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Lotor strode down the hallways of the damned human ship, trembling with anger.

She'd been too weak.

The damn human runt was too weak to carry a kit to term.

All of his work, while it hadn't been for nothing, was large a waste of time now. He wanted her under his foot, willing to whatever he said and give him what he wanted.

And Lotor wanted a damn kit, one that he could dangle in front of the Paladins faces as a bargaining tool. One he could use to get Pidge to do exactly as he said because he knew she would have an unconditional love for that child.

But no. Her body was so disgustingly weak and inferior and she couldn't even carry a simple kit more than three months. His plans had been set back by this, his training for her had to be entirely reconfigured to suit their new situation.

He needed to find something new to hold against her, he didn't have a child to threaten to get her to do what he wanted anymore.

He'd worked so hard to get into her too. His lioness had fought back so harshly, Lotor had to physically restrain her for the first time in nearly a year, force her legs apart and snap his hips into her before she could close them.

Lotor had heard Pidge scream before, plenty of time but that scream was something unholy. A sound of anger and despair that could only come from a being filled with grief and regret.

She'd fought back and struggled but he had held her down and choked her until she went limp and unconscious beneath him, giving him full access to everything he needed to impregnate her.

It was all supposed to work.

But it didn't.

She'd been doing so well, too. Lotor had been overseeing her make a Robeast to see what her tech capabilities were and while they were nothing compared to what a Druid could do with the flesh and biological parts, his lioness could handle the tech aspect of a Robeast better than anyone.

All of it thrown down the damn drain within two minutes.

Lotor walked to their room, looking around for the guards and frowning when they weren't there. He opened up the door, looking around.

"Katie?" He called, "where are you, love?"

She was nowhere to be found, the dress that was still caked in blood from her miscarriage sitting on the floor and a small box on their bedside table.

He frowned, going over and picking up the box before opening it. Lotor could've sworn his heart stopped. He expected Pidge to just throw the fetus out, curse it and be glad that it was gone.

But instead the fetus was laying in a carefully crafted bed of cloth and flowers, tear stains on the fabric.

"So she did care for you.." Lotor murmured softly, plunking a flower from the vase on the bedside table and adding it to the mix.

He figured that Pidge would want the box, so they could bury the child or at least give them a proper send off instead of just sitting in an empty room in a box.

Lotor sighed, maybe he shouldn't have just left Pidge there sitting in her own blood while he stormed off. Maybe he should've stayed and made sure she was alright and comforted her.

He figured that he should be putting in some effort considering that he was trying to get him and Pidge to get along without her being terrified of him.

Lotor went out to the hallway, box in hand as he continued to think. He and Pidge would need to have a serious talk about the miscarriage and what it implied, as well as what it might've done to her body. They'd need to see if the alterations made to her caused this and if anything needed to be undone to ensure future offspring could make it full term.

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