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Pidge took a few ragged breathes, the quintessence coursing through her trying to find a way to be used but only succeeding in wearing her out.

Ezor and Zethrid both froze as she placed the cold blade against her throat.

They knew what would happen if she did it, Lotor would end up killing them.

"Don't be dramatic," Ezor huffed, a hint of panic in her voice.
"Lotor just wants to see you. He loves you."

"I don't love him, I'd rather die than see him again." Pidge spat, pressing the blade against her throat harder.

"Stop it!" Zethrid snapped, watching as a small drop of blood began to form.

"What's the matter? Afraid Lotor will get mad for his precious empress being injured?" Pidge snarled, mind racing at a mile a moment.

She needed to find a way to get this quintessence to do something productive when her body didn't need anything to keep it running.

They'd stabilized her body, she didn't need the quintessence to keep her organs working anymore and Alfor knew she didn't have enough muscle for the energy to be used.

Suddenly she got an idea.

Quintessence could be used to heal.

Ezor and Zethrid were both slowly inching towards her, ready to grab her.

"Let's hope Keith forgives me for this," Pidge grinned, taking the blade away from her throat and plunging it right into her side with a scream.

And there it was, the burst of adrenaline.

Zethrid and Ezor both yelled, rushing to grab her but Pidge just ripped the knife out of her side and slashed the hand that came the closest.

Ezor reeled back, her hand to her wrist cut open.

Zethrid was next, Pidge sliced right into her side as she ran past her.

She was moving faster than before now, the adrenaline fueling her and distracting her from the pain while the quintessence got to work on healing the wound in her side.

Pidge laughed as she heard the two generals behind her shouting.

"Serves you right!" She yelled, skidding around another corner.

Pidge was going to run and she was going to keep running, just like Keith told her until she found them and could help them fight back.

If Lotor got her Pidge knew they'd all give up instantly to make sure she wasn't hurt.

God, where was Kosmo when you needed him?

Oh right, he was on new Olkari with her parents and a small group of Atlas workers to help refugees.

What Pidge would give to have that damn dog with her.

Her thoughts about the precious wolf were cut off by the pounding footsteps of sentries coming from the hall in front of her, Pidge turned around, about to run back the other way but she was only met with more sentries.

She was trapped in.

Pidge took a deep breath, holding her boyfriends knife at ready.

"Alright, assholes," she shouted, "come get me!"

Pidge focused on the blade in her hand, remembering what Keith had explained to her, you have Galra DNA in you and you could activate it.

She could only hope the blood transfusion she got while on Lotor's ship would be enough.

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