Chapter 6- Christmas Eve (part 2)

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Pietro's point of view:

Walking out the restroom and into the closet I found my Christmas sweater that says 'Have an unhappy holiday' I'm not gonna put it on though.I just grabbed a pair of white joggers and slid them on. Peter walked into the restroom wearing white joggers as well. what a coincidence. I turned back around debating weather I wanted to put on a shirt or not.  

Peter came from behind me and slid a Santa hat on me. ''Hold on i know how to make this better.'' he said as he came in front of me. '' M hmm. yep. right there. that's it.'' He said as he pulled front piece of my floofy hair out of the hat. ''You're adorable'' I said as I lifted him up. I planted kisses all on his cheek and neck. '' Why only right there. i also have lips you know'' He said as he put his hands on the back of my neck. '' Of course you do i'm just saving them for Christmas day.'' I said with a wink.

 '' Well can I at least have a test run. Just to make sure your plan works?'' He said with a smile. ''Motivated now aren't you?'' I teased as i slowly kissed him for a few seconds then pulled away. '' I think its working just fine.'' I said a I got up off of him. 

'' Daddy I wanna take a nap with you.'' Came a small tired voice from the other side of the door. ''Okay Come in'' i said as i stepped by the door. She yawned and but her arms up signaling she wanted to be carried. I picked her up and she hugged onto my bare chest. '' Go sleep next to dada'' I said as i put her down on the bed. She crawled to peters side and laid close to his chest. She fell asleep curled int peters chest while he looked at the wall behind her. I laid down behind her putting her in between both our bodies and looked at Peter making his eye sight shift to me. '' I love you'' I said softly. '' I love you too.'' He said as he smiled I pulled his leg onto my waist making a wall for Natalia to sleep in between us. ''Later we should go see Christmas lights. They're really cool.'' Peter said '' Yeah maybe a little bit after the nap.'' I replied as i fell asleep

After the nap

''Daddy looks cold..'' A small voice came with 2 little giggles. '' Give him covers.'' A different little voice came after. '' Cover him up then lets go get you dressed Princess.'' another voice said. I peeked my eye open to see Peter still snuggled up and asleep. I sat up quickly pulling Natalia to my chest. I looked up to see it was just Scott and Peanut.. I let out a heavy Sigh and let go of Natalia. '' Sorry Scott. just got panicked.'' I apologized. '' Wade situation?'' He mouthed. '' Yeah. I'm fine though. just a little scare. I'm gonna like sleep for 10 more minutes.'' I said as a laid back down and felt Natalia pull the blanket up over my bare shoulder. '' Night Night daddy'' she said as she put a kiss on my smooth cheek.

She walked out of the room and I couldn't go back to sleep. Peter woke up and looked at his phone. It was 6 in the Afternoon. ''Morning'' I said making him look over. '' Morning baby'' He said as he yawned. ''It's not even morning its the afternoon but imma just roll with it.'' He said as he put his phone down and turned to me. I smiled at him. '' Should i wear a shirt when we go out?'' I asked sarcastically. '' Yes and if you don't imma wrap myself around you to keep you warm.'' Peter said as he snuggled into my chest. His phone buzzed and we both turned to look at it. 

Peter stayed quiet as he looked at the phone. he started to tear up '' Peter? Peter who is it?'' I asked him taking the phone out of his hand and him turning to me. '' Don't let him hurt me again..'' Peter whispered as i looked at the text. '' Oh i'm not finished with you yet ~Anthony'' the text read. '' Hey look...'' I started as i moved his face to look at me. '' Even if this is actually Anthony... I'm never EVER Gonna let him hurt you or Natalia. I promise.'' I reassured him and wiped away his tears. '' I love you'' I told him. '' I Love you too.'' Peter replied as he hugged me.

''Why is dada crying?'' Natalia asked as she opened the door more. ''He got scared... um.. because uh.. He had a nightmare yeah a nightmare.'' I said not needing her to worry. She climbed in the bed and hugged peter. '' Its okay dada i have those too.. especially the one with the red guy who tried to hurt us.'' She said as she pet Peters hair while hugging him. '' What red guy?'' I asked. '' The red guy with the red and black suit daddy. He try to hurt me and dada... Oh and the one where a boy hurts dada... They're scary...'' She said As she clutched Peter chest. ''Yeah those are some dreams..'' i said quietly ''well go wait with uncle Scott in the living room while me and dada gets dressed princess.'' i added. she walked out the room and shut the door. 

''How does she know about wade and Anthony? Im pretty sure her sperm cell wasn't even in you yet when Anthony happened. And how could she possibly know about Wade. i mean we haven't seen wade for years. and now she remembers him?'' I said confused. '' Well she is half Mutant and half radioactive. but i highly doubt she meant Wade or Anthony. it could've been anybody else.''Peter said knowing its not not possible. '' But what if she has the power to do that.. and its just coming her to her in small bits cause shes young. Plus have you seen the way she runs? Its incredibly fast.'' I said '' Pietro. Honey. Baby. She's your daughter. Like you can run to japan and back in like 3 seconds. She has great athleticism cause of your mutant genes.'' Peter said ''Uh Actually its 2 seconds.'' I added. 

i got up and put a shirt on also grabbing one of my coats and putting it on.  Peter did the same. he put on his jacket then his coat.

''Come on slow poke lets go.'' I said as i Put his coat hood over his head. He pushed the hoodie off of his face so he could see and i kissed his cheek before opening the door and walking out to Natalia sitting in Scott's lap waiting. '' Hey princess want Grandpa Tony to come?'' I teased. '' YEAH! can Grandpa Steve come too. please please please?'' She begged. '' Of course'' peter said as he lifted her up out of Scott's Lap. '' Scott you coming?'' I asked '' Huh what oh yeah.'' He said as he turned off sponge bob. ''Very Mature'' Wanda said with a grin. ''Uh you cant go anywhere without aunt Natasha. Peter.'' Natasha added. '' Family Christmas eve yay. Lets not bring a mechanical Dude to come and ruin it for my family.'' I added gesturing towards vision. ''Shut up.'' Wanda mumbled. '' Cut it out Pietro.'' Peter said to me as he kissed me. I picked Natalia up out of Peter arms and held his hand as we all stepped into the spacious elevator.

Tony and Steve showed up at the bench where we were all waiting. '' Papa!'' Natalia said as she saw Tony coming. She stood up and Hugged him. he picked her up and she kissed his cheek. she than ran back to me. '' Hey old mans'' I said as i got up and patted Steve on the shoulder. '' Hey dad.'' Peter said as he went up and side hugged Steve '' Im also your dad.'' Tony said with a pout. ''Right. Hows it going old man.'' Peter said teasingly. Tony rolled his eyes and ruffled Peters hair.

As we all walked around everybody took pictures but nobody came and said anything to us. until Someone shouted '' Fucking Queers'' then I barked back '' Fucking Homophobe!'' I smiled as a flicked them off. '' Faggot'' Someone started yelling '' Yeah i really wish your pussy ass selves would come and say it to our faces.'' Peter said as he covered Natalia's ears. ''Language peter..'' Steve said. Someone walked up and leaned over to Peters ear and said '' Faggot.'' Peter grabbed them and Punched them right in the throat. '' Damn. When did you start fighting. i thought it was my job.'' i teased.Natalia laughed.'' Say it to his face and i can promise you it can be worse.'' Peter said with a smile as the dude stood back up. he walked away and soon enough we were finished Looking at lights and ready to go hang out and sleep. So that's what we all did. we walked onto me and Peters floor and we all passed out on the couch.

Dad Is Visting Daddy For A While, Princess || Silverspider Family. ( Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now