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Pidge didn't know what she'd been put in. It could barely be considered clothing.

She was wearing a pair of shorts smaller than the ones Lance wore when he did his yoga and a crop top that was just barely a crop top instead of a bralette.

But to top it all off was the harness.

It was made of a soft, sturdy material. It constricted her arms to her sides, bound her hands to ankles so she was forced to sit somewhat on her knees but mostly on her thighs.

Whenever she squirmed the device tightened, binding herself tighter together.

The harness wasn't hurting her, the material was far too soft and malleable.
It was clearly only meant to contain and restrict her.

If a certain other half galra came and rescued her she might need to figure out how to make one.

The tightening straps around her ribs and chest didn't stop her from wiggling. Pidge knew there had to be a way to break free.

"Well, don't you look comfy." A smug voice rang out.

Pidge had been so busy struggling she hadn't even realized Lotor had entered.

"Yeah, you're into some kinky shit." Pidge growled, tugging against her bindings again.

"Hush, little one. You don't need to fight." Lotor purred, leaning down and cupping her face in his hand.

"I'll stop fighting the day you stop being a pretentious asshole." She spat, eyes sharp with rage as she jerked her head away.

"Well, you better get cozy. I'm going to get changed. Armor isn't quite downtime clothing." Lotor chuckled, getting up and moving to a door behind her.

Pidge finally took the time to look at her surroundings.

Holy shit.

The room was coating with purple and gold silk curtains and comfortable cushions galore.

In the center of the room was a large, cuticular bed that was easily the size of their rooms in the castle of lions.

Metals, diamonds and overall lavish covered the entire space and off to the side was a small holoscreen.

She was in his bedroom.

Pidge had been put in Lotor's bedroom.

"I'm going to unhook your wrists and put them on the rods next to the bed. I can't imagine the floor is very comfortable." Lotor hummed, leaning down behind her.

His breath on her neck made her shiver and she growled lowly.

Lotor undid the clasps they anchored her hands to her ankles and quickly tugged the small girl across the room.

Pidge was practically flung onto the bed, landing on her back as Lotor chained her hands to a rod above her head at the wall the bed was pressed against.

He had to undo the clasps on her ribs to allow her arms to move, but he simply took the straps he took off and moved them so her ankles were bound to rods at the sides of the bed as well.

"You little shit!" Pidge snapped, tugging at the straps. She wiggles wildly, trying to pull her limbs to her body but she couldn't outdo the strength of the material.

"Hush, little one." Lotor repeated. He was in a simply, loose silk tunic and a pair of loose, also silk pants.

He carefully climbed onto the bed, hands gentle as they slid along her sides.

"Don't fucking touch me!" She yelled, thrashing.

"You're beautiful. Do you know that?" Lotor smiled, ignoring her cursing and yelling. Instead he continued with feeling along her stomach and hips, hands gentle as could be.

"Take your fucking hands off me now!" Pidge shouted, brows furrowed as she watched Lotor slide his hands along her skin.

"Stop yelling; little one. I captured you, and you alone because you are the one thing the others crave." Lotor murmured, leaning over Pidge and smoothing her hair out of her face.
"The other Paladins cannot go on without you. You are everything to them."

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Pidge growled, trashing harder against the bindings.

"You're their everything. Their best friend, their little sister, their genius, their love." Lotor breathed, hand wrapping around her hip.

She hated how his hand could engulf her entire hip and then his thumbs could still ghost over her stomach.

"You, little one, hold so much power.." he leaned over her chest and neck. His strand of hair tickled her skin and made her hiss.

"Get off of me." Pidge snarled, growing concerned at this point.

What in the world was he thinking? What in the world was he doing?!

"I will make you mine. And it will destroy them." Lotor finished, kissing her skin before biting down harshly on the juncture between her shoulder and neck.

Pidge shrieked, body tensing as Lotor sunk his fangs into her flesh.

The pain was otherworldly. She could feel each tooth rip into her and feel the burning of where her skin had been punctured.

Her vision spotted, throat aching as she continued to scream. It hurt. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt.

She didn't even know if she was going to be alive when Lotor eventually unclamped his jaw and minimally pulled away.

"You are mine." He growled, hands pulling her hips flush against his.
"And I will mark you, brand you, bite you, and please you until you, and every other being in this universe understands that."

"Stop." Pidge whimpered, "stop!"

"Your friends can't save you now, you are mine. Now and forever." Lotor snapped, grinding his hips against hers harshly.
"Do you understand?"

"Let me go!"

"I said, do you understand?!" He yelled, one hand securing itself around her throat.

"Fuck you!" She snapped, struggling to force the air out of her lungs.

Lotor tightened his grip, his other hand forcing her leg over his hip as he pressed further against her.

"You're mine. You will be there when I call for you; you will sit when I tell you; you will be there to please me when I say so; and you will keep your mouth shut!" He yelled, "Do you understand?!"

"Stop! Fucking stop!" Pidge shouted, biting her lip as she nearly whimpered at the feeling of him against her.

"Do. You. Understand?!" Lotor repeated, reaching for the waistband of her shorts.

Pidge's eyes widened.

No. This couldn't be happening.

She wouldn't let this happen.

Lotor couldn't do this; she had to stop this.

"Yes! Yes, I understand!" Pidge screamed, tears welling up in her eyes as she tried desperately to get away.

Lotor smiled, his entire demeanor changing as he quickly pulled away from Pidge and stood at the edge of the bed.

"Good! I've got work to attend to, but I'll be back soon with your dinner." He grinned, smoothing out his clothing.

Pidge nodded, tears running down her face. She could only watch as Lotor left and once she was sure she was alone, she sobbed.

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