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Pidge screeched, voice muffled by the muzzle, when Ezor jammed a weapon into her side.

A piece of metal that electrocuted her and made her see spots by the time the shock was over.

"Good morning." Zethrid smirked, a smug look on her face as Pidge struggled to catch her breath against the muzzle keeping her mouth shut.

She glared at the halfbreed, slowly finding her footing and standing as straight and proud as she could.
Like hell they'd see her down.

"Lotor's going to see you now." Ezor cheered, pushing Pidge forward towards two large and intricately designed doors.

Of course Lotor would do something big and elegant, even in a war ship.

She was surprised when the two just shoved her in then slammed the doors behind her, Pidge would've assumed that they would follow to make sure she didn't try anything.

Her eyes trailed upwards, up the gold steps with a stunning royal purple carpet pooling down them, past the pillars with designs of an Altean who Pidge could only assume was Lotor's mother and past the large throne.

All the way up to Lotor.

He was grinning down at her, his white hair falling to the side as he rested his head on his left fist and crossed his legs.

"So the Green Paladin fell against my troops." He purred, accent as thick as ever.

Pidge shivered at the sight of the halfbreeds eyes.

The once purple toned irises were gone, entire eye filled with a golden yellow like his fathers kind.

Red markings extended down from his lower eyelid, stopping towards the middle of his chin and they curved viciously with his smile.

Pidge was silent, her glare sharp as Keith's bayard as her eyes trailed the prince when he stood.

"There's no need for hostility." Lotor frowned, coming to a stop in front of her.

He reached down, yanking the piece of metal holding her mouth closed off of her.

Pidge hissed at the feeling, the sharp edges of the muzzle cutting her cheeks as it was ripped off.

"Fuck you." She spat almost instantly, aggressive in place of her shock.

Lotor sighed, sounding disappointed.

"Oh, little one, you and that word. It means nothing to me." He said simply, brushing some of her hair behind her ear.
"I don't wish to hurt you, if you do as I say we can work with out peacefully."

"Peacefully my ass. You kidnapped me, and guess what, my friends will find me. They'll find me, and then I'm going to kick your ass!" Pidge snarled, eyes blazing with fury as she struggled against her restraints.

Lotor frowned deeply, his once gentle hand pulling away as he slapped the small human right across the face.

"If you wish to do this the hard way we will." He growled, fangs bared as he looked down on her.

"If your friends want to come find you they can."

"They'll save me."

"Little green Paladin," Lotor said curtly as he gripped Pidge's chin tightly to force her eyes to meet his.
"By the time I'm done with you, your team won't even recognize you."

Pidge paled slightly at the threat.

Done with her?

What in the world did he mean?

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