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Keith's room was coated in scratch marks and his bed was ripped to near shreds.

"Let me out!" Keith shouted any time someone walked by his room.
"I need to find Katie! I need to save her!"

Two weeks.

He'd been locked away in his room for over two weeks.

Only Lance was kind enough to give him updates on the plan or Pidge.

"She's not doing well.." Lance whimpered, sitting on the other side of the door.

"What's Lotor doing to her?" Keith asked quietly, clawing at the floor with nerves.

"He's got her under some spell, she's not fighting him. Just sitting at her side like a dog." Lance growled, just as angry as Keith.

"She's just biding her time." Keith insisted, "she's not that stupid to side with him."

Lance frowned, hugging his knees tightly.

"I hope she is.. I don't want Lotor to have a hold over her.. she doesn't deserve that.."

"She's so young, Lance," Keith said quietly, trying not to cry.
"She's only seventeen.. she shouldn't be dealing with this.."

"Pidge is strong, she can handle herself," Lance murmured, trying desperately to convince himself that she would be alright.

"I don't want her to be hurt, Lance," Keith was crying now, tears rolling down his face as he sniffles.
"I want her to live a normal life and be happy.."

"I know you do, Keith.." Lance said softly, "we all do.."

"I /love/ her, Lance, I love her so fucking much and it's killing me that I can't help her.." Keith sobbed loudly, entire body shaking.

"I want her to be here, to be with me so I can hold her and make her feel better.. I want her to be with me.. I want her to love me back.."

Lance smiled, chuckling a bit.

"What makes you say she doesn't?" He asked quietly.

"I'm half galra, I'm a hot head, I never knew how to talk to her, I yelled at her constantly, all I ever did was order her around, I'm a mess of a leader and she's going to hate me for not rescuing her sooner!" He cried, trying to contain himself as his entire body was overtaken by sobs.

"How do you know she didn't love you for that..?" Lance smiled.

"How could she love any of that?!" Keith sobbed, "I'm a fuck up!"

"Well, if I tell you about her emotional word vomit do you promise you won't tell her that I told you?" Lance chuckled, knowing full well Keith would end up telling her and he'd end up dead for his betrayal to their late night talks.

"Promise.." Keith smiled, he hadn't expected a gossip lesson with Lance to cheer him up as much as it did.

An odd sense of normality came from it, a comforting moment of them just being normal people just ending their teen years.

"She finds the Galra thing to be a ridiculous turn on, which, now I can never look at you when you start to turn Galra the same way again. I didn't need to know about her late night masturbation sessions." Lance gagged audibly at the mere thought of one of his best friends doing such an act.

"She finds your temper and lack of ability to communicate oddly endearing, which, confuses the fuck out of me. I've never met someone who finds miscommunication cute," lance rolled his eyes, sighing softly.

"She does not," Keith chuckled, smiling to himself.

"Oh, but she does! And your shitty leadership skills? When you're not almost getting us killed she finds that cute as well. Pidge just wants someone who's willing to try apparently."

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