Chapter 1- Look at you.

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Pietros POV:

*2 years after birth*

''Daddy how does thwis one wook?'' Natalia said softly as she walked out of the closet with a blue princess dress on. '' It's Adorable Nat. Go show dad,'' I said noticing she picked up some of my accent. 

Before she could walk out of the room Peter came to the doorway first. ''Dad! I was gonna go wook for you.'' She giggles. '' Look at you, Beautiful. Did daddy play dress up with you again?'' Peter asked. I chuckled under my breath. '' Anything for our princess,'' I said winking at Nat and opening my arms so she could give me a hug.

 ''Did daddy also do your hair?'' Peter asked as he giggled. '' Yeah do you wike it! Daddy calls it the blob.'' She giggled out as she hugged Me. '' It looks like the works of daddy'' Peter said quietly. ''Come here Princess I'll fix it,'' Peter said as she walked to him. 

Peter softly brushed out the tangles of her hair and pulled it back softly. the brown and silver ombre bursting with personality. He took a blue a grey hair tie and tied her hair in a ponytail. ''There. Even more beautiful than before.'' Peter said as he kissed her head. she ran off to go to Aunt Natasha.

''For a 2-year-old she has a great vocabulary.'' Scott complimented as he turned to his normal size again. '' Well It's the daughter of Peter Parker. What did you expect?'' Pietro said jokingly. ''I expected a 2-year-old who still says 'Goo goo gaga,''  Scott replied. ''Well we can't control how fast her brain can develop. Ant boy.'' Peter barked back. ''Down peter down. ''Ever since the whole birth situation he's been overprotective and a bit more harsh towards people.'' Pietro grinned. ''Yeah okay. Talk to you later guys. I'm gonna go pick up Peanut.'' Scott said as he jumped out the window.

''I didn't know you had so much aggression in you'' I teased. '' Well I guess you learned something new.'' Peter teased. And I pulled him closer. ''Yeah?'' ''Yeah.'' I kissed Peter. ''Aww'' A tiny voice came from behind Us. ''Daddy's!'' Natalia shouted as she came running towards us. ''Nat'' ''Princess'' me and Peter both said at the same time.

''You wanna go get something to eat Natalia?'' Peter asked.  She nodded and yawned. ''Okay let's go,'' I said picking her up and letting her fall asleep on my shoulder. Peter grabbed the keys and I buckled Natalia into her car seat. I soon got to the Passenger seat and we were off to get Lunch. We decided to get Subway since it was cheap.

I got Natalia out of the car and Handed her to Peter. Peter cradled her in his arms as he walked into subway. I through a jacket and a pair of sunglasses on just so I would be less likely noticed. Especially since almost every girl who knows of me has a crush on me. 

I walked into Subway to see Peter Cradling Natalia still at a table. He signaled me to go to order. ''I got what we usually got. Half a cold-cut sub without onions and tomatoes for Natalia. a slightly toasted Meatball sub for Peter and a full Coldcut sub for myself.  Natalia son woke up and started to eat her food.  

We finished our lunch and I then went to go start the car when I got stopped by at least 10 fangirls. Liz was there which I found interesting always thinking she had a crush on Spidey. ''Pietro can I have an autograph?'' ''Can I have a hug'' ''Are you single?'' All came rushed at me. ''Sorry guys I can't stay here I gotta get going. '' I said. Then one of the girls stopped me and started to flirt. '' Heh nope everybody im taken sorry,'' I said. ''By who?'' They all questioned. Peter then came out with Natalia Holding his hand. 

''Come here Nat,'' I said as she ran into my arms and I lifted her up. ''By my boyfriend,'' I said as a kissed Peter and grabbed his hand pulling him back to the car. ''What the hell?'' ''Your Gay?'' ''Aww they are so cute.'' ''They have an adorable daughter'' ''Is that Peter?''

''I'm not Gay. I'm Bisexual'' I said with a smile. ''Bye Bye!'' Natalia shouted and kissed my cheek.'' I buckled her in and drove home. Once we got home I picked Natalia up and took her to Me and peters Room and took a nap with her. 

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