Chapter 12- The Loss Of Pietro Maximoff

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Pietro's Pov:

Peter tossed and turned everywhere on me. I got smacked a few times. That's cool.  Might as well make the best of it. I grabbed him and wrapped my legs around him so he couldn't move them and I hugged his body. Just so it wouldn't get too hot I took the blanket off of him.  

Right as I started to fall asleep I heard something drop. So me being me I got up and slowly opened the door and looked down the hallway. I walked to the kitchen and looked around the living room. Finally, I checked Natalia's room. She was asleep. I looked over where I thought I saw someone standing. It didn't look like a Man or a Woman... More like a boy. I was probably just tired so my mind was playing games. I gave her a tiny kiss and her arm fell off the side of the bed and hung there. I Scooted her Arm back by her side and left the room closing the door.

Wades POV:

''Phew..'' He puffed. I looked at the small 4-year-old girl sound asleep. I scooted her hair off her face and kissed her cheek... ''Goodnight Nat...'' I said... ''Daddy?'' She mumbled... She started to fuss so the was my cue. I softly slid the Window open and climbed out where Wade, my dad caught me. ''Let's get you home before your mom notices.'' He said under the black and red mask hiding his face.

Pietros POV:

''Bastard,'' I whispered as I walked out of Natalia's bathroom. I walked to her window and locked it. I sat at the edge of her bed and fell asleep. 

''Daddy...?'' She said as she patted my cheek. ''Hmm.,'' I said opening my eyes. ''Take me to school?'' She asked. '' Mhmm... One second.'' I said as I dozed off more. She smacked me on my butt. '' Okay okay I'm up. Why'd you have to smack me?'' I asked as I looked at her. '' I didn't He did.'' She said as she pointed to Peter. ''Oh...'' I said as I looked up at him. '' Pietro your sleeping in a small little bed why? '' Peter asked ''There...'' I started with a yawn between my words. ''Was a boy in her room last night,'' I said as I rubbed my eyes. ''A boy? In her room? Last night. The only boy in her room last night was you sleeping beauty.'' Peter mocked. ''No there was a child a Boy. Like a 10-year-old boy in her room. watching her. He snuck out the room from the window.'' I said as I slowly got up. I walked to the restroom in me and peters room. 

I finished brushing my teeth when I heard the elevator ding. I ran to in front of it. ''Fury?'' I asked confused. ''We have a problem. A dangerous problem. Rogers and Stark are already working on it. We need both of you out there right now. I'll have one of the Agents Get Natalia safe at school. But we need you guys to suit up right now. Put this on Pietro. And Peter... Your suit is waiting for you in starks office. ''

''Daddy are you gonna be okay?'' Natalia asked from behind the couch

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''Daddy are you gonna be okay?'' Natalia asked from behind the couch. ''Yeah babe we're both gonna be alright... And once I make it home we'll go to the park okay?'' I told her. Loud planes flew by. the Elevator opened again. and it was one of the agents. '' Let's go, Natalia... Your school is the safest place for you right now.'' the agent said as she lifted up Natalia. ''Pietro..'' Fury said as he stopped me from walking to the elevator with Natalia. ''There's a chance that someone might get hurt... and might not make it..'' He said.. ''Trust me...'' I started as I looked at Peter then shifted my attention to Natalia as the elevator door closed. ''We're gonna make it... But if I seem to not make it... Remind Natalia of the promise ring I gave her...'' I told him as I grabbed the suit off the couch and slid it on.

Natalia's POV:

''Are my dads gonna be okay?'' I asked the Agent who took me away... She stayed quiet... I looked at my hands ''I won't be far'' Daddies voice whispered in my head.. I shook it off and calmed down... I walked into the school without the agent and went to class... I looked at the Tv in the corner of the classroom and then looked at my hands... I waved my hand over it from my desk and it turned on... Mrs.wilson looked up confused. I looked at the TV with the News on and watched as Spiderman and Quicksilver flipped in. Mrs.Wilson looked at me watching Wade watched as well. Pietro Was hit with something and got knocked down. The thing stepped on his throat pinning him down... ''What was it Rogers told you? Stay down wasn't it?'' The thing growled at him. My eyes full of hope I was waiting for him to get out of the thing's grip.

He grabbed a sharp metal bar on the side of him and stabbed the things leg. The thing roared in pain as it grabbed Pietro by the throat and lifted him... '' Rogers get Pietro out of there!'' You could hear fury yelling. ''Get Pietro out of there I repeat somebody get Pietro out of there!'' Fury shouted even more. The thing pulled the bar out of its leg and hit Pietro across the face with it. Pietro, he looked dizzy and was falling out of conscience. It bashed him a few more times over the head. Pietro fought it though... the thing drove the metal sharp rod through Pietro's chest... Pietros body went limp as his eyes stayed open.

''Daddy?'' I said knowing he couldn't hear me. Spiderman swooped down pushing the thing off of Pietro and Pietro's body fell to the ground... Spidey webbed the thing to the wall. ''Pietro come on stay with me...'' Spidey begged as he pulled Pietro's suit off. Blood rushed down Pietro's chest.  Spidey pulled his mask off revealing his true identity... I knew he was spiderman but the public didn't. '' Pietro come on please...'' He begged as he pushed down on the Wound. Pietro weakly brought his hand up to Peters' cheek and wiped the tear off. ''Tell Natalia... I love her...'' He said. '' No Pietro. I don't need to... You're gonna be there to tell her every day. come on, please!'' He shouted. as he held Pietro's hand to his cheek. Pietro's body went limp and his arm dropped to the ground. ''I think we just lost Pietro...'' Fury said with a hard sigh. 

''Daddy!?'' I said even louder as Tears ran down my face. ''Daddy!! Please get up come on!! Please, get up!'' I shouted in the middle of the classroom... Wade walked over and hugged me tight... The blue and silver that came out my hands turned black and pushed everything out my way as I fell to the ground with Wade still holding me. I sobbed into his chest.

I looked back up seeing dada crying against daddy's chest.  daddy's His eyes were still open... I swiped my hand over his eyes on the TV and closed his eyes. I stood back up and Opened the door with the now black chaos magic. Someone at the front desk tried to tell me something but I waved my reality warped him making it seem as though I wasn't there. Wade ran after me... He didn't say anything. he just walked by my side.''So are you a witch too?'' He asked. ''I'm more than a witch. I have speed and I have spider powers. I said as a shot a web at a stop sign. '' When did you get them and how did you get them..?'' He questioned. '' I guess I got inflicted with enough pain it came naturally... 

Peter's POV:

''What!? He semi-shouted through the phone. ''Mr. Maximoff...'' They started. '' Parker.'' I interfered. '' Mr.Parker... We are well aware of the tragic situation... Its just Natalia Turned the TV on and witnessed it as well... She is in Traumatic distress and she ran off After she did something that looked identical to what Your boyfriend's sister can do..'' They stated. ''So you're saying Natalia has powers? Of Chaos... And Reality- warping..?'' I questioned. ''Not only that but I believe she could have both yours and Pietro's powers. '' He said again. '' The SilverSpider...'' I mumbled... ''Okay got it...'' I said as I hung up.

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