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Pidge froze as she was dumped into the weapons room, a good twenty soldiers waiting.

They each were large, intimating Galra. The type the others would warn her to be careful about facing off with in a fight.

They all stared her down like she was a piece of meat, eyes undressing her from where she was thrown on the floor.

"Well isn't this a beauty," one of the soldiers grinned, stepping forward.

He cupped her face in his hand, thumbing over her cheek and smiling when she tried to pull away.

The galra didn't let her, his grip on her was firm.

"Please don't," she whispered, feeling his other hand grip the dress she was wearing.

Pidge didn't get another word before the fabric was ripped off her body and hands began to wander across her skin.

"Stop!" She yelled, trying to push them away and squirm.

She hated it, hated the way she hands felt against her body.

Pidge pushes and shoved and cried. She didn't want this, she didn't want any of this.

She didn't want the fingers sliding inside of her cunt or the claws skimming over her breasts and toying at her nipples.

Pidge didn't want the way her jaw was pushed open and fingers were forced down her throat to see how much she could take before she gagged.

The sound of armor being thrown off the side and undersuits being unzipped filled the silence between her sobbing.

She preferred the silence.

Pidge couldn't even shriek when she felt one of them force themselves inside of her.

The Galra was big, unbearably big and the pain was that of another world.

One thrust was all it took for her to begin screaming despite the fingers in her mouth.

It was too much, it hurt like all hell and Pidge couldn't take it.

"You're beautiful," the galra who's cock was currently inside her grinned, "no wonder Lotor intends to claim you."

It was one after the other, inside of her and down her throat and in her mouth.

Some merely just watched and touched themselves, but not a single bit of her was left uncovered.

"You're doing wonderful," the Galra pushing his cock down her throat purred, he gripped her hair tightly, keeping her head in place.

Another gripped her hips, maybe the fifteenth to be fucking her till she couldn't remember what was going on.

Pidge felt light headed, maybe it was from the lack of oxygen or maybe it was from the amount of blood she was loosing from all of the harsh bites on her body.

Either way, it wasn't good.

When her mouth was finally empty she began sobbing and begging them to stop, to take her to Lotor.

She wanted Lotor, god she wanted Lotor.

She wanted his kind words and the soft bed.

Pidge wanted to go back to her peaceful dreams of being able to go home with her team and her special Galra.

The way her body wasn't reacting the pain of the galra inside of her and the claws ripping into her skin was concerning but she didn't seem to care.

She just wanted to be out of that room and back somewhere somewhat safe.

Pidge didn't know when she passed out or how long she was out, but she did know that when she woke up she was curled up in a corner.

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