of course he wouldn't until he lost her.
Keith was really just that dense sometimes.

His feet moved on their own to the lion hangars, Shiro had suggested using the Voltron bond to try and see if they could contact Pidge.

They were all willing to try anything, absolutely anything to get Pidge back.

The Paladins all trickled in one by one, each looking devastated.

Allura looked like she did when they'd all first met and she realized Altea was gone. Absolute fear and grief, something that she'd loved so dearly had been stripped away from her once again.

Hunk, the ray of motherfucking sunshine he was looked like he was going to murder someone. How dare someone take away one of his best friends? How dare someone break up the garrison trio? When he got his hands on them, lord help them.

Lance, god, Lance. He was the one Keith went crying to when he couldn't go to Shiro. He was the one he pouted his heart out to because he missed Pidge so, /so/ much.
He'd taken over as leader since Keith was a mess, hell, everyone was surprised Black hadn't just opened up to him at this point.

"Alright, everyone to your lions." Lance said firmly once everyone was there.
"We need to find a way to get to Pidge, she needs us."

Allura and Hunk nodded before rushing to their lions but Keith stayed back for a moment.

"What if it doesn't work..?" He asked softly, looking over at Lance.

"It will, Pidge is probably living the highlife making whoever took her miserable." Lance smiled reassuringly, gently pushing Keith towards the black lion.

"Okay, girl. Come on.." Keith whispered as he walked up the ramp.
"We need to find her, please."

He trailed a hand along the cool metal as he went up to the cockpit, Black's consciousness gently brushing against his own.

"I need her.." Keith choked out, tears welling up in his eyes.
"God, I need her.."

The lion purred reassuringly.

'We shall find her.' Black promised, a soft purr rumbling throughout the machine.

"Thank you.." Keith smiled as he sat down in the pilot seat. Just from being in the lion he could feel the others, their presence and their lions all mingling with each other.

It would be comforting if one key element wasn't missing.

The others hadn't realized how much one person affected the bond, how one paladin not being there royally fucked up how the bond normally felt.

Keith closed his eyes as he let himself delve further into the bond, into the unique astral plane the Paladins could access.

The very consciousness of Voltron. Their quintessence and minds all mixed into one.

Keith gasped for breath as he opened his eyes, the mind fuck of getting there almost took the air out of him.

Lance had a similar experience, only his was a borderline overwhelming rush of adrenaline.

The air felt stagnant, Green's normal bouncy energy weak.

"Come on, girl. Please.." Lance said softly, trying to urge Green along.

The lion let out a pitiful cry, eventually opening up. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough for them to see something.

It wasn't what they wanted to see.

Pidge was chained up in an absolutely obscene way. She was on her back. Arms up and legs spread while she pulled against the bindings.

Keith wanted to sob or throw up when Green allowed them to feel the pressure on her limbs in their own bodies.

He was surprised her hands and feet weren't blue with how much her circulation must have been cut off.

No one was ready when they heard someone join her.

"Hello, little birdy."

The voice was smooth and charming, confident in an all too familiar way.

Everyone immediately looked to Allura who was pale in the face with anger.


It couldn't be him.

"How are you feeling, dear?" Lotor asked, a hand sliding onto her hip.

Lance gagged when they felt the phantom sensation. Everyone wanted nothing more than to scream and get Pidge out of there.

"Sore.." she whined, surprising everyone when she barely flinched at Lotor touch.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, I was too rough with you." Lotor murmured, gently running a hand through her hair.
"But that's what happens when you don't behave, remember?"

"Yes.." Pidge whimpered, body trembling beneath his touch.

"Get some more rest, my little bird. I'll come get you when it's time for some food." Lotor purred, pressing a kiss to her cheek before leaving.

It was too much, Keith practically ripped himself away from the bond.


Not that. Anything but that.

He wanted to find Lotor and rip his hands off for laying a finger on her, punch him till those damned lips that dared to be put on her skin were bloody and broken.

Keith didn't want to even think about what else had been done to her, how else Lotor could've violated the girls privacy.

Lotor was dead when Keith found him.

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