Chapter 11-First day of school.

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Natalia Pov:

''Okay Nat you're gonna have a great day and Uncle Bucky is gonna pick you up Okay?'' Peter said to me. '' Yes dad I know,'' I replied grabbing my blue and pink backpack. ''Here don't forget your lunch,'' Pietro said as he handed Me the lunch kit off the counter. ''Daddy I wanna take My tiny Tsum Tsum,'' I said as I pointed to the Tsum Tsum of quicksilver. '' Okay, Don't lose it.'' He said as he grabbed it and put it in the side pocket of my backpack. '' Aunt Nats gonna take you since Daddy and I have to go on a mission with bucky and grandpas, Okay?'' Peter asked me told me. ''Okay daddy,'' I replied as I looked down making sure my shoe was tied. '' Okay let's go Natasha's waiting downstairs,'' Pietro said as he lifted me up and walked over to the elevator. Peter ran over before the elevator door closed and stepped in.

Once we got down to the lobby Aunt Natasha gave me a hug. '' Hey Mini-me!'' She said as she hugged me. '' Hi Aunt Tasha!'' I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. ''Let's get you to school and once you get out I'll try to get there before Uncle Buck and take you to get ice cream.'' She whispered with a wink. '' Okay Nat we gotta go'' Pietro said as he gave me a kiss then peter followed. '' Bye dada's!'' I said as they walked away down the hall into a room. '' Let's go Nat don't wanna be late.''

We finally got to the school Where Aunt Natasha parked and walked me in the also sign me in. I looked through the window and saw a familiar face... It was Wade! The boy from the park that one time. but he was like 5 or 6 years older then me so what was he doing in the Kindergarten section? '' Hello Im Natasha Romanoff. Im Natalia Maximoffs Aunt and im just here to sign her in.'' Natasha introduced herself as she got to the desk. '' Ahh yes Ms. Romanoff. We're excited to have A former Avengers daughter here at our school. If you ever have a problem please Call us whenever it is needed.'' The man at the desk said. ''Okay Mini-Me... You ready to go in there make new friends and kick Schools butt?'' Natasha asked me I nodded my head. '' Okay, let's go.'' She said as she grabbed my hand walked me into the classroom.

''Okay everyone here comes the special student.'' The teacher said as I walked in. Everyone clapped which completely had me confused. '' H- Hi.,'' I said with a smile as I scanned the room... '' Everyone, say Hi to the Former Avenger, Quicksilver's, Daughter, Natalia Maximoff'' The teacher said as she walked over to me. '' Hi Natalia.'' ''Hey Nat'' All the kids said including Wade. I just waved as my cheeks blushed a crimson red. A girl in the back started whispering as I sat down a few seats in front of her. '' Bye Natalia.'' Aunt Natasha said as she smiled at me and walked out of the classroom. I looked through the window seeing her leave the building. 

'' Her Eyes are weird. And who did her hair..? it looks super weird.'' The girl who was whispering said to another little girl. they then started giggling. I lowered my head being a bit scared... ''Psst... Is your dad spiderman?'' A boy next to me asked. I looked over at him but then looked back down at the alphabet sheet. I already knew all of it so it seemed boring. ''Do you have powers?'' Another girl asked. '' Leave her alone. She's not here to be bothered with a whole bunch of questions.'' Wade said as he walked over and put the paper down on my desk. He then walked back to the teacher and sat down at her desk. 

The teacher started walking towards me and Pulled a chair next to me. I continued to work while becoming a bit nervous. '' Hey Natalia... Im Mrs. Wilson...'' She said as she looked at me. '' Hi Mrs.Wilson'' I replied and I went back to work... '' Are you Wades Mom?'' I asked ''Yes... How'd you know?'' She asked fairly confused. ''I've met him before at the park when I and my dad went,'' I said as I continued to finish the sheet. She nodded her head and walked away. ''She looks like a dog.

