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Keith was locked into a cell that they barely ever used.

Shiro was an entire hall away, and Lance was an entire hall away, and Hunk was an entire hall away, and Matt was an entire hall away, and Acxa was an entire hall away.

He banged on the cell walls and tried to find a way out every second of the day.

They'd been locked away for five days total, barely being fed but plenty of water.

Keith didn't touch it unless he really had to.

After seeing what they did to Pidge, he didn't trust anything they gave to him.

And Pidge.. god he missed Pidge.

He missed her more than anyone could've imagined.

She was the love of his life, the most beautiful woman he'd ever met and a beauty he intended to court and defend till his days ended.

They'd made such strides, she was comfortable in crowds, she was able to move around and do things without having to cling to someone.

She'd let Keith see her, she'd let him see her without her shirt on and let him touch her skin.

She'd let him feel across her marble smooth skin and let him run his hands from her shoulders to her breasts to her hips.

She'd let him press kisses to her skin and make her forget about the large bite mark on her shoulder.

He only did what she said was allowed, never once did he even test her boundaries.

It was clear, she only had three rules.

No touches below her hips.

No being in the same room as her when she was naked.

And last, he kept his damn pants on when they were together. Belt if he was wearing jeans, too.

It was horrifying, the fact that she needed such basic rules that should've just been a standard to feel safe.

But Keith, desperate to give Pidge whatever she needed to feel safe or be happy would be glad to do anything she needed he would give.

If that meant that he never ended up touching her any further than their current boundaries or ever had the possibility of having kits, he'd been calling them kits by instinct since he'd started to learn about Galra culture from Kolivan, he was all too happy to just be with his chickadee.

He just wanted to have her there with him, just have her in his arms and kiss her and make her feel safe.

Keith didn't even want to think about what Lotor had to be doing to her.

How much pain she had to be in without even being able to stop it because of the damn extraterrestrial drugs being pumped into her system.

"Get up." A guard snapped and when Keith looked up he was displeased to see Ezor and Zethrid.

"I'm gettin' up." Keith grumbled, pushing himself to his feet as the door to the cell opened.

"Your turn for a lesson," the girls grinned, pushing Keith along with their guns.

He glared, growling softly at them.

"Watch it," Zethrid hissed, jabbing Keith's shoulder sharply.

He simply frowned, letting them lead him to a room.

It was identical to the one he shared with Pidge but it was on the other side of the Atlas and he'd had almost every piece of white fabric replaced with purple silk.

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