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Pidge held onto Keith tightly as he ran down the halls.

This wasn't exactly what she'd pictured whenever she'd imagined him carrying her bridal style, but there they were.

She tried not to flinch every time Keith tightened his grip on her legs or back but it was ingrained in Pidge at this point that if someone was holding her tightly she'd done something wrong.

Keith frowned when he heard her apologizing for all her crying.

"Don't apologize, where's your bayard?" Keith asked, looking down at Pidge for a moment.

"Tech laboratory." She mumbled, voice muffled by the fact that her face was still firmly pressed into his shoulder.


Pidge looked up, scanning her surroundings.

"Right, two hallways down take a left and then the hallway with the purple Altean symbols on it." She explained, going right back to her hiding spot once she was done.

"Thank you, chickadee." Keith sighed, letting her do whatever she needed to do to feel safer.

Krolia and Kolivan kept by Keith's side while Lance, Shiro and Acxa went to go help Hunk with whatever situation he caused.

The three Galra all moved the fastest anyways, they needed to get Pidge's equipment and get out.

Nothing of Voltron's got left behind.

Keith growled when he saw the scanner on the door. This wasn't something Keith could stab his way through.

"Chickadee," Keith whispered, "can you get us in..?"

Pidge looked up and looked over the door and nodded.

Keith didn't dare put her down, instead just moved close enough so Pidge could do what she needed to do.

The three of them all looked over at Pidge, expecting it to be some extreme hacking situation but it wasn't.

Pidge surprised them all when she just put her hand on the scanner.

They waited two seconds, the scanner turning green and the door opening.

Her armor was up on display and being reconfigured.

The white paneling was gone, replaced by black and the Voltron symbol was being remade into Lotor's symbol.

Her bayard was also in there, wires going into it.

By the looks of it they were trying to figure out what it was made of and how they could make one of their own.

Keith took a deep breath, holding onto Pidge a bit tighter.

They didn't just want to make her into Lotor's emperor, they intended to make her into a soldier.

Someone who could stand a real chance against Voltron.

Krolia was moving to grab the bayard when Pidge jolted.

"Don't touch it!" She yelled, almost jumping out of Keith's arms.

Krolia immediately pulled her hand back, looking back at Pidge with wide eyes.

"Chickadee, can you get it out?" Keith asked quietly, sighing in relief when she nodded.

He was reluctant to let Pidge go and sent her down but he knew that he had to so they could get her things back.

Pidge shakily walked over to the table where the bayard was.

Krolia and Kolivan both grimaced at her state.

She was skin and bones, even the places Lotor had adjusted to look full and healthy looked malnourished.

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