''She looks like an Australian Shepherd dog.'' another little girl replied to the first girl. '' I'm Not a dog.'' I turned around and said. '' How'd you even hear us. We're 4 seats away and whispering.'' ''She's just a freak.'' Another little girl said. I turned around as my eyes watered... '' I want Aunt Natasha to come back..'' I mumbled quietly to myself. ''Psst... Hey Natalia... Raise your hand and ask to use the restroom. trust me.'' Wade said as he walked past me 

I raised my hand and Mrs.Wilson quirked her eyebrow at me '' May I please use the restroom?'' I asked nicely. ''Yes, Wade please assist Natalia down the hall.'' She told Wade ''Yes ma'am.'' He said as he walked towards the door and opened it for me. We both walked out of the room. '' Don't be scared cause it's your first day. Your dad or Aunt or whatever is gonna pick you up In a few hours.'' He said as he wiped a tear off my cheek. '' I'm not crying cause im scared Wade..'' I sniffled. he looked at me... '' Those girls way behind me were making fun of me cause of my eyes and hair,'' I told him. '' Your Hair looks fine. To be honest your hair is awesome! And your eyes are super unique.. really pretty. You look fine Natalia. Here, when you come to school think of me as an older brother who is gonna protect you.'' He said as he walked me to the restroom. ''Thank you, Wade...'' I said as I hugged him. He was a bit taller than me so I wrapped my arms around his belly. ''Anytime kid. Go wash your face and get a drink of water.'' He directed me as he patted my head. 

I did as he said and met him sitting outside the restroom waiting.

A few hours past of him checking up on me and it was finally time to go home. Instead of Bucky or Natasha picking me up I heard shouting and people cheering. Daddy walked in along with Peter. ''Daddy!'' I said as I ran into his arms and buried my face into his shoulder. ''Whats wrong princess?'' He asked I stayed quiet. All the kids stared at Pietro in Amazement. ''That's her dad...?'' One of the kids asked... ''They look so alike.'' Another girl said. ''Still doesn't explain her weird eyes.'' one of the mean girls said '' Her 'weird eyes' are a mix of Pietro and Peters eyes smart one.'' I heard Wade bark at one of the girls. she looked at him and stuck her tongue out at him. Peter quirked his eyebrow at him. Wade smiled back. ''It's one of those kids from the park..'' Peter whispered to himself. ''What?'' Pietro said as he came to look at Peter. ''Oh nothing. I didn't say anything.'' He said. I twirled my fingers behind Pietros back still holding onto him. Silverish blue streaks started to whirl around my fingers. Till daddy called my name. It stopped.

''Hmm?'' I said as I looked at him. ''Wanna say bye to anyone...?'' He asked. ''I looked at wade and he gave a soft smile I then looked at the mean girls and looked down then back at wade he shook his head trying to let me know not to listen to them. '' No... I'm fine'' I said as I laid my head back on his shoulder. I looked at his Neck seeing a small cut. I softly laid my hand against it while the silverish blue streaks danced around my fingers. It healed him. I looked at my hand confused... He turned and I looked towards Wade and then at the Mean girls again. The silverish Blue came back and I concentrated it on the mean girls. All of a sudden her papers flew off her desk and the silverish blue yanked her hair. She shouted in pain and in terror. I giggled to myself and Wade looked at me in amazement. he laughed. '' Pietro looked back to see what happened and so did Peter. Peter walked over and almost picked up her papers. I concentrated the Silverish Blue streaks on him and made him drop them and walk back. ''Hey!'' The girl said. He came back next to Pietro and snapped out of it. He looked at The girl in the back confused.  

Once we got home and ran to my room and closed the door. I played around with it. Looking closer at it. it looked a lot like Aunt Wanda's powers. I tried testing different thing. Like my Speed. And my strength. and My radioactive abilities. I didn't have any more speed than I usually do which isn't nearly as fast as daddies. and I didn't have anything close to Dada's powers. I tried my strength like grandpa steve. I didn't have more than a 4-year-old should have. I picked up a piece of paper and threw it at the door when it opened. I smiled and pretended that I just regularly threw the paper. Daddy dodged it fast enough so it was fine. I looked down at my hands and smirked then ran to the living room and watched TV.

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